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"He is not a tame Lion."

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Member Hospitality Committee

I think it shows the nature of Aslan being the Christ-figure. Both Aslan and God cannot be controlled or manipulated. So much time has gone by between The Silver Chair and The Last Battle, and Aslan has not been seen for so long.

Shift says to the Narnians, "Aslan is angry with you. You're going to be working for the Calormenes!" Narnians knew about Aslan not being a tame lion, but kind of forgotten about how he's merciful and loving.

From the religious aspect, it's true that God cannot be controlled or manipulated. At times, we tend to forget that He is loving and merciful, and slow to anger.

"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : October 30, 2021 12:14 pm
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