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Powers of Jadis

NarniaWeb Nut

A question has just quite occurred to me about the White Witch. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Jadis is said to have just two powers: Making it winter and the ability to turn others into stone. 

Yet in the Magician's Nephew, I have seen she has many other powers. 

"The Queen let go of his hand and raised her arm. She drew herself up to her full height and stood rigid. Then she said something which they couldn't understand (but it sounded horrid) and made an action
as if she were throwing something towards the doors. And those high and heavy doors trembled for a second as if they were made of silk and then crumbled away till there was nothing left of them but a heap
of dust on the threshold." - The Magician's Nephew 


"I had already cast strong spells on the hall where the images of my ancestors sit. And the force of those spells was that I should sleep among them, like an image myself, and need neither food nor fire,
though it were a thousand years, till one came and struck the bell and awoke me."- The Magician's Nephew 

So my question is... 

  • Does Jadis have every power she likes? 
  • When did she get the power of Winter and why that Power? 

Why did Jadis choose to put Narnia in eternal Winter if she could've done anything else? (as mentioned in The Magician's Nephew) 

"But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did." - (King Edmund the Just, Horse and his Boy)

Topic starter Posted : August 31, 2021 7:27 pm
Col Klink
NarniaWeb Junkie

Well, it seems like she has different powers in different worlds. (She wasn't able to turn anything to dust in England.) It's likely she actually didn't have any magic powers when she first came to Narnia at all and she had to go to the North to get what powers she has in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. That's my theory anyway. 

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Posted : August 31, 2021 7:54 pm
jade, Ryadian, Courtenay and 2 people liked
NarniaWeb Guru
Posted by: @col-klink

 It's likely she actually didn't have any magic powers when she first came to Narnia at all and she had to go to the North to get what powers she has in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. That's my theory anyway.

  A sound theory to be sure. I also wonder if maybe the ancient giants of the North might have taught her some spells of that kind. Their aptitude for stonecraft might suggest that they had some stone-related magic up their sleeves. 

  I forget if the apple she eats is said to do anything other than prolong her life, but that may be another possible source of her powers in Narnia, given that another apple displayed other abilities when planted as the Tree of Protection.

This post was modified 4 years ago 2 times by Cleander

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Posted : August 31, 2021 10:02 pm
Cobalt Jade
NarniaWeb Nut

I've read more than a few fanfics which try to answer this question.


I think she just had to start all over from scratch, try to find out the capabilities of magic in her new world, shape the spells to use it.

Posted : September 1, 2021 9:40 pm