Do you wish for anything related to the Narnia books that was never made or is so rare that if you can find it the item would be very expensive? Here are some items I think would be interesting:
1. A guidebook to the BBC Narnia similar to those which were published about the Walden films. It would be great if there were a book describing how the BBC series was made with pictures behind the scenes.
2. Viewmaster reels of the BBC Narnia or the Walden films. Probably no 3-D pictures were taken during the production of the BBC Narnia, although I could not say for certain. The Walden film of Voyage of the Dawn Treader was made in 3-D, but by that time (2010) Viewmasters were still made but were less common than they used to be. I would still like to see pictures of Narnia in an old fashioned stereo viewer.
If you wonder what Viewmasters are here is an article from Wikipedia:
They were popular in the 1960’s and ‘70’s and are still made today, although there are fewer of them.
3. A miniature of the wardrobe larger than a Christmas ornament and available at a reasonable price. It would be similar to miniature lighthouses or replicas of the Dr. Who Tardis. The size which would have some detail would be about six inches high.
4. A Narnia clock of good quality. I found a Narnia clock about ten years ago, but it did not keep good time. It was rather cheaply made, although it did have Pauline Baynes’ artwork. There are Narnia wrist watches which have pictures from the Walden films, and they are pretty good, but pocket watches with designs based on Narnia are becoming very scarce.
Can you think of any others?