Awwww, thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EDIT: Okay, ANOTHER one. This one is Peter and Edmund. The text is from a series of Fanfictions by an Author called elecktrum. I understand that fanfiction is not looked on kindly here but I still wanted to give credit where credit is due. So, there ya go. ... Wallie.jpg
Hope you like it, it's one of my favorites so far
These are all very nice. You are good at them. Where do you find the elecktrum fanfics? I have looked and i can't find them. I loved all of the graphics, especially the last one. I think they really look like brothers...
Thanks Rainy! I'm REALLY glad you like them! I pm-ed you the link
Okay, here's my latest. I think I'm gonna do some different style wallies after this, I'm kinda getting tired of the parchment look But this one turned out pretty well methinks ... rriors.png
Comments are love!
VFK: A game you play in CHAT sometimes?! If you know Mrs. Heggem, I might know you!
I LOVE all these! Great ones of Lucy and Susan! And elecktrum is amazing. I like that one of Peter and Edmund- it's really cool!
Pray for Skandar member! PM Benjamin to join!
I saw the film on Opening Day!
When all else fails, read the Instructions!
HQoN: Ummm.... *searches memory* I don't think I know her. Sorry.
Thanks! PM me, I'd LOVE to talk fanfic with someone who loves her work as well
EDIT: Ah, here's another one for ya It's Trumpkin this time ^_^ ... /PC036.png
VFK: Lovely work! Both wallpapers have stunning coloring, which makes certain aspects of the picture stand out more and create an amazing overall effect! In the first one, I really like the background, with the details of Aslan in the corner. Your cropping of the three characters is great and I particularly love the striking blue color on Ed's shirt!
In the second wallie, I really like how you made the background more or less black and white, so that Trumpkin and the words "DLF" really stand out and catch the eye. Again, I love the prominent burgundy color of his pants!
Wonderful work!
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
Oooh goodness! Thank you Quinlin!!!!!! I'm so glad you like them!!!
Okay, through the LONG silence from you guys *stares pointedly* I have been able to make another wallie
COMMENTS ARE LOVE ... hedit2.png
Starting from page 1.....
Susan wallpaper: AWESOME. AWESOMENESS. The effects you used upon this are really good. I love the theme. Protected. And excellent choice of people to put behind her! The blending of them is just flawless. Really, perfect!
I especially like the large picture of Aslan on the right, and Caspian!
Oh yes! Caspian being there is just another superb touch. The black&white, combined with the color on here, makes her stand-out. All in all, a excellent piece of fan art
Lucy Wallpaper: OOOH! This one is really good too, and along the same theme as the Susan one! I think that line really works for the girls, cause they do need some occasional protecting
Okay, I must say, the coloring on her is pretty stunning. Very rich, very noticeable, very pretty! Also, her blending into the parchment background is good quality. You did a really nice job getting her hair in there! Better than I could do! Again, good choice of the characters to put behind her. I love your selection of the Edmund image, and the Big Aslan in the center. He has such kind eyes in that scene. The back layer adds a nice medieval feel. Good job!
Second Susan one: Again, nice. This one really follows your Lucy one of before. Good coloring, nice choice of images, and I like that picture of Susan! My only CC would be that Susan is a bit brighter than the background around her. But that's it!
It really is very lovely. I like the font, and once more, that large picture of Aslan. Nice job!
Edmund Wallpaper OH MY! This one is beautiful! The lighting is really stunning, and the color on Edmund *gasp* Rich and vivid.
Great theme for this one as well. The font you chose, and the words, really work together to make it look good. The light coming in from the back at the edges adds a nice, warm, feel. Awesome.
Edmund Peter Wallpaper I like this one. Definitely good. What really struck me at first was the roaring mouth of Aslan in the back. I really really like that you added that. It gives it 'something'. The words do fit Pete and Ed, which makes them go well with it. Bour blending is again good, but my only CC is that, that picture of Peter is a bit lower quality and has some more lighting than that Edmund pic. Still, it's really good.
Page 2
Warrior Wallpaper Cool! I like the characters you picked! They are most definitely Warriors. Good blending, awesome color, and nice choice of pictures. The font is really nice, and that red Lion is a good touch. Nice!
Trumpkin Wallpaper I like the effects! And the coloring! The spots of red and green color around him and the background look cool. And I love how you made the text stand out, by putting color behind it. it's really a nice composition. You did (another) awesome job!
All the Pevensies Wallpaper I believe I commented on this in the chat room. But I shall say's really good
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
WOW!!! I really like the Pevensies' one!!! Good work!!! AMAZING!!!
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
VFK: I love your latest wallie with the four Pevensie's! As I mentioned before in my last post, you really create amazing effects by altering the colors and making the children black and white so they differ from the background behind them! I also really love that picture you choose, it's so sweet!
Oh and I wanted to comment on your Lucy one from the previous page cause it's very pretty as well. I love that shot of Lu, the coloring of her clothes, and how Aslan and her brothers look over her in the background!
We have nothing, if not belief.
—C.S. Lewis
Luvuh: Awww, thank you for all your kind words! It means a lot coming from my niece, and even more coming from such a skilled graphic maker! ^_^ *hugs*
Narnian_Archer: Tanky Tanky! I'm glad you like it!
*tries to decide whether or not to give you a hug* Eh, what the hey!
Quin: *hugs* Thank you!!!! It means a lot!
Okay... I found this one buried pretty deep in there...... Some of you may have seen it before, some may not have. Comments and Constructive Criticism are always welcome! ^_^ ... /PC117.jpg
I'm sorry, but this thread is now closed. According to the section rules...
1.) There will be one topic per piece of art or series. For example, you draw a picture of yourself as Tumnus and create the topic "Me as Tumnus." Replies to the topic will deal only with that particular piece of art. This means your drawing of yourself as Tumnus and your second drawing of yourself as Roonwit would all have separate threads.
This applies to wallpapers as well. I know the rules don't specifically state that wallpapers aren't allowed to be posted in the same thread, but we are in the process of editing them to make that more clear.
I'm sorry that I didn't catch this earlier and let you know then! That's my fault, and I apologize!
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
Icon by me