Okay, so this was an idea that I had recently, and I attempted to draw it, but - as my drawing skills are almost non-existent - that didn't turn out too well. I decided to try and digitize my drawing, and spent some time tonight manipulating about 5 different stock images together to make this image. I was actually surprised that it didn't take very long.
This was the image I got in my head of how the door in the Silver Chair, the one Eustace and Jill enter Narnia through, might look. The original idea was to have the door open, so it would be possible to see Narnia through the doorway, but I was unable to find a picture of an open door so that idea went bye bye.
It's not perfect. I feel like something is missing, but I am unable to decide what. Maybe y'all can help me figure it out.
Oh, and one last thing: the shadows in the lower left hand are supposed to be Eustace and Jill, but I'm not sure if they're very obvious. *shrugs*
*can think of nothing else to say about it*
Comments and constructive criticism welcome!
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
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Wow! nice job flambeau! I love the blendings. Did you paint the sky/ That is a magnificent job! I also love the shadows of Eustace and Jill walking up. It could be a great piece of concept art. I really love this one. Fantastic job!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Wow! Neat idea. It looks almost exactly how I imagined it. You are very clever and talented.
Did it take you long? You should make a wallpaper with it too.
Go Marina Erakovic!
I've met Michael Apted!!!
Av & Sig by Me. NWeb sis: ForeverFan
wow, love that, flambeau! =) I love drawing narnia stuff. hmm thanks for sharing, now I'm off to draw the dawn treader and some aslan/lucy stuff! =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Oh my, this is fantastic!! It's so perfect!! And you manipulated photos to do that? Wow! To be honest, I probably wouldn't have recognized the shadows as human if you hadn't pointed it out, but I like the touch! Fantastic piece of work!!
She hoped to be wise and reasonable in time; but alas!
She must confess to herself that she was not wise yet.
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Proud Attolian Recruiter
A great illustration... or montage of images... or whatever a good term for it is, flambeau. The blending of imagery is superb. The overall quality and feel to the images, however different initally, provides a perfect sense of "oneness" (as if the images are really just one in a stylistic manner). Somehow I feel like I have seen this image before (perhaps "in a dream or a dream of a dream" or just my imagination from reading SC).
Onto specifics. I love the effect of the silhouetted shadows of Eustace and Jill. Their just subtle enough to get the idea across (quite effectively I might add) and not too large or saturated to become a distraction. And (what?!), no image of an open door? Oh surely there is one in existence that could satisfy your needs (and if not, couldn't you possibly photograph it yourself and make it that much more personal of a piece?). I do like how the coloration is now, but for me anyway, it seems a bit cheery in terms of Eustace and Jill trying to escape the bullies in this scene. And maybe it's a bit cliche, but what about muting the colors a bit (I don't know if you've seen the film Gladiator or not, but there's a scene that pops up a couple of times in the film, I believe, with a door leading to an open field that has this sort of muted coloration). I'm certainly not trying to change your piece in any way, shape, or form to make it my own, but this is just a thought. It may be something to try to fill that void you are feeling about the piece right now. It certainly does have the imagery it needs as of now (still looking for an open door...).
Nice work . I really love the stylistic feel to this piece flambeau, it's beautifully executed
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Surely this is a beautiful piece flambeau!!!!
I must say this is more of an manipulation than a concept piece, for I could see text going on this.
But of course I've got drawn images with pen strokes and sometimes skewed proportions stuck in my head as concept art.
Now...on to how much I love this! The color is very beautiful. Rich, vibrant and vivid with a cheerful and bright feel. I like the red of the brick, the green of the grass and blue of the sky all put together. It really reminds me of what it would be like if you stepped into Narnia. Though I believe your trying to betray the door that will be opened for them to enter, I could easily see this being the inside of the door....Narnia itself.
Your blending is flawless, and your choice of images really does mix. The bound iron door, the bricks, and the white frame really are well chosen. You fitted them together so well they look natural. The sky is a whole amazing piece with in itself. To me the sky is eye catching, and very gorgeous. The colors and clouds look very nice.
The touch of the human silhouettes on the ground is great. I very much like that and I feel it connect the piece with it being from Silver Chair. Putting the shadows of Eustace an Jill there make it it. Also, on the right....to me the large shadow looks like Aslan. I know it's funny but that's the first thing it struck me as and I really like that idea.
I'm not sure of there really is anything missing. It's a wonderful piece of art, imagination and work, and I really like the way it looks. Like I said above, I could see some text being put on it, but it's great how it is. Five stars and claps!! Very good job!!!
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I absolutely love the colouring of the sky - it's beautiful!
To me the whole thing feels a bit lopsided. Not meaning to be rude but I think you might need to take into account perspective. I'm not an expert on this but since the roof is slanting, i think the shadows need to somehow reflect this by maybe being different somehow, maybe not so straight but a little bit slanted too. Having said that the more I look at it the more I think it's a brilliant piece and nothing needs to be done!
I still think you've done a brilliant job on it!
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