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[Closed] What happens if you die in Narnia?

NarniaWeb Guru

I was wondering what happens if someone from our world dies while in Narnia. I think Peter was wondering this in movie PC, but I don't remember if it was mentioned in the books. Did Lewis ever address this?

Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]

Keeper of the Secret Magic

Topic starter Posted : December 27, 2010 1:17 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Yes, he did. Eustace in the Last Battle asked Jill
"What happens if we die here?"
"Well...we'll be dead, I suppose."
"But, I mean, what happens back at home? Shall we just vanish and never be heard of again? Or shall we wake up and find ourselves back on that train? Or shall we be dead in England?"

I don't have the book on hand, so that is done from memory, sorry about any mistakes. 8-|

However, he never made it clear what exactly the answer was to that. We know that *Major Spoiler Alert* Before everyone is transferred to Narnia in the Last Battle, all seven friends are killed in England, live for a little while in Narnia, and then die there too. They then travel to Aslan's country. (apologies to mods, usually I have a spoiler option, but for some reason I don't now. This is not my usual computer)

So no, I don't think the question was ever answered. But hope that bit of information helped! :D

Posted : December 27, 2010 3:03 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

-centaur- has it right. The question is never actually answered in the Chronicles, only briefly pondered.

Posted : December 27, 2010 4:12 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

Oh ok, thanks. :) I guess it is a mystery as to what the answer is. But that sjust makes the books a bit more awsome! :D

Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]

Keeper of the Secret Magic

Topic starter Posted : December 29, 2010 6:02 am
NarniaWeb Nut

I think it depends on if you belong there. For instance; Jill and Eustace died in Narnia, but their home was in England, so their bodies showed up there. King Frank and Queen Helen, on the other hand, must have died at one point, but their bodies probably didn't show up in England because Aslan had made Narnia their home.

Basically, my guess is that you die and your body shows up where Aslan decides you truly belong.

Posted : December 29, 2010 6:57 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

For instance; Jill and Eustace died in Narnia, but their home was in England, so their bodies showed up there.

ChristProclaimer, where is your evidence for this? Because as far as memory serves me, nothing is said about Jill and Eustace's bodies. For all we know. . . they merely vanished, and left no evidence of their having been on the train at all. Just because Aslan told them that they were "dead," doesn't necessarily mean that their bodies somewhere in the train.

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : December 30, 2010 3:12 am
Lucy of Narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Well, even though Queen Helen (and other Narnians) died, they's be in Aslan's Real Country when they died. Jill (and other humans), if Aslan had not called them to His Real Country before they died in Narnia would have gone there too, after dying in Narnia, and never died again. As far as bodies, I assume that Jill's and the others' bodies were in England. They died there, but their souls were transported to Narnia, where they had there bodies still there.

I hope I;m making sense... :)


Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
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Posted : December 31, 2010 9:52 am
NarniaWeb Junkie

Maybe it's like an Inception thing. Like, once you die, you go back to England/our world. Because in Narnia, what happens physically there does not affect you in our world. For example, the Pevensies grew up in Narnia but became young again when they came back. They lost the ability to do things such as swim. Dying there wouldn't affect you here.

Posted : January 15, 2011 3:15 am
Miss Rosario
NarniaWeb Guru

Hm. I always supposed that if one died in Narnia, they would automatically be transported back to our own world, thus ending their journeys into Narnia. I don't think their bodies would just... vanish. Then, after they died in our world, perhaps they would go to Aslan's country (or else to the "real" England, where they could still visit the "real" Aslan's country whenever they wished to).

Meh. I guess it will always be a mystery, won't it?

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Posted : February 11, 2011 10:35 am