In this, my latest mash-up, Peter Pevensie, code name V, is outraged by the changes that have occurred in Narnia during his 1300 year absence from his former kingdom. He forms friendships with an unlikely group of rebels and leads them in a great uprising against the tyrannical Miraz and the Telmarines.
Happy New Year!
Av & sig by me.
NWsibs: whitefox, N_B_H
RL sibs: H_L and SW_F
Nice trailer 2nd to One. Looks like you've improved overall from your previous "mash-ups" that I recall. Your editing of clips works really well throughout. I'm not sure on some of the clip choices in certain spots, but overall your Narnian clips seem to match up well with the V for Vendetta dialogue track (I've only seen bits and pieces of Vendetta, so I can't say for sure that certain parts aren't quite matching up). Overall pacing looks good. The "black slug" portions used in segments :02 through :28 have a nice effect with the dialogue track, but it does seem to run long in some places (:16 to :19 and :21 to :28. That's ten seconds of almost back to back empty space). I noticed that during this time, I was no longer paying attention to the video, not even the dialogue track. I like the effect of having the pause before the female speaker answers the question as black screen, but I feel that the rest runs just a bit too long to sustain my interest. At the :16 to :19 mark, the footage of Peter drawing his sword could be slowed down or lengthened to take out just a bit of the blank time that follows the clip. Lip sync looks great at 1:05 to 1:06 and at 1:32 to 1:35 (the pause between clips with the "black slug" looks good between shots as well at the 1:34 mark). Editing from 1:09 through 1:19 really stands out to me, nice clip usage to match up with the dialogue and general pacing. The title effects near the end of the trailer are superb, has both a Narnia and Vendetta appeal (fades and glow look great and work well). The pause before the final clip at the end is also very effective and a nice way to end the trailer. The quick flashes at the end of this clip work well and it's a perfect matchup to a similar effect used at the beginnning of the trailer and with the flash on the title text (a superb way to bookend your trailer, awesome job). Nice work 2nd to One , fantastic trailer
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
I aggree with Lion's E, that some of the black patches are a bit too long. Of course the dialogue does help. You've got some really good fast shots in there, and I don't think it felt too rushed overall. I was a bit confused by the characters though, because I saw no shots from Vendetta and I have not seen that movie before. Anyway, I like that you are playing around with Caspian shots, and I would love to see more of your work more often!
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
Lion's Emblem, as ever, you give a thorough and insightful post! Thank you for all your comments and suggestions! I did think black dragged on a little bit after the shot of Peter drawing his sword... I'll have to see about something going in there.
I do think this is some of my best editing as my cross-over trailers go...the dvd video for the most part stayed clean, the only bad spot is when Susan gets knocked down. The close-up shot of her on the ground gets kind of garbled. I'm still not sure why Vegas does that to dvd video...
Thanks for commenting, Follower of Aslan! I do have other Narnia related cross-over trailers on Youtube, I could pm you the links to them if you'd like!
I have not seen Vendetta either. I just thought the concept might work with well with Prince Caspian in a trailer...
Happy New Year!
Av & sig by me.
NWsibs: whitefox, N_B_H
RL sibs: H_L and SW_F
You have not seen it? Well I think you did very well with it for not having seen the movie you crossed Narnia with. Yes! I think I have seen most of the trailers you made, but just to be safe, PM me them all, OK?
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.