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No Placeholder Card for Narnia on Netflix

NarniaWeb Guru

So here is something in the realm of unconfirmed intel that has been bugging me for a while...

Usually when Netflix have an upcoming original production in the works, they will, for whatever reason, add a placeholder title card for that project into the Netflix search engine.

So for example, if you were to search for the upcoming 2025 release of Roald Dahl's The Twits right now on your Smart TV app, you get a grey placeholder card for that film, written in a generic font, and with the Netflix logo in the corner.

This is the way it has always been at Netflix, since as far back as 2014 at least, as I distinctly remember when they added the placeholder for the Netflix Marvel shows a long long time in advance of those shows ever becoming a reality. They even for a long time had a placeholder for a "Magic The Gathering" movie which never made it out of initial development.

These placeholder cards get added so far in advance of the release that they rarely have any proper production art to use for the graphic (hence the generic font) and sometimes they don't even have a full title to use... at the moment the Netflix app search has two shows called "Untitled Leanne Morgan Project" and "Untitled Vincent Cassel Comedy" listed in the search results.

And yet, despite this, Narnia still doesn't have a placeholder entry. Not even one that just says "Narnia"

Like I said, I have no knowledge as to why Netflix add these placeholders to start with, and I can't think of any reason it would be advantageous for them to add generic placeholders years in advance of release (in fact, i can think of lots of reasons why it would be a disadvantage) and yet they always seem to do it... just not for Narnia.

Or at least, not yet.


Topic starter Posted : May 20, 2024 2:27 pm