Here we go, last, but certainly not least, Edmund!! ... heJust.jpg
I wasn't too sure about the Dawn Treader pic, since his eyes are half closed. But, it's all I had to work with! I couldn't find another DT pic of him being noble-ish. It's actually starting to grow on me though. Can't wait for the movie!! I wanna know why the heck Peter and Susan are in it!! (not that I care, they were my favs, but, still, I try to stay true to the book!!)
Again very Good DaughterofEve1792!
I think the picture of Edmund from VDT is great!
I Love all four that you did of the Pevensies! Great Job!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Amazing! I love the pics you chose of Edmund from the 3 films! I like all your Pevensie wallpapers. I chose Edmund, Lucy, and the VDT promo for my Narnia album on Facebook.
=D Thanks 220!! yes, I have the promo pic up on my FB account as well. It was too cool not to show to all my friends!