From the discovery of Narnia in LWW to that fateful scene inside the stable in LB, everyone finds their own Narnian moments that are, to them, iconic.
Which of them is your favorite? Please list which ones you like best and why. (If you have more than one, you can put more down, but please no more than four.)
As much as we love the Narnia books, there are moments for all of us that fill us with dread. From the gloomy moments in Underland to the horrifying stable in LB, there are some times in Narnia that are not so bright.
What is your least favorite moment in the Narnia books? Why is it your least favorite?
My favorite moement form the books is handsdown the final scene in LB. The lead up to it was sad, mostly because I'm not esspecially fond on dead characters. But the relization that the are all in Aslan's country (heaven )and that they can still go on with their adventures,(in a sense) in Narnia makes my overjoyed.
The last page (or two depending on your book ) in LB says it the best.
And as He spoke He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at least they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.
memento mori
Maybe this is more of a character annoyance, but it's still part of VDT I don't understand.
When Eustace is discovered to be the dragon, everyone is saying, "Oh, we can't bring him along. How would we feed him? He'd be too slow."
Maybe it's just me, but I think dragons would actually be very fast flyers. Yes, feeding is one thing, but maybe they could have given Dragon Eustace a head start or something, and then they'd sail closely behind, if he really were that slow.
Favorite: How on earth do I just pick one? Recently it's been Aslan revealing himself to Shasta on the mountain, but I also like when he shows himself to Bree, when he talks with Jill... and so many others,but those are what popped into my head.
Least Favorite: the flashback in PC was too lengthy, I think it should have been broken up a little.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Favorite: If you asked me tomorrow, I'd probably say something different, but I'm going to go with the founding of Narnia in The Magician's Nephew. A favorite of mine, but then I have quite a few favorites.
Least Favorite: Can't really pick one, there aren't really any parts I dislike tremendously (although I will admit that the first few times reading LWW way back when, I didn't care for the portrayal of the wolves, and was a bit angry that they were on the witch's side ). If I really had to pick something, it would probably be from The Last Battle.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
(although I will admit that the first few times reading LWW way back when, I didn't care for the portrayal of the wolves, and was a bit angry that they were on the witch's side
Ah yes, I'd have to agree with you there, but at least he mentioned that there were good wolves too I just wish he used some as supporting characters. I think he mainly did that because that's how wolves are seen in a lot of European myths. (And I'm sure he didn't realize the ecological and cultural implications of such myths... so I've forgiven him for it
I'm curious as to what exactly you would pick from LB?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Ah yes, I'd have to agree with you there, but at least he mentioned that there were good wolves too
I just wish he used some as supporting characters.
I remember being very pleased to read that near the end, even though it was just a sentence or two. A wolf as a supporting-character would have been an amazing thing. Maybe a very small detail that they could add to a future film?
I think he mainly did that because that's how wolves are seen in a lot of European myths. (And I'm sure he didn't realize the ecological and cultural implications of such myths... so I've forgiven him for it
So true. He wasn't exactly alone in that. I forgave him as well... although it took a little time for me to do so
I'm curious as to what exactly you would pick from LB
As I said, there really aren't any parts in any of the books that a really dislike. But my least favorite book (once again, IF I had to pick one), would be LB. Just the book, not a particular part. Mainly because I feel it lacks something... I have never been able to determine exactly what. Also, my favorite book is HHB, which is sort of the polar opposite of LB (since HHB is set during the "golden age" of Narnia. I always wished there were more tales from that age, but that's a different topic).
But in saying all of this, it reminds me of one of my favorite parts of the whole series... and it's actually from LB. That would be the ending two paragraphs. They truely bring the Chronicles to a perfect end.
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
I think one of my favorite parts from the books is in MN when Digory is trying to tell Aslan how worried and upset he is about his mother, and doesn't know how to make Aslan understand, and then he looks up and sees Aslan is crying.
I think my least favorite scenes would be the walking scenes in HHB, where it just describes the desert as Shasta and Aravis travel.
One of my favorite scenes is from LWW, when the children and the Beavers walk through Narnia in a Spring that develops in minutes rather than in weeks. They see flowers springing up everywhere, they hear birds singing - it's a glorious day, and a little more peaceful than the day before. They know that they will soon reach their goal, and they can afford to enjoy the Spring that awakes around them.
My least favorite scenes are the ones in LB where the animals beg the Ape to go between them and "Aslan". It's disheartening to see their gullibility. Can't they see through the Ape's deceptions? Can't they think for themselves? Why do they want someone else to think for them? It's the saddest part of the whole Chronicles.
(avi artwork by Henning Janssen)
My favorite part in all the Narnia books is when Shasta/Cor meets Aslan. It's so beautiful, so majestic, so awe-inspiring, and yet so quiet. There are no magnificent battles, no terrible witches, no falling mountains and epic music with things falling from the sky, and yet in its simplicity, in its stillness, in its pure, magical serenity, and, most importantly, its truthful revalation just takes my breath away every time I read it. I guess it speaks to me personally , as well, since I've had some times in my life recently where I faced my own "lions" and everything seemed so dark and bleak and cold, and I found just a bit later that all those "lions" were not the terrible, wild animals I thought them to be, but situations that worked together somehow for the better. It's so encouraging for me to read this part in A Horse and His Boy, and really inspires me to keep going, to keep fighting and holding on even when life gets really tough.
Another part I really like is Puddleglum's facing the Lady of the Green Kirtle (or the Green Witch as I call her) I really love what he says to her, how he stands up to her seeming "logic" and says that even is Aslan is a lie and a made-up story, that he'd rather hold on it than to her "reality", because "four babies playing a game can make a playworld which licks your real world hollow." I just love how her whol spell and her whole lie just shatters into a million pieces and melts away, because a real lie cannot stand to the real, bare, and powerful truth!
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