@kingedthejust Stop playing, you ARE Edmund lol
I’m curious to see my results as well, I have a feeling I might get Lucy…
The 'Pevensies' irl:
A Narnian Fan Survey!: https://forms.gle/cGghFjQyxmA4jPGq6
I got Edmund - I was hoping for Reepicheep (obviously 😀 ), but I think Edmund fits. I'm far from perfect, and really only here because the True Aslan took my punishment. And considering his heroics in the Battle of Beruna, and the fact that the Witch used to scare the you-know-what out of me (the only villian, from any story, to ever really do that - and it was the book version of all things, not the movies) I like that answer. Still would've preferred Reep, but Edmund is awesome! 🙂
Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!
I got Mr Tumnus.
A nice one to get, but I'm not so sure the description fully works for how I am! Maybe there is something to some of it...
I can't take the quiz :(. Does anyone know any alternatives? Ones that are accurate and include almost every character (A.K.A doesn't limit my answers to only be the Pevensie siblings or Caspian)
Since the original link doesn't work, here's a similar one:
My result:

Check out my fan fiction story: https://stormy-lass.livejournal.com