Okay so I havent read the books in awhile, but there were a few questions about these characters that I have forgotten or don't remember picking up.
1. Who is Ramandu's wife/Lilliandil's mom, and where is she. I don't remember her being mentioned. Did she die? Was she still a living star (unretired). What?
2. Did Caspian have any other children besides Rillian? He and his wife were married for a few decades, I would think they would have more then one...but then again if they did have children I'm sure Lewis would have mentioned it. Is it common to have more then one child as a King (in Narnia). It seemed like a rare thing, especially in "Prince Caspian".
Winter Is Coming
1. Ramandu's wife is never mentioned in the books. Either she was a mortal, or she was a fellow star.
2. Again, the books never say. In The Silver Chair, Aslan says, "He has no heir because his only son was stolen from him many years ago." So if Caspian did have any other children, they would have been girls. As Narnia seems to have no problem with female queens, it's unlikely that there were any other children.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I have always assumed that RD was a half star because she doesn't glow, which would make her mother mortal, but there is no real explanation.
Is it common to have more then one child as a King (in Narnia).
Well, Frank had several children. But Caspian had only Rilian and I think Erlian (did I spell that right?) only had Tirian. And of course Tirian didn't have any children.
Could it be possible that Lilliandil's mother was still alive at the time of VotDT and just wasnt mentioned? This is one of those things I wish Lewis had mentioned. Then again, it does make Ramandu and his daughter all that more mysterious.
Winter Is Coming
I have to disagree, Josh. A good author doesn't give you all of the answers. . . they give you the questions and let you fill in the answers to some of them, while they fill in some of the others. I never like to have all of the loose ends tied up. But this isn't a discussion of writing techniques, is it?
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
I think Lilliandil was only half star. Otherwise she (and possibly Rilian) would have glowed... I think. Wait, Ramandu didn't glow, either! So maybe full-stars dont have to glow! Unless his glowing just stopped after he became "at rest"...
I wish we could know who Lilliandil's mother was. I think that Caspian and Lilliandil could have had a daughter because there was a few years gap in the time line when they married and had Rilian. They could have had a daughter and I hope they can make up a sister for Rilian like how they made up Gael in VDT, that way Rilian can still have a family member to hold on to after

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I wish we could know who Lilliandil's mother was. I think that Caspian and Lilliandil could have had a daughter because there was a few years gap in the time line when they married and had Rilian. They could have had a daughter and I hope they can make up a sister for Rilian like how they made up Gael in VDT, that way Rilian can still have a family member to hold on to after
. That's not a bad idea!SpoilerCaspian dies
That's a great idea, DamselJillPole! I hope they do that.
Plus, it would give us NarniaWebbers a chance to do some more casting of who could play her. It would be interesting to try to figure out what Caspain and Lilliandil's daughter would look like... (Emily Browning, maybe? )
Yes, but that doesn't make any sense! If Caspian had a daughter (thus an heir) than Aslan wouldn't have needed to call Eustace and Jill into Narnia in the first place. Add a non-existent daughter to the mix and you can completely erase The Silver Chair from the series, because it becomes redundant.
At any rate, this topic is not a discussion of what would be good in a movie of The Silver Chair. Please keep on topic, or I'll have to close it down.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Wait, Ramandu didn't glow, either!
*cue Dot's entrance bearing a copy of VDT*
Slowly the door opened again and out there came a figure...It carried no light but light seemed to come from it. As it came nearer, Lucy saw that it was like an old man. The Beginning of the End of the World, VDT
Ramandu glows.
Hm....looking back in the book I see that there is no mention of Coriakin glowing. So maybe the theory that RD doesn't glow so she must be only half-star doesn't work.
Wait, Ramandu didn't glow, either!
*cue Dot's entrance bearing a copy of VDT*
Slowly the door opened again and out there came a figure...It carried no light but light seemed to come from it. As it came nearer, Lucy saw that it was like an old man. The Beginning of the End of the World, VDTRamandu glows.
Hm....looking back in the book I see that there is no mention of Coriakin glowing. So maybe the theory that RD doesn't glow so she must be only half-star doesn't work.
Woops, haha, I think I'd better brush up on my Narnia books.
The reason Coriakin doesn't glow could be because he was "Un-starred" or something, as part of his punishment.
The reason Coriakin doesn't glow could be because he was "Un-starred" or something, as part of his punishment.
Really? Where's the proof of this in the book? Aslan never says that he was "un-starred," nor does Ramandu. Ramandu merely says that he committed a crime (what that crime was, and what the punishment entailed is never told and is only speculation).
But either way. . . this has nothing to do with the thread. So please keep on topic.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
^ In the book DigoryKirke I do remember that Corakin is a banished Narnian star because of him wanting to practice magic. I remember reading that and got some info. I won't go digging in the book, I do have a fond memory of it but here's what I got from Narniawiki: http://narnia.wikia.com/wiki/Coriakin
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
The reason Coriakin doesn't glow could be because he was "Un-starred" or something, as part of his punishment.
Really? Where's the proof of this in the book? Aslan never says that he was "un-starred," nor does Ramandu. Ramandu merely says that he committed a crime (what that crime was, and what the punishment entailed is never told and is only speculation).
But either way. . . this has nothing to do with the thread. So please keep on topic.
Its okay DiGoRyKiRkE, I intended the thread to be any kind of discussion (based on text and theories) on any Caspian/Lilliandil/Rillian/Ramandu questions that werent quite answered or at least answered obviously.
Winter Is Coming
In the book DigoryKirke I do remember that Corakin is a banished Narnian star because of him wanting to practice magic.
I never said that he wasn't. I meant where's the proof that he had been "un-starred." Just because a star commits a crime and is punished doesn't mean that he stops being a star. Following that logical road, one could assume that just because a human being murders somebody and is punished, that he ceases to be a human being. Punishment doesn't change biology (well. . . except in Eustace's case )
And as for his exact crime. The books never say that it's because of his desire to practice magic. In fact, logically, that couldn't be the crime. If magic was the crime, then why would he still be able to practice magic in his punishment? That's like punishing a chocoholic by locking them up in a Hershey factory. In fact:
Lucy: Oh! Is he a retired star too?
Ramandu: Well. . . not quite. It wasn't a rest which caused Aslan to set him over the duffers. You might call it more of a punishment. He might have shone for several hundred years in the southern winter sky if all had gone well.
Eustace: What did he do, sir?
Ramandu: My son, it is not for you, a son of Adam, to know what faults a star can commit.
Excerpt taken from the Focus on the Family Radio Theatre adaptation.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb