I really like the song "This is Home" by Switchfoot from Prince Caspian, so I made a cover of it using a trumpet, a piano, drinking glasses, drawers, knives and my kitchen countertop.
For some reason, I can't embed the video, so here's the link.
I know I just told you this in chat, but for commentings sake (and to acknowledge your hardwork), I decided to say it here too.
Wow! Wonderful job!
That was very creatively done, I'm impressed. I especially liked the piano and trumpet. I wish I could say more, but I'm that speechless.
more, more, MORE! Show us more like this!
p.s. I love that song too.
One word: Wow! That was amazing! You are such a talented musician! I LOVE the creative use of counter-tops. And glasses of water. And drawers. And knives. (Couldn't help but think the last one looked a tad dangerous, haha
) Anyway, this is so cool! I love it.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
OH. MY. GOSH. That is so AWESOME!!!! I can't believe how well you did that! I love how you showed everything at that same time and how you had the instruments come in one by one. That is so well put together and amazing!!!! What an interesting idea and so fun to watch. You did so well you could be the next big thing! lol.
I am just astounded that is so cool...
signature by Beginte
That was really cool! I loved it! WOW, you really have some talent there.
It was really fun to watch. It was also very unique. Good job.
I especially liked how you used the drawers. That was funny.
Signature by daughter of the King; Avatar by Adeona
-Thanks :]
Keeper of the Secret Magic