At last, in my SC campaign cycle, the Silver Chair and the ill-fated Prince! I admit I have fun not showing his face in my SC works (apart from his portrait, obviously), especially in the poster-like pieces, I somehow think it would increase the suspense if in the marketing campaign Rilian's face wasn't shown, at least on posters and such, as in trailers this might prove difficult (but doable still).
Thanks to Shy Galadriel for telling me I haven't done any Silver Chair work yet, and thus reminding me of this a bit old piece I once did!
This is a lineart sketch done completely by tablet in Photoshop (it never was on a paper sheet), meant for coloring later on. I once started but gave it up due to my appaling lack of skills in coloring metal in Photoshop, let alone silver, and now that I like to think I know a bit more about it, I'll give it a try again.
I must say I'm proud of this, especially of how Rilian came out. The only thing that distresses me slightly is that from this perspective you can't see he's bound to the chair, but in the coloring version I'll add some chains (dainty, elegant and silvery but magically strong of course, heavy shackles would spoil the effect) around his legs, tying him to the Chair.
The Chair's ornament design might likely change in the coloring process (especially the backrest), but this is generally how I imagined it, throne-like, corresponding with Rilian's ill fate as Prince. By the way, would you like to see a snake wrapped around the orb surmounting the chair?
I'm terribly sorry for such a long rant, I'll bet you're sick of it and just scrolled down and I perfectly understand that
Comments are great!
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Wow! It's astounding how much detail goes into the inanimate objects and how much emotion goes into the living people. I mean, you can't even see his face and you know he's despairing. I can't wait to see the finished work, it'll be something to look forward to!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
I love the detail of the chair. Terrific job! Even though I cannot see his face, I still feel the exhaustion he must feel. He looks extremely tired and spent. Great drawing!
Wrong will be right when Aslan comes in sight / At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more / When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death / And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again
Shy Galadriel, oh, thank you so much! I'm very happy you think it's good, and that he transmits emotions, I wanted to make him very expressive, and I'm very happy you see what I wanted him to show! I started coloring today, the Silver Chair comes out yuk and discourages me, but I'll keep working on that
Thank you very much again!
Lucy85, thanks! I'm glad you like the details of the Chair, I wasn't sure about the design, but I'm glad it's good I'm also very happy you can feel the emotions coming from him that I wanted him to show! Thank you so much!
There will be another Rilian-on-Silver-Chair drawing, I have an old lineart sketch that I need to improve, will post it when I do
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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whoa! Sweeeee-eeet.......
Lovely designs Beginte! Rilian looks very human and yes I agree with Shy Galadriel, even though we can't see Rilian's facial emotions his despair is told through his body language. I still love the chair designs as well, I actually imagine that in color.
Too bad the chair is bad and will get destryed, *sigh* it's so beautiful!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Another nice illustration in your SC series Beginte. Design and layout look good. As with your previous pieces, one could definitely see this as a teaser poster for SC. The posing of Rillian looks good, a bit on the "uncomfortable/broken" side, but still believable. The detail in the hairwork is superb (excellent use of linework). I also really like the line usage on the folds of his boots and shirt sleeves. Maybe it's overdone, but perhaps in the posing of his hands, they could be a bit more upright in anguish instead of down in pity or "given up". It's subjective though (both ways certainly tie into Rillian's character when he is strapped to the chair). I look forward to seeing a colored version as well, just to get the sense that he is indeed chained to the chair.
In response to your question, I would in no way shape or form like to see a snake entwined at the top of the chair. Absolutely not. And I don't mean that in a mean or rude tone at all. In terms of symbolism, we all know of the serpent motif, that's why I don't think you should overdo it, right upfront every time. I really like the design of the chair as is. Notice how the two spiral "pillars" (I don't have a word for them) wrap and coil around each other at the top of the chair. Or how the pattern in the center back of the chair has an 'S' curve shape. These designs push the idea of "snake", "coil" and "wrap" all on their own. I much prefer these subtle hints rather than seeing a straight up snake motif. It's like the design for Peter's helmet in the films. The visor has a subtle look of a lion's muzzle, which is much more effective visually than if they were to put a lion embelm on the helmet. That's not to say that these sort of emblems or motifs don't work, but it wouldn't be as viusally interesting if Peter's helmet had a lion on it.... then again on his shield.... and yet again on his sword hilt. This is the same case. Yes, the snake motif works on Rillian's armor as the 'Black Knight', but seeing it over and over again sort of kills its power.
Hope I didn't ramble too much for you. Nice work on this one .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
That's AMAZING, Gints. I could imagine that exact scene in place for a Silver Chair poster (if ever there is one.
). Wow. Rilian looks phenomenal. Like Shy Galadriel said, the picture just emits emotion. You can feel for Rilian
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This is so good Beginte! I Love it!
First off, I can't believe you drew this using just the tablet!
! So good!
I was wondering when you were going to draw the Silver Chair, and it looks great! I really love the line work and the design on the back of the chair!
I agree with Lion's Emblem, I don't think you need to add the snake, I think it looks great as is.
And Rillian is done excellently! I love his hair and you accomplished drawing the tension he is feeling without even having to show his facel
This would totally be an an awesome way for them to do the posters for SC! Great Job!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I really don't like the design of the boots (the folds are much too large) or the lower part of the chair (too simple - where are the arm rests?) but I think Rilian's upper-body and the design of the silver chair look fantastic. Good work!
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DamselJillPole, thanks! I'm happy he shows his emotions even with hidden face... I wanted to hide his face in as much of the campaign as I can, I think it somehow would heighten the suspense
I'm glad you like the chair, thanks
Lion's Emblem, thanks! I try to make them look poster-like but still neutral enough to be able to belong to the illustration species I'm glad you like Rilian, I'm definitely very satisfied and happy with how he came out! Oh, that's the point! His hands are supposed to be loose, without feel in them, I wanted to relay the sense of him being tortured, because, after all, he was. In another drawing of Rilian on the Chair I have him screaming and all tense, his hands all taut and upward, I hope that will satisfy you
OK., I see, no snake, heh. I wasn't sure about it, you can see one of the lines crossing through the orb - it's a remnant of the outline of the snake that once was there, but I erased it. Hmm, I don't see Peter's armet reminding of a Lion's head/muzzle, but hey, everything is subjective. I'll also be drawing a design of the Black Knight's sword, there will be a snake, too, to go with his armour. Nah, you didn't ramble, just look at my always insufferably long posts/notes.
Narnia_Fan12, wow, thank you! I'm happy it's poster-like, I try to make them so! And yes, there just has to be a SC
I'm very happy you like Rilian, because for once I'm happy with how he came out
Well, for the second time, since I liked his portrait, too.
7chronicles, thank you! Yeah, I was using tablet, but you should see the mess I made with brighter lines (still visible in places) before trailing the darker line and erasing the rest
Yes, this design of the Chair is rather old, but now that I color it, I don't think I'll change it... not likely. OK., two votes for no snake already, I'll go with it, I erased the snake that originally used to be there, because I didn't want to overdo with snakes
Thanks so much, I'm happy with how Rilian came out, and happy you like him!
Yay, thank you sooo much!
Warrior, thanks, I think Personally, I love the boots, it's my personal design so it's just a matter of taste here. This is a sketch (did you read my note despite it's horrid length? I know I babble
), the lower part of the chair is merely marked. As per the armrests, just look - Rilian sits at the edge, so his knees and thighs hide it from view. Yes, it does work that way, I tested everything myself. In coloring, you'll see glimpses of them in between his fingers, that is if you're willing to take a look at the colored one. As per the upper chair, I'm not 100% satisfied, glad you like it though
Glad you like Rilian, too, I'm happy with how he came out
Thank you, guys for your opinions! I'm doing the coloring now, and while it (unfortunately) doesn't seem my metal coloring techniques/abilities have improved, I hope the final effect will be at least tolerable.
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