Here it is, finally! My drawing arm is whimpering and looking at me with reproach - yes, it can do that - but I think it was worth it! A few boring but important things from the humble author before you honor me with taking a look...
Aside from the text and the clouds, everything here is handmade, drawn with my faithful tablet. I must say I'm very proud of the faces, especially Caspian's - I think I managed him to look like Ben Barnes, and the face is realistic. It's the best face I've ever drawn, actually.
The sail on the Dawn Treader... it's supposed to be lit up from behind but didn't work out 100% like I wanted it to, bear with me. I'm happy with the rest of the ship though.
The sketch I posted some time ago included Reepicheep, but I deleted him from this poster, as I didn't find a good way to fit him in. I'll try to make another version, not very different, so that I can squeeze him in, sorry, Reep! I love you, I'll try to fit you the next time!
Now, it took so long because it's very, very detailed... each and every hair was drawn separately, Caspian himself took me over 2 weeks, and the details took a lot of time too. Rhindon actually has clearly written 'When Aslan Shakes His Mane' on it's blade.
Anyway, enough from me, sorry for the rant, I just needed to say all this Enjoy the work and don't be too harsh on me in criticism, though constructive one is always OK. ... Ismall.jpg
Comments are great!
I'll most likely post another sketch soon
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
(Pardon me while I scrape my jaw off the floor)
Oh my goodness, WOW.
The faces, and the way the ship's prow looks like it came from an actual promo photograph, and not only does Caspian look like Ben Barnes, but Lucy completely evokes Georgie, it's amazing!!
The only tiniest piece of CC I have to give is that the line for Eustace's sleeve is kinda faint and hard to see, so it looks as though he has a missing arm. But if I zoom in I can see it's there, so it's not a big deal.
I still cannot quite make myself believe you really truly drew all that. It is so amazing. Fabulous work!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
Call me Maddy! | my livejournal
Proud Attolian Recruiter
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! This is amazing! Everything is so great, WOW!
Aslan is beautiful, very lifelike. Also, Caspain looks great. Edmund is great too. The ship looks incredible as well. Really, really great job!
WOW is right. That is awesome, you should work for the movie people!
And by the way awesome is a massive understatement.
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Absolutely no words can describe this....just amazing!! I look at this as the actual movie poster....wonderful job!!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Oh wow...that is AMAZING!!! I could never draw like that...they all look so realistic! That is perfect! You should be very proud of yourself!
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
Wow! Your work is absolutely stunning, Beginte! You did a very good job on Caspian's face, and he and Aslan are my two favourites of this piece- although all are really nicely done. The fact that you put much time into this work in general is very much evident- Aslan is very well done as well- the colours on his face and of his hair are perfectly chosen, and very much real looking.
I also like how you composed the piece to look like the dragon head on the Dawn Treader and the sea serpent are fighting- very creative! The colouring on both- but especially the figurehead of the ship is wonderful- and the details!
(Okay, so I like details and little things...)
All in all a very nicely done piece. I think my only CC is that Lucy almost looks like she's holding her breath and her cheeks are filled up with air, but that is probably pretty minor. It is hard to draw faces, and for the rest of the piece you did quite well.
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
*echoes all the other exclamations of WOW*
I love the water and the folds of the fabric and all the details, like having the shirts be slightly different colours. I particularly like Lucy/Georgie's hair. I'm not sure about the colours you used for her though... she looks a bit more de-saturated than everyone else, and her hair strikes me as more red than brown.
Now that he's not there, I kind of miss Reepicheep. Oh well. I hope he fits into your next piece.
Could you include close up details, like the writing on the sword? Or the serpent and the Dawn Treader? It'd be really neat to see them better.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I am truly awestruck Beginte. I'm not going to lie, I was multi-tasking when looking at this piece, so I forgot what I was looking at when I came back to it. That being said, when I came back to your piece and saw the preview, I honestly said to myself: "Wow, the poster for VDT is actually out now" (that is something that you should be most proud of ). Now on to the critique (mwahhaha.... my attempt at an "evil laugh"
Character work looks great, the details are phenomenal (I love the work on Aslan's mane and the folds in the clothing). I think that the facial expressions and "looks" (meaning the likeness to the cast) of the boys all work well. Lucy looks a little off and I'm not sure if her expression is working at its highest potential. Also, Lucy's pose looks a bit "uncomfortable". Her left arm feels really tense and rolled forward (as if she is trying to block out Eustace or he's trying to push her out). Looks like there needs to be a line to connect Eustace's shirt sleeve, as it blends into the white background. From this image size, Edmund's hand looks a little... off. Proportion wise looks good, but the pose or something looks weird (maybe it's because I'm so used to seeing "hand over hand" on a sword hilt in this particular pose). Costume design looks good on all, they definitely feel like they belong in the same crew. I like how they still manage to all look different though. Also, I notice that the main light source seems to be coming from the left, while on the characters, the light source appears to be from the right. Obviously the characters may not be connected with what the BG light is doing, but it is something that I happened to notice.
Usually I'm pretty bummed when Aslan doesn't have a larger image on the Narnia posters. However, in this case, I think it's very effective in the way your layout is setup to have Aslan be smaller. As he is among the cloud imagery, I connect it back to being that he is the very sun and light that guides them in their journey, even to the very end of the world. Comes off as a very powerful visual reference. Nice work here. Now, I know you mentioned that the cloud imagery wasn't your own hand doing, but it does look fantastic.
On the BG imagery, is the line next to Caspian's right arm intentional, as a skyline? If so, I think it's too dark, becomes a bit of a visual distraction. If you were to take it out, I think it would still work in the 'blending' department because the water has a nice, soft edge to it. The details in the waves are also superb. I think it's very effective to have this detail and then to tamper off into just coloration as you get down towards the text. The sea serpent and the DT are also looking great. The coloration on the sail didn't bother me at all, though the water around the side of the ship did. The way the water covers the side almost looks like the DT is sinking (maybe you intended it to be that way seeing that it is in a battle with a sea serpent).
Lines of text work well. I like the intro. of Fox and Walden Media at the top with the main title towards the bottom. This is just personal preference, but I would move the "in theaters.." portion up just a tad (still keeping it in the coloration area, out of the "splash" area).
On a final note, I agree with Meltintalle. It would be really nice to see certain areas of this piece in more detail. I really want to see Rhindon up close to get the full effect of the "etched" text detail. You have done a fantastic job here Beginte. This is one of those pieces that I really wish was on the market for purchase. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
I cannot even begin to think. I can't even talk. I can't even come up with words for this.
NOTHING that you've done, Beginte, has exceeded this. This is pure awesomeness.
The faces are all perfect aside from Eustace, who's face seems a bit 'pushed inward' and flat, but Caspian... wow. You absolutely nailed his face.
The Dawn Treader is stunning! It looks like a screenshot of it.
The Dawn Treader's poster better be good to compete with this 20 out of five stars.
Leader of the A.N.T.I. M.U.P.P.E.T.Z. (American Nitwits Think Intelligently vs. Malevolent Undercover Pals Planning Eventual Takeover of Zivilization.) RP in Ditto Town! PM to join!
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have completely out done your self Beginte,!!!!! That HAS to be the most awesome piece of fan art I think I've ever seen!!!!! This is truly a GORGEOUS piece of art!!! I'm in wonderous awe of every detail!!!
*Trys to calm self*
That is so great, beautiful
This is such a awesome piece. I love the color, it so rich, you did a great job coloring it. The attention paid to Aslan and all his bits of hair, is wonderful. But Caspian's perfect. That is him in every way. You hit the nail on the head. ( I also love the fact you made him holding Rhindon
Edmund is really cool to. I love his hair, which appears to be wind swept. It makes it look good. The Telmarine sword he is holding is great. I love every little thing. The Dawn Treader, is extremely well down. Looks like a pic. SUCH A GREAT JOB!
I have a few CC comments ( constructive of course
) Lucy's face looks a bit....flat. On her cheeks but the rest of her head is great. I noticed near the top of the dawn treader Eustace's arm isn't there, but I can understand how things can happen; and you may not even have intented it to be there. The handle of Rhindon is a little off center with the blade, but that's okay too, hardly noticeable. The sword is phenominable in detail
I LOVE this piece of fan art.....If it's alright with you, I'm going to save. It's too gorgeous not too!!!!
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
wow!!!! That looks amazing! Your shading is very impressive. I love the vibrant colors! Great job!!!
Stunning! Great job! Your graphics look very similar to the actual people and the overall look is just amazing!!!!
av / sig by me, PM if you want one
saw the movie opening weekend and cried at the end!
Jesus DIED for ME and YOU!
Oh wow oh wow oh WOW! Beautiful, Beginte, just beautiful! It's a wonderful work of art.
Caspian and Edmund's faces are of course right on as everyone has said. Aslan and the DT look as if they are extremely well-cropped photos. When I first looked at Lucy's face I thought it was actually not very like her, but then after a second look I found that it is a very good likeness, but her cheeks are a little puffed out. And I do agree with Lion's Emblem that her left arm looks a bit uncomfortable. Eustace is fine, not quite as real as the others, but still far above "Good."
Considering that I have never even attempted, let alone achieved anything of even 1/10 this magnitude, I feel rather rude criticizing this one. I hope you don't mind! Despite anything anyone can say, this is one awesome piece!
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
Beginte WAY TO GO!!!!!! That drawing is AMAZING! It looks like a real poster! Great job!!!!
credit to Check every wardrobe for the Siggie
credit to Princess Anna for the Avatar