Hello, I was singing some favorite songs with my sister and I thought of Susan when singing "Both Sides Now". So I made this: http://s790.photobucket.com/albums/yy18 ... desNow.jpg
comments and critiques are welcome
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Hey! I like it, Shy! I like it a lot! I love the halo look around Susan's head. And the blending from her shoulders to the background is very well done!
(pauses to take a look at other wonderful details =) Oh, and I noticed the blending from the sky into her hair. That is very well done too! =D
Also, I love your typeogrophy (that's what my sister calls it) Anything from text to the way it's arranged and also font style. It fits the mood of the picture. And the lyrics to the song fit the somewhat puzzled/confused look on Susan's face. You chose the perfect pictures and lyrics and pulled them all together beautifully. Your colours mesh so well! So...
Very good work, Shy! I'm glad to see ya posted something!
thanks for sharing!
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Thank you Pepper!
And I put the cloud background in on purpose because the first verse of the song talks about clouds, a sort of dreamy song. I looked all over to find the right pictures of Su and Aslan to fit the lyrics; I'm glad they fit so well! Thank you!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Beautiful! I love how their faces look together in the sky!
Nice wp Shy Galadriel. The concept of the piece is great, it's something a little different than what has been seen in the past (and I like that ). Your choice of text works superbly with the concept of the piece and with the imagery. Even though I know what the lyrics are, it is a bit hard to read the text on Susan's side. Also, the layout of the text on Susan's side, I feel, isn't as strong as it could be (it seems a bit odd to have it cover her forehead, especially since the last line creates a tangent with her brow). However, the layout to the text on Aslan's side looks great. It has a nice, unique flow to it. The coloration here is also more readable in the text. The blending of imagery looks really good. I like the use of softer edges blending into the skyline and clouds (very effective). This is purely subjective, but personally I would have gone with a different image of Susan. It seems more to me that she's looking out into nothingness instead of reflecting on life as the passage suggests. That's just my thought though. Nice work
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
you're welcome, Shy! I'm curious, what program do you use for graphics? Like gimp, corel, or photoshop? =)
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Thanks so much Eustace+Jill!
Meh, you caught me red-handed Lion's Emblem... I didn't spend as much time in arranging the words on the left-hand side and sort of wanted them to be a side note anyways. As for Su's picture, I'm new at the fan-art thingy, so I don't really know where to find her pictures. But I will defend my choice of what I did use... It actually fits the idea I had in my head a great deal, but you probably would have done something prettier . The idea I wanted to convey was that she's the know-it-all who has finally realized that she really doesn't know all that much after all. Not letting herself believe the "illusions" made nothing but a mess. The next step after her realization would be beginning to rejoice in what she does know; His faithfulness and kindness. But I see what you mean about her picture. Anyhow, thank you for your constructive admiration
Yup, I used GIMP Pepper. Took me a while to figure out how to do what I wanted it to do even though I've used it for some time now.
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Ah, okay, i thought it was GIMP you used... by the way, I'm not saying anything is wrong with GIMP. But that was just my guess. My sister started out with that, I couldn't get it to 'click' for me... I didn't understand it. Then she got Corel, and *THAT* made a lot of sense to me...
But your blending on the edges of the pictures is something that I also did on GIMP when I did use it, and I thought 'ah! That reminds me of GIMP! I bet that's what she used!' =)
Are we to expect any more wallies from thee?
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
I use what I can get... I would like a nicer, easier program, but I use what I can get .
More wallies? Perhaps. Maybe... If I'm inspired and have the time to distract from school for that long again
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3