I want to hear these so bad. Any one have any suggestions where I can hear them?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Any one have any suggestions where I can hear them?
The Focus on the Family or the BBC? The Focus on the Family Radio Theatre versions can be found at most Christian bookstores. Or you could try the library, the local one here has them.
I got the FotF set for Christmas a few years ago and I LOVE them! They are so fun. It's also nice for if you don't know exactly how to pronounce a name or something to hear them say it.
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.
My Dad bought the Focus on the Family radio drama about 4 years ago, we listened to nothing else for about a year . (not really but close) I think they did an awesome job, although as someone mentioned before I really dislike Aslan's voice, and now when I read the books I imagine that voice, and try as I might I can't get Neeson's voice in my head for long.
I LOVE these dramas. These are what originally got me into Narnia... Yes I started reading them before I listened to them but these dramas made the stories more real for me.
Co-founder - NW for HP & The Missing Club
I've actually never listened to the books on audio format so maybe I'll check these out.They seem to be getting high praise around here.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I love the FOTF Narnia audio dramas! I suppose my family and I are different though, we loved Aslan's voice, and were rather disappointed when we heard Aslan in the movies. It just doesn't sound as majestic.
Even to your old age and gray hairs
I am He, I am He who will sustain you.
I have made you and I will carry you;
I will sustain you and I will rescue you.
- Isaiah 46:4
Is the VDT radio drama rendering pretty good? I'm thinking about purchasing the set if it's pretty faithful to the source material.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
Yes, they are all really well done. Definitely worth the buy if you are a fan.
I recently bought the Focus on the Family VDT radio/audio play through Audible off of Amazon and I think it's a great combination of narration and voice acting. It's a comfort for getting over VDT movie disappointment. I like the intros by Douglas Gresham. The only thing I have a prob with is that the voice actor for Reep sounds slightly like an older woman trying to sound like a mouse.... Characterization is full and rich.
And the sound effects/background noises are well done as well as the scoring. Sort of like an audio movie.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
I got the CDs for Christmas, getting one a year until I had the whole set. I fell in love with Narnia because of them and are the reason I am such a huge Narnia fan. I have definitely listened to the CDs more than I have read the books and 99% of what I know about Narnia is from listening to them (yes, I am aware that there are differences, but I know basically all the differences). I fall asleep listening to it every night, so I have the whole intro to The Silver Chair memorized!
Lilygloves, I know exactly what you mean. They are such beautiful and faithful adaptations, that I don't think it is a problem that you listen to them more than you have read the books! I too have listened to them over and over and over again, and realise that the Narnia I love can never be killed by a movie adaptation, because every time that I listen to these audio dramas, or re-read the books, I rediscover the Narnia that I have loved for so long. My favourite is without a doubt, The Magician's Nephew, which I have listened to so many times, that I have the entire thing memorised
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Glad everyone likes these. I feel justified then in getting VDT. Hope to get Silver Chair next. I think the Focus on the Family ones may rate higher in my opinion over the BBC radio plays as they are longer. Though probably each has its merits.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
I've listened to the VDT Focus on the Family and the BBC VDT CD of the radio play recently and I think I prefer having the narrator in the FOTF version as more of the actual dialogue from the book is preserved. I really enjoyed listening to it and it captured the adventure and spirit of the book.
The BBC VDT radio drama is good also in that it completely eliminates the narrator, but then more description is needed that is coming through the characters' mouths instead of where the narrator would jump in...such a task for the adapter to make it all run smooth too and Brian Sibley does a good job.
Signature by Ithilwen/Avatar by Djaq
Member of the Will Poulter is Eustace club
Great Transformations-Eustace Scrubb
I listen to them every spring when my family goes on a 8 hour drive to get to our vacation home. I don't listen to them too much the rest of the time because I'm too busy but I do love them! I bought the box set on CD and transferred them to my iPod.
Yes, they are VERY faithful to the books. (Much more so than the movies ). The only thing they've really changed (that I've noticed) is the addition of dialogue in places. There's not that much dialogue in the books, actually. They just add more in places and some stuff that the narrator would be saying, they change so the characters are saying it.