I have read all the Narnia books (in fact, I have listened to audiobooks of them), and I'm not looking for a Narnian cheat-sheet or anything like that. Memory is fallible, though, and sometimes I'm not sure if I recall some details correctly. I wonder if there is some kind of Internet encyclopedia of Narnia, something similar to the "Encyclopedia of Arda" for Tolkien fans? I have found a Narnian encyclopedia but it's a "wiki" and I don't think it's very reliable. Has anyone ever heard about online encyclopedia of Narnia?
Yes there is. Here is a link to it:
http://narnia.wikia.com/wiki/The_Chroni ... arnia_Wiki
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
That's the one that's not very reliable
Interesting you say that Narnia Wiki isn't very reliable. I've always found it pretty accurate to read through if I want to look up a character or book summary.
Sorry, but I haven't been able to find an online Narnia Encyclopedia other than the one linked above. If you'd like though, here is a NarniaWeb compiled list of sources.
Also here is another list put together by NarniaWeb of characters and their appearances and such.
In the first article I chose to read in the Wiki (about the Lone Islands), I found this information:
While the Governor held executive powers in the islands, legislative authority was held by the Council of the Lone Islands. The Council met monthly and its members frequently sat on various commissions.
This is fan fiction. There is no such information in the books.
I doubt that there is even any such information in the films.
But the rest of the article about the Lone Islands seems to be accurate enough, drawing reasonable conclusions from information that is spelled out in the books or the films.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
This is fan fiction. There is no such information in the books.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that it is fan fiction. Gumpas says (paraphrased):
That is a matter to be discussed at the council next month. If anybody moves to set up an inquiry about the financial history of the island at the first meet next year, then.....
What the wiki article is saying (in my opinion) is that there is obviously some sort of division of power amongst the governance of the Lone Islands. Just like in the United States we have an executive branch of government (our president) a legislative branch of our government (Congress and the Senate) and a judicial branch (the court system).
Just saying that there is a legislative branch of the Lone Islander's government is not necessarily automatically fan fiction.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
My mistake - I had forgotten that Gumpas does give some information about the legislative structure of the Lone Islands.
Even this, then, is "drawing reasonable conclusions from information that is spelled out in the books or the films" - which I agree is not the same thing as fan fiction.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
I actually have The C.S. Lewis Encyclopedia (I found it in Barnes & Noble while hunting for Surprised by Joy, but stopped when I saw Lewis's face on the cover of the encyclopedia ) It wouldn't be extremely helpful if you were looking for tiny details of Narnia, but it does include a LOT of information, both about Lewis and his books. If you don't think the wiki page is very reliable, you could check out the C.S. Lewis Encyclopedia. It's by Colin Duriez.
I have never run across this wiki which is surprising (I look up a lot on Narnia) this looks like a good resource.
I do not have "The C.S. Lewis Encyclopedia", But I do have "the Companion to Narnia" which also has a wealth of information
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
Wow, I am amazed I had never heard of this before! Thank you very much! I spent about half an hour just hitting the "random article"
I have several Narnia themed books, including the Companion to Narnia. They tackle the subject though different means, they are all generally the same.
memento mori
I don't reckon there is but when I went to Barnes and Nobles i picked up a C.S. Lewis Encyclopedia with all the Narnian terms ever known. I have fallen in love with the book and I have named everybody in my house a Narnian name.(I'm Mr.Tumnus and I'm a girl.)
(My mum thought his name fitted me well. My mum is so very, absolutly wrong!!)