Ok so i'm "not a budding artist or anything" but i sat down today and make this on a computer program called "Corel Painter 11".
I hope you like it!
Comments and Critique are very appreciated!
click this link:
and here is the UPDATED version, with more darks in the trees.
signature by Beginte
I like your picture, _Lilliandil_! Nice job shading the lamppost! I also like the blue and yellow hues on the snow! The only thing I might suggest is perhaps adding some more darks among the trees, so as to give your picture a little more depth. But very nice overall!
Keep up the good work!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Whanks! darks among the trees for depth... good idea. i will work on that when i get a chance.
signature by Beginte
Yes I like the light on the snowy ground too. Advice: make the tops of the trees more varied.
Sig/Avi by myself.
Tops of trees more varied.... ok i will work on that. i don't think it will be that hard. thnx guys!
signature by Beginte
I really like this _Lilliandil_! It's really great especially for a paint program, i find them very hard to do but you really pulled it off. Really lovely!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Thanks so much! Actually, paint programs are often easer for me, especially with a tablet. Since you can have layers.... click undo... etc.
signature by Beginte