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[Closed] Narnian beginnings....

NarniaWeb Nut

I thought I would bring this thread back for the newbies and the regulars who want to tell their story again such as myself. How did you "ENTER" Narnia? How did it begin for you and how did you grow to love this magical and mysterious world?

My husband(was my ex-husband until reconciled and re-married)introduced me to this amazing world by giving a gift to my children of the DVD LWW. First seeing it, it was kind of weird, but as I watched it more, it became very interesting to me and made me want to inquire about it in depth.

I noticed that there was a whole series on it and I went to the library to read the original book version of LWW and it began from there with the rest of the series. I absolutely became hooked on it and been ever since. so share your story for the first time or just to recap on your " ENTRY" into Narnia! ;)

"We have nothing if not belief"

Topic starter Posted : October 19, 2009 6:22 pm
NarniaWeb Junkie

Well, I saw LWW in 2006 on an airplane to the Philippines, and I looked it up on google afterwards.
Then at school we watched the cartoon LWW and the high-schoolers put on an LWW play.
A couple years later I read the books; my dad was giving them to my cousin, so I took the liberty of reading them before we wrapped them up.
Then we got the Audio Dramas- that was when I hooked onto the series.

Posted : October 20, 2009 11:37 am

Hi all.. well..
..I read the book LWW in school when I was only 12 yrs old ..(I'm 27 yrs old now) and we watched the 90's cartoon of it during our studies.

Then, in the beginning of 2005, I found out that disney was making a live action version of LWW.. which, by that point, I'd forgotten all about the story.. so I waited impatiently on pins and needles all year for disney's LWW to come out.. ( ^_^ ) and I bought the dvd as soon as I learned that it was up for sell in video stores.. lol..

AND I got all seven books off the internet to read up on the rest of them.. :)

Posted : October 21, 2009 2:40 am
Lady of the Green Kirtle
NarniaWeb Regular

Well, I already shared this story on the "Getting to Know You" page, but I guess I can repeat it here: When I was about 12 years old somebody had given my mother a box of used book for my brother, my sister and I. Knowing that we wouldn't read them, my mother decided that she would donate them to a local thrift store. However after going through the books I discovered a copy of LWW. I had heard about this book and decided that I wanted to keep it, but for some reason I thought that all of the books would have to stay together so I hid it and read it when no one was around. =)) When I learned that this book was just one in a series of seven I had to read them all. It was at this point that I decided that C.S. Lewis was my favorite author (still is to this day), but I was really disappointed to learn that The Chronicles of Narnia were the only children's books he had written (I was too young to read any of his other books). Fortunately, I have grown up sense then and have read many of his other great works. :x

That's why I'm going to stand by the play world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. -Puddleglum

Posted : October 25, 2009 3:52 pm
polly plummer
NarniaWeb Regular

I had the LWW book read to me by a teacher in school when I was about 11. I liked the book so much I went and bought it with my pocket money and discovered when I was in the bookshop that there was a series. I didn't get much pocket money so I saved to buy the rest of the books. I did watch the BBC version but didn't think much of it as I'd built it up so much in my head that nothing was going to live up to it - also I found the girl who played Lucy really irritating! (Loved the girl who played Jill though) Watched the Disney film of LWW YEARS later and loved it! very disappointed by PC but living in hope that VDT will recapture the magic - Also holding out for HHB and LB as they were my favourites with VDT running a close third!

Posted : October 30, 2009 1:47 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I had heard of the CoN when I was younger, but I didn’t really know what they were about. Back then, I never really thought about actually reading them. Then in 2005 the first movie came out. I was talking to someone who had read the books and was going to see the film. She said there is a lot of Christian symbolism in them. That sparked my interest. Also, the trailers for the movie looked really cool. So, I got LWW from the library. I read it and then I saw the film. I loved them both. I asked for the books for my birthday and read the other six books. I have been a huge fan ever since.

Daughter Of Eve
Child Of God
How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are... 1 John 3:1
Avatar by Gymfan! Thanks!

Posted : October 30, 2009 7:12 pm