Well, this is my first post so I hope it goes well .
So.. if you guys entered Narnia for the first time in your entire life, what is the very first thing you would do?
--- Sandy
"Two sides of the same coin"
Visit Beaver and his wife.
"You're worse than Beaver on bath day."
Welcome to NW!
Hmm. Well... I would probably go looking for Aslan first!
av by dot
go running thru the woods towards Cair Paravel and the shimmering Eastern Sea!! but of course after i go visit mr tumnus
~You can't get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.~ C. S. Lewis
First thing is that i'll probably feel very surreal and pinch myself then I'll see or try to figure out which era I went to. i hope King Tirian is around.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
I'd go and have a conversation with a Talking Horse.
The glory of God is man fully alive--St. Iraneus
Salvation is a fire in the midnight of the soul-Switchfoot
I would find out who is in charge (or who should be in charge) and try to help them (knowing I will be unsuccessful overall, but it's the easiest way to run into Aslan)
"And this marvel of all marvels, that he called me Beloved, me who am but as a dog-" -Emeth
thanks for the reply guys! !!
. I would love to hear the answers of others. More power!
"Two sides of the same coin"
I would visit Mr. Tumnus in his cozy cave! that would be awesome! then I'd visit the Beavers
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'd probably just wander around, try to figure out where I was, and then spy on people/creatures while staying hidden, until I figure out if they're 'good'.
I would find each character and ask him or her a lot of questions. For some reason, it seems to me that Lucy would be the first human character I would run into. Maybe because she entered the wardrobe first- but she was not the first terrestrial human to enter Narnia.
I'd wonder what was going on, wander around, hope it was Narnia, realize it was, and have a meltdown when the implications of that statement hit me.
Once I was sane again, I'd head east knowing that soon I would hit the beach and from there I could make my way to Cair and see what's up and why I'm in Narnia.
Can you tell I'm practical?
I would likely laugh my heart out, then figue out where, and when I am. Does anyone else realize that the only way you find yourself in Narnia is if you died!
memento mori
I would lay on the grass and gaze at the sky for hours...
"We have nothing if not belief"