Mods, if there's a problem with this, it belongs somewhere else, or there's already a thread like this, please point me in the right direction.
Okay, so I was just wondering what bugs you the most that people don't know about Narnia. I mean like people that have seen the movies, read a book or two. And they don't know something that's so obvious to you as a Narnia fan. For example, mine is, when people think Mr. Tumnus' name is Mr. Thomas. When people call him Thomas it drives me CRAZY. Guess I'm just obsessed.
So what are some of ya'll's?
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
One thing that drives me bonkers amongst movie fans is that The Professor = Mr. Tumnus and Mrs. Macready = The White Witch. I don't know if they think this to be a literal transformation (through some biological transformation not yet discovered by earthly science), or if they're merely convinced that the Pevensie's whole life in Narnia was a dream, and that Tumnus and the White Witch were merely manifestations of their current situation. . . but either way it irks me.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I've actually never heard that one before...but wow, that's interesting!!! Another one of mine that has bugged me to no end are some friends of mine who thought (I'm not sure if they still do or not) that the White Witch turned creatures to ice, not stone, because they claimed Tumnus was melting when Susan, Lucy and Aslan found him.
Co-president of the BGMCA club. <--- don't remember what that was but I left it for the nostalgia
Buds: 5, Twin Blank! <--- also don't remember who Twin Blank was. Find me if you're out there, lost one.
What drives me crazy is when Narnia is compared to Harry Potter. All the newspaper articles and reviews always go back to Harry Potter when talking about Narnia (i.e. the train station in PC is referenced as being taken from HP). I was especially irked when a recent review of upcoming fall/winter season films gave HP prase while scolding VDT because it was "just another sequel". As if HP would do well because it's a film from a book series while VDT would not beacuse it was just another sequel (as if the writer has no clue that Narnia is a series of books as well, written long before HP). It will probably be the same with LB, being the seventh film, and therefore "copying" HP by doing seven stories as well.
Other than that, I usually don't have any problems with Narnia references when listening to people talk about it. They either know everything or nothing at all.
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
It bugs me that they turned the Telemarines into Spanish descent, when Caspian is clearly described in VDT to be of Caucasian, possibly Norsemen, descent. That bugs me .
I hate it when people say that Aslan's Country is heaven and try to make everything an allegory. Sure, Lewis was a Christian and that influenced his writing, but he made it quite clear it is NOT an allegory. Another one is the one that Lion's Emblem mentioned with Harry Potter.
I saw the movie....and was disappointed
The misspelling of names. Caspain for Caspian, Alsan or Aslon for Aslan, and especially, Narina for Narnia.
Also, when it is assumed that JRR Tolkein and Lewis copied from each other's work. Whichevery way the assumptions fly, it's annoying, and those who know know that they were friends who built off of each other, not copied.
My friend, who has never read the books, insists that I'm saying the title wrong. She says that the correct way to say it is "Nardia", with a D. She says that she knows this because "her friend owns the movie" and that's the way her friend says it. LOL
It isn't really Narnia knowledge lack that annoys me, it is the people who yell "For Narnian! And for Aslan!" when they are just making fun of Narnia.
memento mori
What annoys me is how some people think there is only one story, LWW. I know it's the most popular, but to think it's the only one? LoL
When people think that Eustace and Jill become a King and Queen. That is annoying!
Pray for Skandar member! PM Benjamin to join!
I saw the film on Opening Day!
When all else fails, read the Instructions!
When people watch the movies and think they know everything about Narnia without having read the books
Also, when it is assumed that JRR Tolkein and Lewis copied from each other's work. Whichevery way the assumptions fly, it's annoying, and those who know know that they were friends who built off of each other, not copied.
That really annoys me too, I had a friend who was telling me all that once, and I felt very upset, but took great care not to show it as I explained as calmly as I could that they didn't copy from each other at all
always be humble and kind
Hmmmm.. when they thought a girl was the one who betrayed the Pevensies when it was really a boy, Edmund.
"Two sides of the same coin"
my same pet peeve goes along the lines on what aragon2 said. I meet a lot of Narnia fans who think they know everything without reading the books. One in particular towards the end of last semester that me and my good friend on here DamselJillPole came upon in college. We were sitting in a separate bench from these teenage college students and one of them got on the topic of Narnia another person asked if another Narnia movie was coming out, she replied "Yes it comes out later this year and if you are wondering if Caspian sees Susan again they do and they are going to live together as king and queen. They meet again on some island called Ramda Island. Something like that."
I wasn't going to say anything I was only laughing to myself but DamselJillPole being her sarcastic self said: "It's pronounced Ramandu's Island not Ramda." and the girl was shaking her head and said thanks. Then Damsel asks if she read the books because "I'm a big Narnia fan too!"
Then the girl looked really nervous, and you can tell that I and Damsel were enjoying it. Having to do with a Suspian lie and all in front of actual Narnia fans. The girl asked "Oh there are Narnia books?!"
Damsel and I only glanced at each other and got up. We looked at the people the girl was lying to and Damsel said "If you do prefer Suspian then the next Narnia movie isn't for you." so we just left and began laughing so hard.
Not Suspian!
Avatar: DamselJillpole Sig: Tarkheena