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[Closed] Wallpaper Contest - Greater Love

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lover of narnia
NarniaWeb Guru

Congrats hyaline12, Ricasso, LucyP0104, CSLewisNarnia, !!!!!!!!! I'm happy for you!! You did a awesome job. Also Wunderkind_Lucy, I Love that wally you did! It's color is beautiful....may I use it on my desk top??

greenleaf23, that one is really pretty! I love that color and textures! The picture is great to!

Follower of Aslan, Great quote!! Nice wally!

I can't wait for the next contest!!! :D

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Posted : February 23, 2010 11:15 am
A Magnet for All Kinds of Deeper Wunderment Hospitality Committee

Congrats to all the winners! :D

lon: Of course, you may! I'm flattered, lol!


"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
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Posted : February 23, 2010 11:24 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Congratulations to the winners!

And as much as I loved all the works and the winning ones too, I must say that to me the best was the one by Aslanisthebest - original idea, beautiful design, and not to mention truly the greater love, it touched me very much! I mean, no offence to those who did, but it was obvious most would do Aslan or siblings, while the Beavers truly are a greater love, to me at least. They're wonderful and show that among small quarrels, love is greater still :) So yeah, for me this was the winning piece, it won my heart! ;)

Hyaline 12, nice design, I like the shot you chose for the paper, congrats on the first place!

ricasso, nice work! And congratulations on second place!

LucyP104, congrats for third place and for being original! I liked the idea very much, indeed her love caused her to send them away!

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Posted : February 23, 2010 7:46 pm
NarniaWeb Nut

:-o :-o :-o :-o

*picks jaw up off floor* Wow, thanks so much!!!

Congratulations to Ricasso, LucyP0104 and CSLewisNarnia, and everyone else who entered! You're all amazing, and I loved looking at all your WPs! Great job everyone!

My LJ!

Posted : February 24, 2010 8:34 am
NarniaWeb Nut

Oooh! Honorable Mention, how exciting! ;;) :)

Everyone did a wonderful job on their WPs. I love the creativity, the wonderful designings, and much more. Congarats to all!


Icon by me. Sister: Aslanisthebest
Every time I think of a quote or witty comment to put here, the quote is not so spectacular and the comment is not so witty.

Posted : February 24, 2010 4:53 pm
Narnia Girl
NarniaWeb Junkie

Congrats to all the winners! Hyaline, your wallie was awesome!

Everyone did a beautiful job for the theme of "greater love"! Congrats everyone!

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Posted : February 25, 2010 1:23 pm
Lucy P.
NarniaWeb Nut

I can't believe I missed this! Oh well, I can still do the fun part, which is commenting on the folks' entries:

Follower of Aslan- I like how you incorporated 'No greater love'! Peter and Ed's bond has always been one of my favorite themes. I also love the quote you sued.

CSLewisNarnia- Ah, such pleasing placement of text! The way you added Lucy's and Aslan's eyes in the dark behind the concept piece is such a nice subtle touch.

Aslanisthebest- Awww! I love Mr. and Mrs. Beaver and I love how you showed that their constant bantering is really an expression of love for each other. Nice composition of the images and consistent coloring on all of them.

hyaline12- This one touches by its especially with the simple focus on the image of the girls embracing Aslan. With the superb text and textures it's a winner!

Georgie Fan- I love the coloring! Green lowlights with gold highlights is very cool, but especially when it symbolizes the warmth Aslan gives to the cool Edmund.

LadyGrace- Neato juxtaposition of Ed's and Aslan's faces! I also think the way you used the smoke texture to blend the images is really clever.

Wunderkind_Lucy- Your coloring takes my breath away as usual. :) The text placement and background texture were very well chosen.

LucyP0101- Your blending of the successive images comes together to create an overall confused feeling and your coloring is sorrow-inspiring. This piece of art really brought out emotion in me. I like the tear track on Mrs. Pevensie's cheek; it's a nice touch.

greenleaf23- This wallpaper is so cute! That picture of Ed and Lu hugging has got to be one of my all-time favorites. Unique texture and lovely coloring! and I like that hand-drawn heart.

Pattertwigs Pal- Nice heart frames! I like your theme a lot; it was very thoroughly thought-out. I love the bright red and pink!

lover of narnia- You centralized composition is refreshing. I also love the textures at the sides! Your picture choice is also great, it's very direct!

Ricasso- The Aslan texture in the corner is sooo cool! I also love your use of the blur tool, it gives the whole image a warm feel.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum

Posted : February 25, 2010 2:00 pm
NarniaWeb Fanatic

Conga-rats hyaline12, ricasso, LucyP0104, and CSLewisNarnia!

FollowerofAslan- I really like that choice of text, and the placement, too! The idea is superb. :)

CSLewisNarnia- That wallpaper is very, very gorgeous, as I told you several times. ;)

Hyaline12- The textures and colouring on your wallie are beautiful! :)

Georgie Fan- Really nice idea for the "Greater Love" theme! =]

Lady Grace- Ooh, I especially like the blending and text on your entry!

Wunderkind_Lucy- *somehow muffles some loud squealing with delight at the lovely colouring and textures on your wallie* I'm a big, big fan of your graphics. :D

LucyP0104- Such a swell idea! The blending on that's really great. I really, really liked yours. :)

Greenleaf23- Ooooh, your textures, colouring, text and everything were so pretty! :D

Patterwigs Pal- My sister (CSLewisNarnia) and I were really impressed by your brilliant idea, your wallie is definitely one of our favourites. ^^

Lover of narnia- I really like how the background is all black, and then the picture (with very nice colouring!) is in the centre. :)

Ricasso- The soft, light effect on your wallpaper gives a very pleasant feeling. :)

D'aww, thank-you so much for your sweet comments, Beginte and Lucy P.! :)h

RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia

Posted : February 28, 2010 4:40 pm
A Concerned Third Party Moderator Emeritus

A huge congratulations to the winners! You all did an amazing job on your wallies! :-bd

Follower, wonderful concept and design! Your text was an excellent choice as well!
CSLN, great blending and image choices! I especially love the concept art!
Bella, *melts* That is such an original idea to use Mr. and Mrs. Beaver! I love it!
hyaline, congratulations on winning! The design, coloring, textures, and text are simply awesome! Quite sad as well!
Georgie Fan, very nicely done! I quite like the coloring and text!
LadyGrace, excellent blending! Your text choice is great as well!
WunderLu, your entry is beautiful! I love the textures, coloring, and text! Quite lovely!
LP0104, so moving! The images are wonderful, the blending is excellent, and the text says so much while saying so little! I love it!
greenleaf, very good work! I love the coloring and textures! The little heart brush is so cute!
Pattertwig, a very original idea to use Aslan and Reepicheep! Very nice text choice as well!
Lover of narnia, wonderful choice of imagery and text! Very fitting with the theme!
Ricasso, wonderful wallpaper! It's so simple, yet very profound and moving! I love that it has no text, yet the theme is still shows through very strongly!

Again, congratulations to the winners, and a huge shout out to the other participants! You all did amazingly!

This thread is now locked.
Look for a new contest very soon! :D

--- flambeau

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Topic starter Posted : March 8, 2010 9:07 am
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