January of 2006, at age 21. I had never heard of the books, didn't even know about the movie. My brother was given free movie tickets one day, and together- along with our father- we went to see it. Instant love. We then went again with our mother.
I wasn't gonna buy the books though, I figured I could just wait on the movies as they released. I'm glad I bought them though. I only wish I had learned about them as a kid.
I read LWW in school when I was ten. I liked it so much I picked up the rest of the stories as well. And then I heard the movie LwW would be coming out soon and I got even more excited. I have been a Narnia nut ever since.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I believe in UK, most students, especially kids, are introduced usually to TCON that's why you guys know it since you were kids, too bad I was already 15 years old when I knew that Narnia existed. :'(
"Two sides of the same coin"
I was 9 year's old when i first read the book the first book i read was VDT I've loved the book form the first I read them.
The first time I read LWW in class, my classmates and I were all wondering what Turkish Delight was. My teacher brought some in for us to try. For some reason, we all though it was way roo strong and ran to get the water fountain to rinse out the taste.
However I tried it again later and I really liked it.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic
I was 13 when I first read them. My brother had read parts to me when I was like 5, but my parents went through a spell(no pun intended) when they got rid of books with magic
. We had seen the BBC versions and I was kind of familiar with the LWW storyline(who isn't). A few years later we happened to have the LWW in the house, so I read it as fast as I could before they could stop me and I was hooked. I started looking through all the books in thrift stores in hope of finding some of the others. And one day Oh Joy I found PC and HHB in brand new condition right next to each other. So I quickly bought them because I knew if I had them they would be more inclined to let me read them. So I asked if I could read them and they let me, and then my some of my brothers and sister read them and we are now Chronicles fans
I'm unbelievably stubborn. I put off reading Narnia even though I was reading prolifically at 7. So I finally read it at about 10 or 11. The same thing happened to the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. I'm so silly.
Obviously I'm a huge fan of both now. I was an unbelievable pain to me older siblings
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Well, I put off reading The Lord of the Rings until I was about 12, though I had been familiar with The Hobbit long before that.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I read the books right after LWW came out, I was 12, my brother read them to me, Narnia_Archer and De_De. I fell in love with them immediatly
always be humble and kind
My third grade teacher read the class LWW and MN...only I can't remember which one he read us first, which really irritates me. I want to know which I heard first. That was 2005, which LWW came out, so then we watched the movie in class when it came out on DVD :] After that I started reading PC...but I never finished, and gave up on the books. Luckily, though, I gave it a try again recently and read through the whole series.
My family read chapters of LWW during dinnertime when I was about 5, but I barely understood or remembered it. I read them all with my dad over a period of a year when I was 8-9.
I was 12 when I first read the books on my own. The first one was LWW, although I was familiar with Narnia from the BBC films. My mom had also read some of PC to me when I was little as well. Reepicheep was even one of my imaginary friends:D Reading them for the first time is one of my happiest childhood memories.
Wrong will be right when Aslan comes in sight / At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more / When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death / And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again
I was six or seven when I first had LWW read to me. I could read by then, but my dad loved to read me books aloud. Anyway, after he finished that, I begged him to let me read the rest on my own, because it was "faster that way". I read PC, VDT, and SC within a month, but, for whatever reason, I stubbornly refused to read HHB until a year or so later. ("But I don't want to read about the Pevensies grown up. I want to read about them my age!" I was such an odd child...) But I finally read it, and totally loved it.
My most vivid memory, however, from my first reading was finishing LB. I was at my dad's office with him, for whatever reason. I read the last words, and put the book down, and thought to myself, "Well, that's it, then. I will never read Narnia again." But of course, I was rereading them within a month. For a couple of years, from when I was 12 or so to 14-ish, I didn't read them much. But when I started seeing VDT trailers, I remembered how much I loved Narnia and started obsessing again.
As long as there is breath in my body, I will be For Narnia. And for Aslan.
I'm still very new to the Chronicles. I only read them when I was 11, just two years ago. When I had just turned eight my family saw the LWW film in theaters with some cousins. Two years later in fourth grade, we had a book exchange, and I got a copy of LWW and MN. After that, it took awhile for me to read them, but when I did, I loved them.
My mom read LWW to us when we were very little, like first grade. I remember my sister reading the Chronicles and she got so excited during the SC because she got that the giants wanted to literally "have them for the Autumn Feast". I started reading them/listening to Focus on the Family probably around second or third grade.