I've often wondered why does Coriakin always walk barefoot. It was mentioned a few times, but actually never explained.
I’ve never wondered about that. It just seems right. I suppose he might just like to go barefooted. I prefer to leave my feet bare in the house (except in winter it’s too cold then ). Ramandu also goes barefooted, so maybe it is has to do with being a star.
Or he could want to be able to move quietly. Generally, it is shoes that make footsteps loud. The Dufflepuds might go barefooted too. Their feet are described as having curled up toes, and the description is sort of from Lucy’s perspective so I would guess they would not have shoes on so the toes would be visible. In the picture they are wearing shoes though.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I have never though about it. Well there is no shops/markets around on that island and he might not know how to make some.
Well, Jadis in the Magician's Nephew (according to all the pics showing her feet) is barefooted as well. That is odd to think about.. hmmm..
guess they just don't care for shoes.. lol..
~ jadis
*ponders while nibbling her cookie*
Most likely he:
A. doesn't have anywhere to buy shoes
B. prefers no shoes
C. it has to do with being a STAR
A. doesn't have anywhere to buy shoes
He got his clothes from somewhere, so guess he could get shoes as well. I think it's certain that he walks barefoot on purpose.
I think it does have to do with being a star, actually. When the crew meet Ramandu, it's mentioned that he is barefoot as well. So maybe it's a star thing. Or perhaps they both just hated shoes?
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Marilyn Monroe
Ramandu's Daughter was also barefooted
Was she? As far as I remember, it wasn't mentioned.
He got his clothes from somewhere, so guess he could get shoes as well. I think it's certain that he walks barefoot on purpose.
But isn't it easier to make clothes than shoes? And maybe when Aslan somehow took him out of his position of a star, He gave Coriakin clothes. I mean, it's possible. He clothed Eustace.
I think it does have to do with being a star, actually. When the crew meet Ramandu, it's mentioned that he is barefoot as well. So maybe it's a star thing. Or perhaps they both just hated shoes?
By the way, same goes for the old Hermit in "Horse and his boy". Lucy, too, was barefoot on the ship, but she simply didn't have shoes.
I suppose it can also have something to do with Coriakin being an "eccentric but wise", Dumbledore-like character. Such characters often have unusual traits and quirks.
If a Magician can make a whole meal appear from nowhere and make the meal really good as well then being a good magic tailor would be nothing. Clothes were probably the least of his issues.
When you picture a Magician which picture suits you best, a magician wearing elevator shoes, a magician wearing combat boots, or a magician with no shoes at all? Yeah, I thought so. I'm not saying that certain kinds of shoes don't go good with magicians but that magicians wearing no shoes at all should make perfect sense. One explanation of "why" may not be as good as another but that it just makes sense.
Sig by greenleaf23.
Hmm I never really thought about him not wearing shoes...it just seemed natural. I guess he really doesn't have much need of them, living in his mansion with pleasant landscape on the island. It's also very difficult to imagine him with shoes, it seems like it would be a bit awkward and unnatural.
"The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended:this is the morning."
And as He spoke, He no longer looked to them like a lion.