Inspired by Beginte's picture "I don't want to be brushed!". (If you haven't seen it, you should take a peek!)
I think this features a slightly older Corin, but he still thinks that his hair is just fine as it is. So we have Corin skipping backwards, and Susan half-amused, half-irritated.
2 hours
C&C welcome!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
That's very funny! Actually I wonder how Shasta (or Cor) would react to having to brush his hair...
That's very well done, and I just love how you and Beginte are drawing amusing and beautiful pictures that link on to HHB. You did wonderfully!
I love it!
This is so beautiful, first off, I love how every single smallest line in this picture lives it's own life, everything here is alive and in motion!
Now, I love the way Corin is backing away nervously (great job on drawing a human walking backwards, it gives me problems sometimes), waving his hand in protest, and the way Susan looks is just perfect!
I like her amusedly tilted position, the way she's half amused and half exasperated. I also like the detail of the circlet in her hand
Her hair is amazing, so fairytale-like, and I love how you loosely base on Pauline Baynes' pattern of drawings, but add so much from yourself and your own style! The details are amazing, and I love the background! Lovely job!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Thanks, Shastafan. Glad you're enjoying them!
Awww, thank you Beginte. You know it would never have existed if you hadn't planted the idea. I think drawing Susan's hair was my favourite part.
Thinking about the drawing someone from the back, I remembered a drawing exercise from Draw Horses with Sam Savitt, where he drew in the shapes of a figure and used the same shapes for both a front view and a back view -- but then, I'm not sure it would have worked in this case.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
You're welcome Aw, it was all your work, and I love your take on the scene! Oh, Susan's hair is gorgeous, it's obvious that it was drawn with enjoyment! Oh, indeed it's a method that works... though in this case Corin's back is so detailed that indeed it wouldn't be too good. By the way, I forgot to tell you - I love the way his left foot is angled! I often have trouble drawing feet in walk when they're lifted just partially, at an angle, and I adore how you did it!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Awesome drawing Meltintalle!
I Love to see how two different people interpret one scene!
I really love Susan’s hair and clothes, and I can just picture the look of horror on Corin’s face if you could see it! Great Job!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
*gasp* I love it Mel! I LOVE Corin's pose! It's sooo good!! I love your style
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Thank you, Lady Arwen Undómiel. I'm glad you like it! Personally, I really like drawing Susan with long hair, I think it's quite elegant. (And fun to draw. )
I'm glad you enjoy it, Pepper! If Corin's pose didn't tell a story, the whole picture would just fall apart, I think.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton