Ok, long time no see... I know.
Anyway, I made this around a month ago. And realised today, that I forgot to post it! (how embarrassing!) At any rate, here it is...
Hope you like it! Comments would make my week!
Nice work, Princess Anna! I like the theme of the piece, and also the very subtle blending in of an image of Edmund, off to the right, when he was younger. The theme of the piece, obviously, fits the images well.
My only CC is that I'm not sure if I like how the left hand image of Edmund is quite blended in, I guess to me it looks a little bit odd having most of him blended in subtly and then having his eyes and the top of his head be much more visible and noticeable.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
I absolutely love it...the background is lovely and the words fit in perfectly! Nice work!
"We have nothing if not belief"
The words are really really good. But I wouldn't have seen the younger Ed if Forever Fan hadn't pointed it out for me. Maybe make him slightly less transparent?
The wording's my favorite ever!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Nice wp PA, simple and effective. Design and layout look good. The concept behind the piece is great. Text works well with your choices of imagery: in context, coloration, layout, and font. Blending of images looks great, I think the transparency levels are just right (especially on the LWW image, it's almost like a ghost image of Edmund's former self, which works quite nicely with the overall concept of the piece). This is just a personal thought, but I'm not quite sure on the far left image of Edmund. I think that his facial expression works on a reflective concept, but I'm not much for the thought of it being the same outfit worn in the main image. To me, I see it as more of an image from Edmund at a later time in LWW since it is a transparent image, keeping with the reflective theme (but, it's subjective). I'm not sure if the coloration is as strong as it could be for the concept of the piece (sepia just seems like a past tense theme, so it seems a bit odd to use on the main image), but I still like its overall effect. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
The first thing that hit me was your beautiful coloring! I like how it's sepia with purple undertones. I also love the translucent Edmund from LWW, it really ties in with the whole theme.
Quod Erat Demonstrandum
EEK! I'm so happy you did this! That song so reminds me of edmund! There are videos on youtube of that song to him. Though why are there two pictures of Edmund from PC?
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Princess Anna!!! It is so good to see graphics (just YOU!) again!
I agree with what ForeverFan said, that his eyes are not blended in as well as could be. I do love the text (kind, placement, etc.) I am very glad that you made an Ed wallie for this song (since I love it). One thing that I noticed right off is the coloration of Ed's shirt. I like A LOT that you decided to tweak the colors and play around with this!
Keep it UP!!!
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.