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Which of these awesome books is just a bit more awesome than the rest? Poll was created on Jun 21, 2020

Poll results: Which of these awesome books is just a bit more awesome than the rest?
Voter(s): 40
Poll was created on Jun 21, 2020
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (LWW)  -  votes: 5 / 12.5%
Prince Caspian (PC)  -  votes: 5 / 12.5%
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader (VDT)  -  votes: 9 / 22.5%
The Silver Chair (SC)  -  votes: 12 / 30%
The Horse and His Boy (HHB)  -  votes: 13 / 32.5%
The Magician's Nephew (MN)  -  votes: 8 / 20%
The Last Battle (LB)  -  votes: 7 / 17.5%

[Sticky] Favorite Book (and book rankings)

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Jonathan Paravel
NarniaWeb Regular

My favourite book in the Chronicles of Narnia is The Horse and His Boy because:

The characters have a great deal of depth. They seem a bit more complex than the characters of some of the other Chronicles, in my opinion. I really admire Aravis and her strongwilled nature.

I really like the descriptions of the different lands portrayed in the book: The woods in Calormen, the city of Tashbaan (and what wonderful architecture!), the green haven where we meet a special character, and the desert.

The book makes me think about the themes of identity, destiny and Home.

I too was changed when I met the Lion.

Posted : July 9, 2019 10:56 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic Hospitality Committee

If I absolutely HAD to choose, I'd probably say The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, simply because it was my first encounter with Narnia and the book that started it all. But I love all the other Chronicles too — each one of them has something memorable and special in it that I wouldn't want to be without — and I don't think I could bring myself to rank the rest of them!

I'm always surprised that Prince Caspian tends to rate low on people's lists, though — I've only recently revisited it and loved it as much as ever, if not more. I've never minded the big digression to tell Caspian's story in the middle of the main plot — it's a little awkward, but Lewis needed to essentially have two stories on the go at once until they intertwined, and that's the way he did it. And aside from that, I love the book's theme of a world that's lost its enchantment and how that is at last restored. I've known how that feels in my own life... ;)

"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)

Posted : October 18, 2019 8:10 am
NarniaWeb Nut

This is a hard one because I like all of the Narnia books. I'm going to go with the Magician's Nephew for my number one favourite as I love the world building and origins of the White witch, Narnia, and the wardrobe. It sets everything up nicely for LWW.

The imagery was great too especially the dying world in contrast with the new world which would later become Narnia, I loved the characters. It's a good introduction.

1. Magician's Nephew
2. Prince Caspian
3. Voyage of Dawn Treader
4. LWW
5. The last battle
6. The horse and his boy
7. The silver chair.

If one ranks them by favourites.

It is a good rule after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.
–C.S. Lewis

Posted : October 18, 2019 6:18 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

Seven-way tie! Just kidding (sort of)! :D

Okay, if I absolutely had to rank them, I'd have to go with:
1. LWW
2. MN
3. SC
4. VDT
5. PC
6. HHB
7. LB

This was really, really hard! The top 3 are basically a 3-way tie, and 4-6 are also a 4-way tie. But if I had to pick a #1, it would definitely be LWW. It was the first one I read, and I've read it more than the others, and I can't say I love any of the others more. I could write a book about how much I love that book.

It's funny, because I actually found it a lot easier to pick my least favorite. And while I don't dislike the Last Battle, when I actually read the book the ending was just so intensely bittersweet (and the sweet is hard to see if you don't know the symbolism) that I just felt gutted. "They all DIED? And that's the END OF NARNIA? Sure, they get to stay in this other Narnia (supposedly the real one, cuz the Narnia I know and love was just a shadow or something) forever, and that's kind of cool, but WHAT THE...??!!?" That's how I felt when I read it as a teenager. Now that I'm older, there's a lot I love about this book, even the crazy twist ending; I'm not hating on it here, but it took me a long time to gain an appreciation for it. That book messed me up. It's awesome but it's still far from a favorite. Apologies to LB fans.

Yes, I'm a mouse... I mean, a geek!

Posted : March 7, 2020 9:35 am
Justin of Archenland
NarniaWeb Regular

Definitely an uneasy answer to give here. That makes me love the question even more. Congratulations to all that have been able to answer it before :)

My list would probably look like this:

1. VDT
2. HHB

3. LWW
4. MN
5. PC
6. LB

7. SC

I've split them up to show my decisiveness in all of the cases.

1-2 are the strong leaders for me. I love VDT because of the well-carried-out multiple storylines within the story. I love the challenges they have to overcome, but most of all, I love Reepicheep in VDT. He has always been my favourite, but in this story I love him more deeply with every inch they get closer to the end of the World. It's his longing for discovering the afterlife that is close to my heart. Together with his bravery and gracefulness, he makes a convincing role model.

HHB is my number two because of my interest in Archenland (obviously). I would have loved for more 'screen time' for this ally of Narnia. Also I am a great fan of Shasta and Aravis' relationship and the role Aslan plays in this book. Bree and Hwin seal the deal for me, though. Bree is my second-favourite character. He's trying to be such a good and valiant creature and in his innocent moments he actually is exactly that.

3-5 can switch with a simple read. Whatever state I'm in, whatever beautiful part hits me the most will be able to bring one higher into the list. They're all great stories with amazing sections.

7 Is a bit of a downer for me. Hard to say it, because I still absolutely adore the book, but compared to the others it's not up there for me.

Main reason: I really dislike Eustace Scrubb (not much of a problem with him in VDT, though) and I think the Lady of the Green Kirtle and Rilian could have been much stronger presences in the story. Rilian is fine, but the witch's presentation is just a tad too weak in my opinion.
Great parts are definitely Puddleglum and Jill. Specifically Puddleglum's wise moments, his sacrifice and Jill's encounter with Aslan really stayed with me.

“Child," said the Voice, "I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.”
― C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy

Posted : April 10, 2020 9:29 pm
Member Knight of NarniaWeb

Oh boy, this will be hard. Here it goes...

1. HHB
2. VDT
3. LB
4. LWW
5. MN
6. PC
7. SC

Yay! I did it! :) That was hard.

When I first started reading HHB, I was a little confused and, actually, a little tiny bit bored. :-o I'm ashamed to admit it. I never dreamed then that it would end up at the top of my list. Now it's one of my favorites, for many reasons.

I feel really guilty putting SC in last. I really like SC. It's not that I don't like it. I just like it a little less than the other six.

Posted : May 9, 2020 3:41 am
Col Klink
NarniaWeb Junkie

When I first started reading HHB, I was a little confused and, actually, a little tiny bit bored. I'm ashamed to admit it. I never dreamed then that it would end up at the top of my list. Now it's one of my favorites, for many reasons.

That's actually pretty close to my experience of reading The Horse and his Boy. I'm not ashamed to admit it though. I think it makes for a good story and nicely parallels the inaccurate first impressions Shasta and Aravis have of each other.

I feel really guilty putting SC in last. I really like SC. It's not that I don't like it. I just like it a little less than the other six.

I kind of feel the same way about my least favorites. They're great when I'm reading them. It's just that when I'm reading the others I find them a tad greater.

For better or worse-for who knows what may unfold from a chrysalis?-hope was left behind.
-The God Beneath the Sea by Leon Garfield & Edward Blishen check out my new blog!

Posted : May 9, 2020 5:09 am
Phill Lytle
NarniaWeb Regular

Here is a link to the website where I write - Rambling Ever On. We recently published our ranking of the series and included commentary for each book. Enjoy!

"Every tear will be redeemed in the hands of God." - J.J. Heller

Rambling Ever On - Finding Truth, Beauty, and Joy in Life

Posted : February 1, 2021 11:54 am
The Scribbler
NarniaWeb Regular

I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with the Silver Chair... it feels very much like my book. I relate to the flawed character of Jill so much, and I loath the adventure she has to go on (I hate being cold, darkness, caves... bleh) but I was so struck in the heart by all she had to endure and learn. I think that book is really about death to the self and death to the comforts of the flesh, so it’s a hard but very good read and comes back to my mind often.

My other favs fluctuate, but here goes (for the moment) 











"Hello there!" - Obi Wan
Copywriter, Academic Writing, Fiction, Children's Literature

Posted : February 2, 2021 5:36 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

I have two top favorites (but it may change over time, so this is not permanent!)  My top two are "The Magician's Nephew" and "The Horse and his Boy".   

The Magician's nephew is one of my favorites because it is really showing the message of self control and character development for Digory. He struggles with the sadness he faces in the beginning of almost losing his mother and when he hits the hammer without even thinking of the consequences it can show the message about the "consequences of our actions." It can also show this theme when Polly is looking at the rings because she falls for vulnerability when Uncle Andrew lets her take one.  . The book is also full of adventure and wonder and shows the magic of Narnia and the beauty of it before Jadis, (The white witch) takes over.  It starts the books wonderfully as an origin story. I especially like the part where Digory redeems himself by not falling for the temptation that Jadis brings by not taking the apple for himself  and proves himself forgiven. The part where Aslan cries over Digory's mother is the utmost saddest part and one of my favorites. Lastly, when the tree is made into the wardrobe it provides the perfect entrance into the next and most famous book, "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe." 


The Horse and his Boy is another one of my favorites because, like the Magician's Nephew has beautiful, moral messages but, a amazing adventure. In the Horse and his Boy, the messages of Humility are very evident. When Aravis learns to swallow her pride, and when Rabadash learns that he is not as respected as he thinks, and especially when Bree learns that he is not the Great Warrior Horse as he says. It is also one of my Favorites because of the Family theme. King Lune just seems like such a nice, supportive Dad and is one of my favorite characters. Corin is a very good, ambitious brother and he is very funny at times. I love how he willingly gives his throne throne to Cor (shasta), it really shows a connected brotherly relationship. I like the part where Aslan comes and talks to Cor and one of my favorite quotes are in that chapter. When he tells him, how he took care of him all his life, it really shows that Aslan doesn't only care about Narnia, but of other countries also. The adventure in the story is priceless. While they are traveling, they all learn many things about the world, (especially shasta) and they each learn separate lessons that they will keep forever. I like that there is a "off to the side" story along with this about King Edmund and Queen Susan in their Golden age. It tells a little bit about them when they are older and their relationship with other kingdoms. Though the pevensies are in it, it is not like the other books where they are always the main character. This story shows a little bit of what normal life would be like in Narnia/Archenland and how Aslan does not only help those who are going to be someone important in life but likes to help those and teach those who are common people/animals. (ex. Bree, Hwin) 

"But even a traitor may mend. I have known one that did." - (King Edmund the Just, Horse and his Boy)

Posted : March 17, 2021 5:06 pm
Mrs Smooshy
NarniaWeb Regular

How could I even pick? There are three different books that virtually tied for first but if I have to pick:

  1. VoDT
  2. LB
  3. HaHB
  4. LWW
  5. SC
  6. MN
  7. PC

I think "Prince Caspian" really suffers from sequel-itus but it has one of my favorite moments in the series where only Lucy can see Aslan and the others follow her and, one by one, start to see him too.

The Mr, the Mrs (that's me) and the little our cats

Fancy Signature pending......

Posted : March 29, 2021 4:11 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

1. MN - This is my favorite book because it is the start of narnia and tells you who made narnia how it was made and how Jadis (White Witch) came to this world and also left the world. This book also tells what happened to Jadis and that she has a sister.

2. LWW - I like this book because I just like it

3. LB - I like this book because it has a lot going on at once.

4. HHB - This book came 4th on my list because it was confusing but I still like it. In the beging of the story I was board and did not what to read it but when I came to the middle it was interesting.

5. SC - I like this book because we get to meet Rilion and Jill also we get to know what happened to Ramondo's daughter. In this book we meet the Lady of the Green Kirtle I think she is smart.

6. PC -    PC - In the book PC there is telemrins and everyone but I think its because I know the story well and I know what is going to happen it came in 6th place.

7. VDT -  I think that there is less adventure then the other books I still like this bok but is came in 7th place becasue it was  a little more boaring then the other books.

"Why, Sir,’ said Lucy. ‘I think – I don’t know – but I think I could be brave enough.‘”

Posted : March 30, 2021 4:23 pm
NarniaWeb Regular

1.Horse and His Boy 

2. Silver Chair 

3. Magicians Nephew 

4. Lion Witch and the Wardrobe 

5. Dawn Treader 

6. Last Battle 

7. Prince Caspian

My favorite book is Horse and His Boy, because it has a great plot and I really enjoyed reading the story. It also taught a great lesson which was being humble and letting go of your pride. The characters were absolutely amazing and the amount of humor was perfect. 

Just remember, don't worry about being the best, just never forget to try your best!

Posted : May 29, 2021 8:37 am
Mrs Smooshy
NarniaWeb Regular

Lewis' style really developed over the course of the Narnia series.  He was always a brilliant writer, of course, but the depth and nuance to the world really increased as the series went on.  LWW will always be a classic and it does seem to have the most universal appeal but there is a maturity to the later-written novels while not losing that child-like wonder.  It sort of hurts to have HaHB number 3 in my list.  

The Mr, the Mrs (that's me) and the little our cats

Fancy Signature pending......

Posted : September 9, 2021 11:18 pm
Courtenay liked
Member Hospitality Committee

It's so hard to choose a favorite. I think there are some that I like better than others... and I don't think there's any that I like the least.


"And this is the marvel of marvels, that he called me beloved."
(Emeth, The Last Battle)

Posted : September 30, 2021 11:16 am
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