I would look for that toffee tree!
Wow, the toffee tree! Never thought of that.
Cineadh: Hmmm.... you are right. But it would be fun too if you would be in a place where it is serene and calm.
"Two sides of the same coin"
I would probably freak out like nobody's business. Then I would go meet the people and try to head to Cair Paravel. It depends on what time period I was there for. I guess I was try things, like visiting the mermaids and seeing the minotaurs (if they were good) and dufflepuds and UNICORNS!!! I would get Narnian clothes and eat Narnian foods, like bacon and eggs and sausage all in a frying pan.
If I saw Aslan I would bow down and worship him. *sigh* if only it could happen for real...
Upon entering Narnia, i would head straight for Tumnus's cave to enjoy tea, toast, and sardines beside a roaring fire. afterwards, i would set off to find Aslan, or set off to be found by Aslan rather.
“I am,” said Aslan. “But there I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
Knowing me I would faint then I would want to talk to the trees and then just plain enjoy my self!I would also go find Aslan
sincerely NAH ( Narnian At Heart)
Narnia a world were you and I belong
I would pull my phone from my pocket and curse at&t under my breath because I've got no signal!
Then I'd go looking for Aslan.
oh wait, I do all that in this world too.
"Each day we are becoming a creature of splendid glory or one of unthinkable horror."
- C.S. Lewis
"There was a man called Clive Staples Lewis, and he almost deserved it."
- E.C. Scrubb
Well first I'd try to find what story I came in. Then I would probably go to Cair Paravel.
Founder of the Switchfoot Club.
Co-founder of the newly restored Edmund Club! Check it out on the Talk About Narnia forum!
I would probably think of a way to make money from it. Oil and gold reserves would be plentiful. You could be a billionaire if you had an entire planets resources to yourself. The only trouble would be getting it out of Narnia and to Earth.
Proud Satanist
Try to find Aslan. No doubt about it! Then I would learn how to sword fight with Reepicheep or eat eel stew with Puddleglum! Yum!
sandyentersNarnia, I agree. I also hope that it's real! My sisters don't believe me with that- they are like Susan. But I'd look for Caspian and Lucy (they are my favorite) and hear "Narnian Lullaby"!
Lucy:Do you remember who really defeated the White Witch?
Peter: Yes.
Lucy:Do you both believe in Narnia?
Narnians, Caspian and Edmund:We believe.
Susan and Peter:Shut up.
I would head straight off to Aslan's camp and learn how to fight with a sword and bow and arrow. Then I'd help the Pevensies defeat the White Witch. And I'd *have* to ride a dragon before I had to leave, of course!
"We are the ones, we get knocked down, we get back up and start all over again, we are the ones!" ~One-X by Three Days Grace
Av by Aravis Autarkeia!
Find Lucy and be friends with her and hug her! (of course the older version 16-17)
Well, I think I agree with BoyScout that if I got into Narnia it would be New Narnia, since Old Narnia has been destroyed and that I would be dead.
I would probably roll in the grass and cry for joy for a while and then I run and run and run all over the place, and talk to everyone, and hear their version of the Narnian stories and I'd go hug Lucy and Jill, and I'd want to ride on a flying gryphon and talk to a talking horse, and get Edmund and Peter to teach me how to sword fight and of course I would find Aslan, or he would find me. And I'd do this all in Narnian clothes with a Narnian hair style!
Merry Christmas!
"I'm here to save Elizabeth!" ~ Will Turner
Find a sword or bow and arrow. You never know if an enemy is lurking around Narnia or not.
Depending on the time I got there, I would try to meet heroes and awesome creatures, like a unicorn, centaur, dryads, and all that jazz. If I knew that Aslan was there, I would definitely go visit him because he is the best character of all, of course. I want to go to Narnia so bad...