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[Closed] How long did the winter in LWW last?

NarniaWeb Regular

Hello fellow Narnia fans! :)
I was just wondering the other day, how long did the winter in LWW last? I don't remember if it ever said how long it lasted.
Does anyone remember?

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Topic starter Posted : January 29, 2010 9:48 am
Liberty Hoffman
NarniaWeb Master

it lasted 100 years!

btw, welcome to narniaweb, narniahannah!

NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are

Posted : January 29, 2010 10:04 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Yup, Liberty Hoffman is right, it lasted for 100 years. I forget the exact quote, but I think in LWW Tumnus tells Lucy that when they go to his house for the first time.

Posted : January 29, 2010 10:52 am
Aravis Narnia
NarniaWeb Nut

One hundred years.

Yet the plants did not die.

The animals did not starve to death.

And hope was not lost.

But there may be different laws of nature in Narnia. And who knows if food and supplies were snuck in from Archenland and the countries in the north.

Posted : January 29, 2010 2:20 pm
NarniaWeb Guru

I believe it's called "The Hundred Years Winter" a couple of times in different books. Tirian says that in the Last Battle actually.

For then they had defeated the White Witch and ended the Hundred Years of Winter and afterward they had reigned (all four of them together) at Cair Paravel

I believe there's a couple other places but I have to leave for church and don't have time to look them up right now.

Posted : January 31, 2010 7:25 am
NarniaWeb Regular

I remember that now!! I feel kinda silly now.
Thanks Liberty Hoffman, Pyxis, Aravis Narnia, and narnian_at_heart! :)

*sadly rather inactive member* *bad member*
Epic avvie by Ithilwen

Topic starter Posted : January 31, 2010 8:57 am
The Logical Ornithological Mod Moderator Emeritus

In Prince Caspian, Nikabrik says...

It's said that she reigned for a hundred years. A HUNDRED YEARS of winter. There's something practical.

In The Silver Chair, Glimfeather also says,

Long, long ago, at the very beginning, a White Witch came from out of the north and bound our land in snow and ice for a hundred years."

Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb

Posted : January 31, 2010 10:44 am
Princess of the Noldor and Royal Overseer of the Talk About Narnia forum Moderator

I don't remember if it ever said how long it lasted.

It's interesting, though, that those mentions of it lasting for a hundred years only occur in the later books.
In LWW itself there's no mention of how long it has lasted.
(It may have been mentioned in the movie, of course, but not in the book ;) )

So maybe Lewis hadn't decided on its length yet when he first wrote about the winter?

(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)

Posted : February 1, 2010 8:16 am
narnia fan 7
NarniaWeb Guru

hi narniaweber in the timeline it says 100 years and in prince Caspian chaper 12 it says that the winter lasted 100 years

Posted : March 12, 2010 1:33 pm