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[Closed] Inquiring about stage adaptations

Linus the True
NarniaWeb Regular

Hello again, folks!

Apologies if these questions have been asked before, but I couldn't seem to find another thread about it.

I recently finished a re-read of LWW with my new wife (we're on PC now) and it rekindled my desire to someday direct a stage adaptation.

Apparently there have been multiple adaptations for stage, to the point where it seems overwhelming to sort through them all:, ... daptations ... rnia#Stage

I would really like to read multiple versions before deciding which one is best suited to our local needs and capabilities. However, my local library system only has copies of the book version of Narnia: The Musical, and I admit to being sorely underwhelmed by it (although to be fair, I didn't have a CD with the music so I could hear what I was reading. I'm listening to a performance of it on YouTube as I write this).

Has anyone ever read or seen a stage version? Does anyone have any recommendations of which ones to try? Do theater companies let directors "rent" or borrow copies just to read and make a decision without having to buy a bunch of scripts?

And does anyone know how the rights work for international versions? I'm particularly intrigued by the 1998 version produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company, but I'm based in the U.S.

Any thoughts or opinions are welcome here. Thanks!

Linus the True

Topic starter Posted : August 16, 2014 2:27 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

I really wish that I knew how to answer your question, but I'm just not well-versed in theatre ;))

I know that I've long wanted to see a live performance of Narnia, and even thought of directing an adaptation of the Silver Chair for my church, but it never came of anything.

Then there's also the C.S. Lewis estate to worry about. . . They are highly protective of the works, and I don't know what their stance on plays is.

Please keep us posted! I'd love to see what you end up directing :D

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : August 16, 2014 4:49 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I have seen a live performance of this musical: (In 1998 the Royal Shakespeare Company premiered The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The novel was adapted for the stage by Adrian Mitchell, with music by Shaun Davey. [From the 2nd of the Wikipedia pages you linked to.])
That's probably the one you mentioned.

I saw it in Norway, performed in Norwegian, and on the theatre's website it says who has translated it into Norwegian. But I don't know where they went to obtain the rights to perform it - possibly to the C.S. Lewis Estate, but in this case I guess Mitchell and Davey had to be approached as well.

I liked the production - although it doesn't necessarily follow the book all that closely, and it skips over a lot. I like most of the music - here are some youtube finds:
Always winter now
Misery Me

Come to the table (mp4)

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : August 16, 2014 12:38 pm
Linus the True
NarniaWeb Regular

Digory: Thanks for your kind words!

Varnafinde: Thanks for those links! It looks like the user (Mrknightstarz) has several other videos posted from that production: ... HCIPJFi4tw

My favorite by far is "Come to the Table."

I also found the Trumpets Workshop version on this channel: ... EQLpA9jAHA

If "Open Doors" is any indication, this is by far the BEST version of the play I've heard yet! :)

Thanks again for the suggestions and comments, folks. Keep 'em coming!

Linus the True

Topic starter Posted : August 17, 2014 12:17 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I saw that Mrknightstarz had some more videos, but "Turkish Delight" is a very different tune to the one they used in the production I saw - can some songs have got new music for parts of that other production? "The lion leaps" is more similar to the tune that I heard, but it's not quite the same.

"Beer From the Barrel" and "Always Winter Never Christmas" are the ones I know, though. I'm pleased to find those - I only searched YouTube for topics, and didn't find the list of Mrknightstarz' uploads. Thank you! :)

And thanks a lot for the link to the Trumpets Workshop version! :D
If "Open Doors" is representative of the whole, it's even better than the RSC musical!

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : August 17, 2014 1:43 am
Linus the True
NarniaWeb Regular

Interesting that the "Turkish Delight" song seems different to the one you remember. It's also fascinating how many productions build a song around that moment. There are so many songs called "Turkish Delight," from the various plays to the 2nd Chapter of Acts song to the David Crowder tune!

Re: Trumpets -- You're welcome! I've finished listening to the whole playlist that's available (a few tracks seem missing). It is DEFINITELY the best version I've heard! :)

Linus the True

Topic starter Posted : August 17, 2014 1:58 am