Hey there, happy Friday! 🙂
Tonight, my family was planning to see a live play of LWW. It was at a local Christian school, and I couldn't wait! I've heard about places that do Narnia plays every once in awhile online, but never thought I'd get to actually see one. We couldn't wait! So I came in to work early (so I could get out early), and we all drove about two hours away to find this place (we kind of live in the middle of nowhere). It was a tough trip on my mom, with lots of crazy turns and insane Friday night traffic in "the Bit City". When we got there, there were only a few cars, and we were wondering whether we were in the right place. But someone pulled up in front of us, so she got out of the car to ask. Turns out, it was bad news: apparently, someone very close to one of the main cast members had caught the virus. So they postponed it until next month. It was sad to hear, and we felt sorry for whoever it was. But after my mom explained it to us, she said something so funny that it made the whole wasted trip worthwhile:
"Mr. Beaver was driving."
Of course I knew right away what she meant - the kid who was going to play the PART of Mr. Beaver was driving, to mean the news was from a credible source. But I was too busy laughing to even know how to respond. Immediately I thought of her walking up to that van and seeing Mr. Beaver sitting in the driver's seat! I imagined the Walden version at first, but laughed even harder at the thought of the BBC version (which is probably closer to what he would have looked like in costume). Wouldn't that be hysterical?! Mr. Beaver on the open road! Of course I had to make a meme with his picture, saying "turn left at the lamppost, then take the 319 all the way home". Now I don't drive, so when my mom jokingly asked me if I wanted to drive for awhile, I just couldn't resist: "do I look like a beaver?"
Anyway, it was a long trip home, and I'm exhausted, but this was too funny not to share! But in all seriousness, the moral of the story is, a merry heart does good like a medicine.
Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!
Lol Geekicheep! Now I can't stop thinking about the BBC Mr. Beaver tripping over his own feet? to get to the brake pad. I can't imagine it too long
Especially since one of the bloopers for BBC was this: Mr. Beaver
(Skip to 1:06 to see the magic that is a costumed beaver haha)
My funniest (or cringiest) Narnia memory is pretty recent. Last year, when I was reading the series to my siblings, I pronounced Lord Sopespian, 'Soapsy-span'. It wasn't until I re-watched the Walden movie, and heard Glumpuddle pronounce it correctly on TB, that I realized my mistake.
My family doesn't let me get over it! I think I'll start calling him Lord Dish Soap, since they won't let it rest lol.
The 'Pevensies' irl:
A Narnian Fan Survey!: https://forms.gle/cGghFjQyxmA4jPGq6
@highkingpete Thanks for continuing the laughs! I've often heard about the BBC Narnia's "beaver retrievers" but never saw this video. I had to go back and watch it again, it was that funny! The other outtakes were funny too! My favorite has to be when the Witch was going to turn those creatures to stone and her crown fell off! It was funny, a little weird, and really cool to see her smile and laugh in a way the character never would. We know they're all just actors, and I've heard she was even in other movies, but when I was little, she was literally "the White Witch IRL" and that was freaky!
The "Lord Soap-spian" thing is pretty hilarious too! Yeah, maybe a bit cringey, but still definitely funny! I think the real punch line there is that your family knows enough about Narnia to give you a hard time about it. He was a pretty minor character - like my family knows Aslan, the White Witch, the kids' names, Mr. Tumnus and the Beavers; they probably remember the name Caspian, and maybe even Reepicheep (no, he's just "the mouse" - funny story for another day) - but your family recognizes the name Sopespian? They must be all NarniaWebbers or something. 🙂
PS: speaking of the kids' names and random hilarious use of "IRL", I love your signature! Pleased to make your acquaintance, your Majesty! 😀 I guess it isn't just little children who never stop pretending. 🙂
Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!
It's definitely weird to see her cackle happily! I think Barbara Kellerman was a very interesting take for the White Witch, and even though we only watched BBC last year, I got scared for Edmund whenever she was yelling at him in the ice palace (although Edmund didn't look so scared). I'm sure little children would be a tad more terrified!
(She also plays the Hag in the Prince Caspian BBC episodes AND the LOTGK, not sure if there's any meaning there, but I for one think no other actress could play so many different roles, and spin each one to be scary in different ways)
I've thought of another funny Narnian-esque mistake to share! Coming from a family of 'hard-core' Narnians, it happens a lot lol.
We thought of this new game last year, which we've kept up for almost a year: our 'Lines'. We sometimes take on the lines from the Walden movies in our everyday conversation:
*cue me dropping my pencil on the floor*
My sister @queensuthegentle swiveling around in her chair: It's all your fault!!
Me: My fault? You knew this would happen??
*intense glares until we, just as abruptly, go back to work*
As you can tell, it's all very dramatized at my house!
We also have a thing called 'Lines Contest' where on a weekend we know we'll be having a Walden movie marathon, we'll try to go the entire day saying only 'our' lines. So far, no one has succeeded...
I'll ask @kingedthejust if they have any funny anecdotes to share, probably involving the four of us.
I love that my family has taken up my interests! Before, it was all I could do to get them to watch the LWW Walden film, but over last year (and quarantine) we've gotten closer through our now shared obsession with the films, books and lore of Narnia. And it's especially fun to share that here on NW, so I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance Lord Geekicheep cousin of the esteemed Knight Reepicheep. *shakes paw* LOL
And if you every get the chance, I'd love to hear that story! as well as any other Narnia misc I'm sure you have up your sleeve.
The 'Pevensies' irl:
A Narnian Fan Survey!: https://forms.gle/cGghFjQyxmA4jPGq6
To carry on what @highkingpete said, yeah at our house we do this funny Narnian thing where we try to say our lines for the whole day! (I mostly win ) We practically memorize the lines of the whole movie and try to say them. I've got to say we have gotten pretty good! We try to say the lines of the Pevensies whenever it deems right (even in normal conversations) and the night before we watch one of the movies, we try to pretend we are the Pevensies in England. (depends on which movie we are watching) Even in VDT, we use our littlest brother, as Eustace. He is hilarious when he pretends with us.
Those are some of the funny (and slightly weird) things we do here at our house.
"But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did." - (King Edmund the Just, Horse and his Boy)
@geekicheep, I love the Mr. Beaver story! ( Thanks, I'm now stuck with a mental image of a beaver trying to drive!) ?
Puts me in mind of when I visited a friend's church and met an elderly couple named Mr.and Mrs. Beaver! (Really!) It took some effort to restrain a snort when I first heard their names!
Also glad someone is talking about those BBC bloopers again. Aslan in a nightcap and the Witch de-crowning herself both crack me up.
That's so awesome that you say your lines, Edmund! It's great that you have the right number of siblings to play all the characters. Although I suppose you'll need a sister to be Jill...
When I was four or five, my older brother and sister would play as Puddleglum and Jill, and brought me along as a somewhat clueless stand-in for Eustace who had only a vague idea at the time of what Narnia was and was often just called Useless. (Apparently they preferred Trumpkin's version). We built tunnels out of blankets and furniture and would go crawling around in the dark searching for the lost prince in the "underworld." Grand times. We were just babies playing a game- but we managed to make a play world to lick the real world hollow!
PM me to join the Search for the Seven Swords!
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club!
Did I mention I have a YouTube Channel?: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCeuUaOTFts5BQV3c-CPlo_g
Check out my site: https://madpoetscave.weebly.com
signature by aileth
Wow, @the-mad-poet, that's hilarious! An actual couple with the last name Beaver? Well I guess that answers the question of why Mr. and Mrs. Beaver were never given names - that WAS their names! ? But yeah, I would have a hard time not laughing just trying to talk to them (especially if I were a kid, because we still used a lot of "Mr." and "Mrs." back then). It would be very hard not to follow up simple greetings like "good morning, Mrs. Beaver" with wise-cracks like "how's that sewing machine holding up? She didn't break it? Awesome!"
And OMGosh, @highkingpete and @kingedthejust - that is hands-down the coolest, funniest family game I've ever heard! If I quoted lines from the movies, I would get weird looks from my family - eventually laughs, but at first it would be like, "what the...?"
And the laughs continue! Thanks everyone! 🙂
Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!
I loved reading about the real Mr & Mrs Beaver!
It reminded me of a street, called 'Beaver Road' near where I went to church in UK three years ago. Didn't see any beavers there, sad to report!
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
I had a look in Yellow Pages, and there are at least half a dozen Beaver Roads ("Beverveien") in Norway.
We also have beavers, I've seen them many times - there even were beaver huts close to where I grew up.
(But I never heard any of those beavers talking.)
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)