Then her face lit up till, for a moment (but of course she didn’t know it), she looked almost as beautiful as that other Lucy in the picture, and she ran forward with a little cry of delight and with her arms stretched out. For what stood in the doorway was Aslan himself, The Lion, the highest of all High Kings. - Voyage of the Dawn Treader
And that is what I did with my Saturday.
larger version on DeviantArt here
digitally coloured version of an older sketch: Visible I
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Oh, WOW!! This is so adorable! You are very talented!! How did you do it? Paint? Chalk? I can't really tell... It matches the scene very very nicely. Well done, well done!!
Mel, wow! This is beautiful! The colors are so warm and lovely, and the piece perfectly captures the simple delight of that scene.
The detail, especially, is amazing--over the door, in Aslan's mane, on the book's page...there's so much to look at. Fantastic work!
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Oh Meltintalle! How beautiful! that is lovely work! I love the colours. Too bad they didn't hire you to illustrate the Chronicles! I so *love* your work! =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
I think that what I love about this work the best is that it holds true to the Pauline Baynes style, yet with a touch more realism and a flavor of the film.
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
How did you do it? Paint? Chalk?
Well, I did it all on the computer. If I remember correctly, the brush was supposed to give a sort of oil-paint effect but I think it's more like a pastel or chalk myself...
Mal, I love details. They're my favourite part of any piece. (Also, I love your Riddlemaster quote! It makes me want to wear it in my sig too.)
Thanks, Pepper. But I suspect part of the reason I wasn't hired is because I wasn't alive way back when.
Thanks so much, Shy Galadriel! That is exactly the sort of style I was going for. I love the original illustrations, and for the most part I really like the aesthetic of the films and yeah. Mixing it together is fun.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Great work, Meltintalle! I really like the light-effect from the door . Lucy has very interesting clothes (fashion from the Lone Islands?) and the hair is great, flowing-looking and just the right colour! And yes, I agree with you that it looks more like it has been done with pastels than with oil paint. Small details are amazing, as always, especially in the table. My only criticism is Aslan's expression, he looks somewhat distant. But overall it's great
My art blog (both in Finnish and in English)
Wow! Wonderful job! I know this has been said time and time again, but I absolutely love the details, especially that corner of the page on the table. That especially jumped out at me. Did you do this with a mouse, or do have a tablet? I have a tablet, and I've been trying to get into digital painting, but it's hard being self-taught because I still don't know what technique suits me best...
Anyway, marvelous painting! I really love it!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
I must compliment you on your beautiful drawing. The look of joy on Lucy's
face as she embraces Aslan and the rays of light shining on Him give the drawing a most wonderful effect. You are a gifted artist, that is clear to see. Thank you for sharing your work with us.
NW friends and siblings...AliceLuna, Liberty Hoffman, Lucy of Narnia, Lyneya,
Miss Rosario, MistressofDawn, Narnia Fanatic, Pogginfan, Silver the Wanderer, Smartypants, The Rose-Tree Dryad, TheValiantLucy, wild rose, Winterlife and Wolfloversk.
Lucy has very interesting clothes (fashion from the Lone Islands?)
Yes, probably!
and the hair is great, flowing-looking and just the right colour!
I think you're right about Aslan's expression being distant; but it's hard to decide what exactly his face ought to be saying at a moment like this. I considered having his eyes scrunched up for a smile, but then he looked asleep...
Silver, I have a tablet. It's taken me awhile to start figuring out how to best use it too, so don't give up. Keep trying different styles. (And then pick the one that gives the best results with the least amount of work. )
Thank you, Windsong!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton