What is your favorite creature in the book series? I thought this would be an interesting topic.
I'll post mine after others start posting.
I love the centaurs...they are so brave and very different!
"We have nothing if not belief"
I didn't see a dragon on the list! I voted Other. I love the part where Eustace turns into a dragon, it's such an intense scene (to me, anyway
). Other than dragons, I love the gryphons and dryads!
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Centaurs for sure: brave, wise, and just downright cool!
"Science, freedom, beauty, adventure -- Aviation offers it all" -Charles Lindbergh
My favorite would have to be the Naiad. (See username. >>>>>>)
After the Naiads, I'd have to say Marsh-wiggle. I've always loved their name: "marsh-wiggle." My friend kept laughing while reading SC because she found "marsh-wiggle" so funny. And I find it very funny, too.
I voted other. Efreets just sound too cool. Who doesn't like fire genies?
If we were restricted to good creatures then I would say Naiads.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
I love the fauns!!
"Are you sure you're eighteen?"
"Why? Do I look older?"
I love the centaurs, but if you had unicorns I might have voted differently Can you tell I love horses!!!!!
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Centuars are just so cool!
A Lady of Narnia Always a Lady of Narnia
I really like Gryphons, half eagle, half lion. But I don't think they're in the books.
Yeah, I don't think they're in the books, but I just had to include them because they are amazing and they play big roles in the 2 movies.
I chose the centaur just because they're so cool. I mean, half horse half human, wouldn't that be crazy and so much fun! You can ride a horse all the time!
My favorite "good" creature would have to be centaurs. But my favorite creature in the CON series is the Sea Serpent in VDT. Not sure why. I always just had a clear picture of his silly yet scary face. I remember listening to the FOTF drama of VDT and being scared out of my wits even though I knew what was going to happen, and then nearly laughing at Reepicheep's reaction. Its such a strange creature and unlike anything else in the series!
"Hello there!" - Obi Wan
Copywriter, Academic Writing, Fiction, Children's Literature
I loved Puddlegum the Marsh Wiggle - for entertainment value I think he's my favourite, for beauty - a centaur or a unicorn. If we can include creatures from the movies - I loved the fox in LWW - he was so cheeky to the wolves and the White witch 'I don't mean to be rude but I wasn't actually talking to you'