Here’s another challenge. What are your top ten favorite scenes from the Narnia Books? BOOKS ONLY - no scene unique to the movies (i.e. no melting river or night raid ) It is no fair listing a whole book as your favorite scene.
A scene should be no longer than a chapter. I will allow that you can list fourteen favorites if you must (that allows for two per book but you do not have to choose two per book to do fourteen). Also a scene should consist of more than just a couple lines of dialogue (I intend to start a thread for favorite quotes in the near future so mini dialogues can go there). Explain at least your favorite scene but explanations are always nice. You might also want to compare it to your list of favorite books. Here’s my list:

It is interesting to note that LWW is my favorite book and only two scenes from it and my second favorite book (HHB) made it to the list. PC is my third favorite book but contains three of my favorite scenes. MN and LB are 6 and 7 on my list of favorite books so it is not surprising that neither book has scenes that made it to my top ten list.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
1. The last scene in LB where everyone is called up into the center of the garden and Aslan cheers up Puzzle and explains to everyone that they're dead(sounds really morbid, I know, but it's not). I like it when the realization hits and they know that they're never going to leave Narnia again. And then comes the end and one of my absolute favorite book endings of all time. *happy sigh*
2. The scene where Tirian calls to the children from the other world and finds himself at the dinner party in England. I've just always been able to imagine exactly what it looks like and I can hear his exact inflections in my head when I read it.
3. When Puddleglum stands up to the Witch in SC. Puddleglum starts out so herioc and gives an awesome speech, and then he's just himself again and is all gloomy about not living very long in the Witch's black hole of a world. Hooray for Puddleglum!
4. The edge of the world in VDT. Especially the parts where Reepicheep throws his sword into the sea and when Lucy breaks into the narrative to describe the music they heard coming from the mountains behind the sun. "It would break your heart. 'Why, was it so sad?' Sad? No."
5. The scene in HHB when Shasta is riding through the mountain pass and Aslan is walking beside him in the fog. Aslan was there throughout all of Shasta's life at the critical moments, and when he finally reveals himself I get goosebumps.
6. In MN when the animals try to plant Uncle Andrew. It always makes me laugh.
7. Dancing Lawn in Prince Caspian when all the animals and assorted creatures each think something different should happen and Pattertwig runs around telling everyone to be quiet. Again, makes me laugh.
8. The scene where Digory gives his mother the apple. It's such a tender moment.
9. Ramandu's Island during the sunrise. It's thrilling. And as Edmund says "There are lot of moments that sound more exciting, but that was really the most exciting." (not sure if that was an exact quote, but that was the jist of it)
10. Ramandu's Island again, a little earlier, after Ramandu's Daughter tells the story of the three sleepers. And then Caspian goes up to her and tells her about Sleeping Beauty. It's soooo romantic.
I like that scene where they chase the bullies off too, pp. And I always thought it was funny that they yelled "Fascists!"
1. The end of The Last Battle, when the friends of Narnia, Tirian and others recognize that they are in New Narnia and from that moment to the end of the book. It's just beautiful.
2. The destruction of Narnia, when friends of Narnia and Tirian are looking through the door with Aslan. A great, dramatic scene.
3. The conversation between Aslan and Shasta in the mountains. Great symbolism, a very beautiful and mysterious scene.
4. The Pevensies and Trumpkin follow Lucy and meet Aslan in Prince Caspian, before the boys and the dwarf go to the How. It tells a lot about their personalities and, again, it's a beautiful scene.
5. Puddleglum's speech in the castle in Underworld. It's at the same time funny in it's pessimism and impressive in the steadfastness.
6. The creation of Narnia. Beautiful (I seem to use that word a lot) and impressive.
7. When Tirian suddenly appears in the dining room in the Last Battle and we see the friends of Narnia through his eyes. It's quite interesting.
8. The discussion between the Tisroc and Rabadash in the old Palace. It's quite interesting to see their view about Narnia. And their way of talking is quite funny.
9. The meal in Anvard and Aslan turning Rabadash into a donkey. It's quite funny.
10. This is a hard one... Perhaps the meeting between Lucy and Aslan in Prince Caspian, the scene starting from the moment Lucy awakes and ending when she is trying to wake the others. It's quite a nice scene, and partly quite thought-provoking and beautiful.
I actually nearly run out of favorite scenes after the first six . I have only a few true favorites and a large group of scenes I really like.
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I like that scene where they chase the bullies off too, pp. And I always thought it was funny that they yelled "Fascists!"
That makes me feel less evil.
Beautiful (I seem to use that word a lot)
I know how you feel. For me the word was "funny"
I actually nearly run out of favorite scenes after the first six
I had trouble too, only I got to seven.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
1. Pevensies getting into Narnia for the first time, no two ways about it.
2. The supper with the Beavers. Very nostalgic and colorful, I think.
3. Dufflepuds scene in VDT, pure comic relief and a little thought-provoking if you think about it.
4. Peepiceek offering to cut off his tail if his chief,Reepicheep, is denied the honor.
5. Narnia's creation, where it all began.
6. Polly and Digory planting the Toffee Tree. Another sweet part, but also the scene that led to a whole other book: LWW.
7. Fledge (or Strawberry) getting his wings from Aslan.
8. Lucy meeting Coriakin, this is a sweet bit in the book.
9. Eustace and Jill being instructed by the great owls.
10. Lucy and the mermaid shepardess finding each other in the sea of white lilies. It's one of my favorites because it makes you wonder what would have happened had they gotten the chance to know each other.
Ah, there are some scenes with no dialogue that I'd like to put, but they're too short.
10. (Notice I'm counting down.)
Lu/Ed joining the DT
9. Turkish Delight
8. Arrival at Aslan's Camp
7. Dancing Lawn
6. Meeting Trumpkin
5. Return to Cair Paravel
4. Meeting Puddleglum
3. Puddleglum's Loyalty and Bravery
2. Through the wardrobe
1. Arrival at Aslan's Country
1. The scene in LB when Aslan tells everyone that they are all 'dead' in England and are going to stay in his country forever
2. The scene in VDT where Aslan tells Lucy and Edmund that they must come to know him better in their world and that is why they were brought to Narnia in the first place
3. IN HHB when Shasta first meets King Lune and King Lune starts to realise who he is
4. In MN When Polly and Digory float on a sea of gold when Aslan is bringing them back from narnia to England
5. In LWW when Peter saves Susan and Lucy from the wolf and they cry but 'no one thinks any the worse fo you for that kind of thing in Narnia'
6. In VDD when Lucy turns after reading to see Aslan and looks almost as beautiful as the Lucy in the beautifying spell
7. In PC when Trumpkin meets Aslan for the first time and he is TERRIFIED
8. In SC when Jill, Eustace and Puddlegum decide to release Rilllian from the chair even though they think he may be mad and may kill them all
9. In LWW when the beavers mention Aslan for the first time and Peter, Susan and Lucy's reactions
10. The corination scene in LWW when Aslan crowns the Pevensies and gives them their titles (Peter the Magnificant etc.) and tells them once a Queen or King of narnia always a King or Queen of Narnia, bear it well sons of Adam, bear it well Daughters of Eve'
3. When Puddleglum stands up to the Witch in SC. Puddleglum starts out so herioc and gives an awesome speech, and then he's just himself again and is all gloomy about not living very long in the Witch's black hole of a world. Hooray for Puddleglum!
4. The edge of the world in VDT. Especially the parts where Reepicheep throws his sword into the sea and when Lucy breaks into the narrative to describe the music they heard coming from the mountains behind the sun. "It would break your heart. 'Why, was it so sad?' Sad? No."
I don't have my 10 yet, it will take me awhile, but I think two of my favorites would have to be these as well!