...to you? What makes the series so special to you? What does it have, or what did it make you feel or evoked or conveyed or simply did to be ingrained into your heart that you consider it so special and important? This could be a personal thing or something more technical, but it has to be something that made you love and appreciate this series.
So, feel free to share your thoughts.
"Through vigilance and strength we create peace."
I just want to be hidden in the shadows... this silence; this cold.
I think I just posted this on another thread, but I really like how Lewis makes being child-like (not childish) so much fun. These are children's books, but adults love them too.
That, and, who doesn't love the first book about a normal child discovering a magical world in something as commonplace as a wardrobe?
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
I am a young Christian. Through Narnia, I, like Aslan said at the end of VDT, learned to know Him better here by knowing him a little in Narnia.
Another reason why Narnia is so special is the characters. It may not seem so at first, but their characters have so much depth, you even feel emotional for them. I was reading MN not too long ago, and I really started to feel for Digory's character throughout the story.
There will be no other C.S. Lewis ever. May he ever live in the stories.
Shy Galadriel placed it so well and that is exactly how I feel about these series too. It's the innocence of being childlike (and not chidish) is what makes these stories very special.
When I would always read them I would go to a secret spot in the woods behind my older house and sit by a creek and read them, my imagination would make me feel like I was Lucy or Jill off on adventures.
I still watch the BBC's every now and then and I'll fall asleep when it's on and it'll drag me into Narnia when I sleep. The stories really are precious to me because it reminds me that I can still be childlike.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Because of Aslan.
That, and the books are much easier to get into than many other fantasy books. Maybe it is the length. Or the settings. Or the language use. It is easy to get into them- but they are not overly simplistic, nor just for very young children. They do not have too much detail. They develop the characters and depict the scenarios without overly prolonging the narrative.
I truly think they have something for everyone.
The books are each so unique and creative. Lewis gives them so much depth and you fall in love with all of the characters, especially Aslan. A boy wrote to Lewis and said he loved Aslan more than Jesus! The themes really shine through and teach me so much. It's like I am reading a fantastic story and getting closer to God at the same time.
Narnia is special to me cause it takes me to a place that I love to be, it brings a magic world to life and makes me feel like I am in that world. Of course Aslan is a huge part of it, take him out of the series and they lose all their shine
I agree with ShyGladrial that the childlike innocence that is in Narnia is something that make is unique, make it special.
The way it is written I think also helps, it's written in the practical yet magic way that a child can think, I am often amazed at how Lewis could understand children so well, it teaches themes and principles in a most interesting way, another thing that add to it's magic and wonder to me
always be humble and kind
I have basically grown up reading the books. ever since I read LWW when I was 5 years old, I have been hooked I grew up watching the BBC movie adaptions and then along came the Walden versions
it's part of my life
I'll never leave Narnia
a part of it will always be with me
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Narnia has all the fantasy and imagiantion that I like, just imagine that you are going to a world outside this one, and forget all.... it's great
Make your choice, adventurous Stranger; Strike the bell and bide the danger, Or
wonder, till it drives you mad, What would have followed if you had.
Nice thread.
Narnia brings back the magic of storytime more than anything else I have read as an adult. I remember being very little and being so excited when my dad would either read or make up stories. I guess the excitement came from the possibilities being infinite. As an adult, reading Narnia brings back those same feelings.
Lewis was a master at doing so much with so little. The Narnia stories seem so simple on the surface....but there is actually so much going on. I don't think I appreciated this fully until I started doing videos about the Narnia books, and struggled to fit my thoughts into a YouTube-friendly length.
As time goes by, the Narnia books seem more and more special. Lewis seldom resorted to cliches. For example, many battles end with reinforcements coming in to save the day. In LWW, Lewis did that, but showed it from the point of view of the rescuers, which made it seem fresh.
Lewis also didn't include a villain, or really any imminent threat at all, in VDT...and yet it's my favorite in the series.
there are many resons why I love Narnia, but it will be hard to explain.
Narnia is somewhere you can escape, its so magical. and I'm sure almost everyone belivies in magic whether they know it or not. my mother told me that when she read LWW she kept trying to get to Narnia through her grandmother's wardrobe. and its simple enough so a child can read it, but the books go deeper than you think. I remember reading the LWW for the first time and then the next day, it snowed. and of course that was perfect, sort of magical. and Aslan, he is THE Lion, there is something wonderful about him. like Lucy said in VDT: "it's Isn't Narnia, you know, it's You..." I can't think of how else to tell how much Narnia means to me.
it's just, PERFECT
if there was no aslan it would be not near as good. and the characters they are so much better then in other fantasy books. and animals can talk!
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012