I have always wondered if Father Christmas himself had gone to get the juice of the Fire Flowers himself to give to Lucy?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I suppose you could ask that question about any of the gifts. Did Father Christmas actually make them or were they really from Aslan?
The sun is most definitely a sun. I have a bunch of references in mind but have no time to put them down -- perhaps later if I have a chance.
Yeah I agree. But for some reason I imagined it not damaging to your eyes to look at it. I imagine it just as bright as ours, but possible to stare at it without going blind.
Maybe because of that description from MN you posted, a sun laughing for joy just seems like a sun you can look at for a long time.
Anyway, I never thought too deeply about where that place was that the fire flowers came from, or the birds coming from the sun, I just accepted it as magic.
The Narnian Sun does have some kind background story in The Chronicles of Narnia. The sun is on the crews shirts in VDT book it's on most of the banners, etc. Maybe this has something to do as being the wild flower. it's the sun?
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
If any of you have seen the moive "Prince of Egypt" you may remeber the burning bush. (For those of you who don't know, it was a moive about Moses, and the burning bush, which symbolized God, was burning yet never burned down) In the moive the burning bush was blue, so the fire flowers might like that but red. Just a little nerdy fact here.
theatmosphere makes sun light look yellow-ish. Sun light is actally a very light blue! People false color images of the sun taken in space to make the sun look yellow.
memento mori
I do hope there really is the berry fruit which makes us young again because, I don't wanna grow old! Oh well..
I always knew that the mountains of the sun is where Aslan lives or some place so special and so enchanted about it.. It really is very interesting..
"Two sides of the same coin"