Right, this is how I designed the first of many posters for VoDT... before you take a look, here are a few important notes!
It's just a sketch, so please, no comments about the faces!
I will color it in Photoshop and post it when I'm done, though it will take some good time. I promise, it will look better once in colors and with shades and lights.
It's supposed to mostly serve as a concept, where who stands and in what position, so again, pleaaaase no comments about the faces, I hate them personally.
There will be more posters if you want, I've got about 3 more ideas and am ready to produce more!
http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42 ... 1small.jpg
Comments are very, very needed!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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I actually don't think the faces are that bad, Beginte! (I hope positive comments about the faces are allowed?) I like Lucy's the most, especially the angle that it's on.
The image of the Dawn Treader in the bottom right hand corner is well drawn- especially the dragon's head at the front. I like how the waves kind of come up over the title text as well, they look quite realistic! My only little bit of CC is maybe Aslan's head could be bigger? I like the position it's in, but it feels a little...swamped out by the bigger figures of Caspian/the kids below. It's just a suggestion though.
I'm looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
no comments on the faces? seriously? Do you know how long it would take me to get that kind of face?
those are good! very good concept drawing love it!
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AWESOME. Gints, you've NEVER lost your touch, lol!
I absolutely love the Dawn Treader (ship)'s look---
This is exactly how I shall now imagine the Dawn Treader poster to look like...
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Oh, thanks, guys! Seriously, I didn't even suppose anyone would get at least remotely interested in this! Thank you all so much!
ForeverFan, thanks! Haha, yes, positive comments about the faces are allowed and shocking, since I think they deserve a 'blergh' review! I promise they'll look better in coloring! I'm happy you like the Dawn Treader, I had fun drawing it Now, Aslan has to blend with the clouds (I know it's not really visible on the sketch) and I want brightness and emptiness on the left, so he had to be pushed back a little. Thanks, I did the scan and lineart and started coloring in Photoshop today, maybe I'll finish it before Christmas, as there is a lot, looot job to be done!
Eruceninde thank you! Haha, well, I still don't feel too good about the faces, since I wanted them to be quite different, but my drawing hand refused to cooperate!
Narnia_Fan12, thank you! And good to hear from you Oh, I loved drawing the Dawn Treader, I just loved the design they came up for it! Very faithful to Pauline Baynes' and Lewis' vision, and yet fitting the creations we've seen so far in the movies! Aw, thanks, that's a big compliment! I still have a few more designs up in my sleeve!
Thanks so much for the comments again, guys, so would you like to see more posters when I make them? If yes, coming up next should be a horizontal billboard, one of those super-cool ones that stare at you from the streets!
Thanks again!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Wow, great job, Beginte!
I'm very impressed! It looks like a really solid layout to me! One question, are you anticipating this being a traditional poster shape? (Upright rectangle) or is it just the way the sketch shows it, more of a landscape wallpaper-type shape? Just curious. The design is really good! I like the sea serpent and the Dawn Treader's dragon facing off, very cool!
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Beginte, great poster. You really are a talented artist. And the faces don't look that bad. I love the postition of Aslan and the sunlight coming through on the right hand corner. Lovely poster. And I would love to see more.
Sig by ski_hi_flier Avvy by campgirl
Beautiful sketch...nice job!
I really like the water with the dragon and sea monster at the bottom. I also really like the way you have the shaft of light coming out from the clouds on Aslan and the Pevensies/Caspian. And I woudn't worry about the faces too much...I can tell who they all are!
I'd <3 to see the colored version!
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2nd to One, thank you! Oh, it's a rectangular shape, I know that the lines around the text might suggest the poster ends 'too early', but in the colored version you'll see the real size and proportions Oh, thanks, I was hoping someone would like the Sea Serpent hissing at Dawn Treader!
princess_of_narnia, thank you! I'm happy you like the poster, and I'm glad the faces aren't so bad. More sketches should come after Christmas, and the colored version of this one as well! So look out for it sometime soon!
redeemedqueen, thank you!
Thanks again, guys, look out for the colored version coming smetime soon!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Wow!!! That is one awesome sketch!!!
I love Caspian's face!! (I know you said no face comments...but I really do like it) I think you did a wonderful job with that. Plus you got his beard and armor just right!
I really like Aslan's head in there, with his mane flowing back into the backround. Reep is so cute! I love the water splashing up from the bottom and the Dawn Treader ship is wonderful!! The sky and sunlight filtering through, is a neat touch.
The Dragons head on the prow of the ship is intricatly done and the Narnia logo is awesome!!
I can't wait for the color version for I'm sure it will be wonderful! WONDERFULLY AWESOME SUPERB JOB!!
PS. I love your aristic hand...you for sur have a talent given to you!
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cool i want to see it finished. Are you gonna post it in this thread when you finish?
Amazing sketch! I agree, I really like those faces too.
I'd never in my life would be able to do those faces, so don't be hard on yourself about it, especially given it's a sketch.
I think the sketch looks great! It's giving a nice, clear impression of what you want to do with the poster. The only thing I'm not totally sold on is Reep, much as I love his inclusion. At the moment, he seems removed visually from the other characters, added as an afterthought to weight down the bottom corner. I'm hoping that colour and texture will make him 'fit' better.
I'd love to see more poster ideas.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Hey, Beginte! I really like your poster, and the faces don't look bad. I like the characteristic features and the details you put into your drawing. Also, I think it is good composition, everyone looks placed just right. (:
~*~Official Historian of the LOTR Club~*~
That is a great design Beginte. I definitely would like to see the others, and also I look forward to seeing this one in color. I'd like to mention that Caspian's face is actually very well done. You also did a beautiful job with the Sea Serpent and especially the Dawn Treader. I love how you drew it cresting a foamy wave!
I would make one suggestion: move Aslan to the right upper corner, still facing left. Then it would seem like he is surveying the others below, instead of looking out of the frame.
Beautiful poster!
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