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[Closed] Narnian Calendar

NarniaWeb Regular

Did Lewis ever mention much about the Narnian calendar? Or is there some widely accepted list of the Narnian months? A quick search on google only brought up the following:

"Given at our lodging in Aslan's How this XIIth day of the month Greenroof in the first year of Caspian Tenth of Narnia."

I am working on a Narnia RP-ish type thing for an online game I play called Nationstates. I am the leader of a Narnia-based region, which actually began when a group of us NWers started to play Nationstates way back in 2007.

Thanks for the help :D

"I have been asked by Aslan HIMSELF to gather more troops."

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2010 3:21 am
daughter of the King
Princess Dot Moderator

Other than the instance you mentioned, the only time months are mentioned is in VDT. A sailor suggests wintering on Ramandu's Island and returning home in March or April. I think he's the Galmian sailor, but I'm not quite sure. I've never seen or heard of a complete Narnia calendar, and I really doubt there is one; C.S.Lewis wasn't detailed enough for that.
Sorry, that probably wasn't much help.

Narniaweb sister to Pattertwig's Pal

Posted : May 3, 2010 9:41 am
NarniaWeb Regular

No, that is of help. Finding out for sure that there isn't a calendar is just as important. If there is not one, then I can take the liberties and create one...but if there was one, I wouldn't want to do that! So, thanks! :D

"I have been asked by Aslan HIMSELF to gather more troops."

Topic starter Posted : May 3, 2010 9:54 am
NarniaWeb Fanatic

I have to agree with daughter of the king. Since Narnia did begin with a king and a Queen of Earth they probably brought on the same seasons and months of their world to the world of Narnia and there is that passage in VDT at Ramandu's Island where I'm assuming Rhince spoke about the months like how earth people would. The Telmarines are from earth as well and I'm sure they carried on tradition on how human beings would.

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : May 5, 2010 9:14 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Also, in SC, the queen and Rilian go maying. I don't think there's a direct reference to the month, but since maying is done on May Day, and May Day is a celebration of the first day of May, it could be at least assumed that there is a Narnian month of May.
I believe Greenroof corresponds the month of June or July. I think I read that in Paul Ford's Companion to Narnia, but I don't remember...

Posted : May 11, 2010 12:48 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Great find ChristProclaimer. You explained that well enough to where that's probably what it is and I believe it 100 perecent now. Totally makes sense ;)

Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!

Posted : May 11, 2010 1:26 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

Thanks, guys! :D

"I have been asked by Aslan HIMSELF to gather more troops."

Topic starter Posted : May 13, 2010 1:57 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

It is possible that there are nicknames for months, or the months were renamed, or there are more months in Narnian years (which I doubt for some reason). But there are month names mentioned in Narnia.

Posted : December 21, 2010 2:04 pm