We all know what the First Joke in Narnia was (and maybe the Second) but surely there must have been more through the ages.
Take any old groaner, and feel free to adapt- clean ones only, of course! Here goes...
Trumpkin and Reepicheep walk into a bar, and the bartender says "What are you doing with that hairy little rat? We don't serve his kind in here!"
So Trumpkin says "This is Narnia, buddy, and he's got as much right to be served as anybody else. Besides, he's not a rat, he's a Talking Mouse."
And the bartender says: "I was talking to the Mouse"
Thank you, thank you I'll be at the Beruna Lounge and Grill all week..
Did you hear Lewis wrote a sequel telling what happened to Bree after he got back to Narnia?
Unable to adjust to life as just a common Horse, he went bad and gathered a gang of young Humans and colts around him who rejected Narnian society and went on a crime spree.
It's called "Horsez'N'theirBoyz"
One day King Edmund the Just is presiding over the Supreme Court of Narnia when a guy walks in and says he wants to file a civil rights complaint.
"Why do only Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve get to be Kings and Queens of Narnia? It's outright discrimination" he says.
"Two problems", says Edmund, "First, these are the laws established by Aslan, who is All-Wise and All-Good, and second, you are plainly Human. You don't have legal standing; nobody's discriminating against you."
"I'm just like the White Witch," says the complainant, "not a drop of Human blood in me. My mother was a centaur and my father was a minotaur. I inherited my human-looking top half from my mother and my human-looking bottom half from my father."
"Hmm, that that does raise some issues," agrees Edmund.
"Besides," says the guy, "I'm not suing for myself. I'm acting on behalf of my brother standing next to me here. As you can see, he received a different genetic heritage from our parents. He says nothing's going to stop him from filing this suit, and he doesn't care two hoots about your dumb Aslan or his stupid Laws."
"Well,' says King Edmund, stroking his beard judiciously, "I can plainly see he's a bull-headed horse's behind...."
The difference is that people wanted to hear the stories, whereas I never met anyone who wanted to read the essays
what happens when you sow a cheep? You reepicheep!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Oh, so we're going that way, eh?
On the first day with Puddleglum, Jill and Eustace are picking their way through the swamp when suddenly a huge bubble of gas bursts to the surface, sending the all the pools and islands shivering and shaking.
"What was that?" they cried, startled.
"What's the matter" replied Puddleglum, coolly "you've never seen a marsh wiggle?"
The difference is that people wanted to hear the stories, whereas I never met anyone who wanted to read the essays
While we're on the subject, what's so funny about the First Joke in Narnia? Maybe I just don't get it.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
While we're on the subject, what's so funny about the First Joke in Narnia? Maybe I just don't get it.
well... its better than the second joke. I didn't see anything very funny about them....
memento mori
You guys mean the part with the jackdaw? it was funny because it was awkward. For the jackdaw. Because everyone else was already silent.
Unless you guys are talking about something totally different, in which case I'm probably making a fool of myself by posting this at all. But then... that might be funny...
No, no. I was talking about the jackdaw. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
Currently watching:
Doctor Who - Season 11
To me, the funniest part of all was when they went off looking for "a Neevil"
And the bit in Last Battle where the dogs are tuckered out. Makes me laugh every time.
"Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror."
- C.S. Lewis
"There was a man called Clive Staples Lewis, and he almost deserved it."
- E.C. Scrubb
Haha before Telmarin attacked Aslan's How in PC, they sent a messenger to encourage the Narnians to surrender:
Messenger: Give it up! There is no glory in this battle! You will lose! None of your Narnians, pitifull kings and queens will save you from your doom!
Peter: .......*took up his sword and points at the messenger* You came with crowns from conquered kings and insulted my brother and sisters! Ah yes I've chosen my words carefully!
Messenger: But this is madness!
Peter: Madness? No...THIS IS NARNIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *kicks the messenger off the staircase*
Um, from what chapter of PC does that come? I never remember reading that in the book, and I can't find it in my copy either.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
^my post was made up.
Just took PC as the backdrop.
To me, the funniest part of all was when they went off looking for "a Neevil"
Aww, I know! I loved that part too. I love how innocent those talking beasts are. They have such a cute, sweet way of thinking and trying to figure things out.