It's clear and obvious that lover of narnia's signatures are better than mine
Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
I just want this whole Suspian and Lispian "conflict" to STOP!!! It's been TWO YEARS, GUYS!!!
Caspian XI, thanks! If you'd like, I can PM the texture I use to make that fade. And I love the colors you used on yours by the way!
LON, awesome as always! My favorite is the one of Lucy, then the one of Aslan.
Really nice lover of narnia!!!! I really like #5, #7, and #8
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
*decides to attempt comments*
Shastafan Aw! #7 is so sweet, I love Lucy and Tumnus's relationship!
CaspianXI ohhh sparkles! #4 on your first post is my fav, I like how it captures the magic...
RubyGamgee Your favourite is also my favourite, I like the font and composition
Beginte ! Good to see you! I missed your work! I adore the colouring of #2 and #4, and how soft it is... Hmm, can't really remember where I found that picture sorry!
It was a trailer screencap somewhere I think...
Eustace+Jill #3 is great, I really like the concept behind it
starkat haha that is amazing! very clever!
lover of narnia I honestly cannot believe how wonderful you have become at graphics making, in what seems like such a short space of time Favs are #2, #3 and #7
Eustace Awesome idea there, and I like how the image of Aslan ties the two together
Right, just a couple from me:
hi everyone, hope u enjoy some sig i did as below, i myself call it the good-morning series, but these are actually from the same pic anyway
The best is always the next.
Right, back again!
starkat, that is so cute! I love the Father Christmas hat on the dragon, SUCH a cute touch!
Caspian XI, yeah, I don't understand why people are almost hating each other over the shipping... I love Suspian but am well aware Caspian married RD in original and I don't make a big deal about it. Anyway, I love the last two Reep sigs you made! Especially the "No fear! No retreat!" - this moments sounds super swashbuckling and epic!
lover of narnia, great work! I especially love #6, #7 and #8, but #6 is my most favorite! I love the coloring and energy of motion in it, great cropping too!
Eustace, I like the theme of 'redeemed cousins', really good idea!
nz, thanks! Happy you remember me! Oh, don't worry about the pic then... I'll try to find it I love the huge font on your #2, I love the layout and idea of the big text!
deviindecember, I love them! They're splendid! I love the coloring and the pixel feeling about them! Cool! The cropping on them all is great, and the 'good morning' theme is a fresh idea! I love #2 and #4 best, the second has a bright, morning feeling, and the fourth has a hint of mystery and the text is so nicely exposed. Really great work!
Something from moi...
Everyone can use! Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Less than a week now, guys!!!
pg. 20
Beginte: (first post) Awesome! I like the text on #1, and 3 and 5 are my favorites Good job!
(second post-pg. 21) Thanks! And yeah, I like Suspian, but when people make a big deal about it....
Anyways, I'm glad you like my signatures
I hope to see more from you soon
pg. 21
Eustace+Jill: Aslan's mane, awesome as usual! I really like the text on #4 and 5. I also like that fading effect you used on #1,2, and 6. Great job!!
(second post): Thanks and sure, I'd like that
skarkat: lol! I love that Santa Clause hat on the Dawn Treader!
Eustace: Cool! I really like what it says
nz_narnia_nut: lol, thanks! I really like the cropping on #1 and the blending on #2
Good job!
deviindecemeber: Awesome! I really like the cropping !
pg. 22
Beginte: Yeah, and, it's been two years for people still making a big deal out of it. Anyways, I'm glad you like those two! I LOVE yours! I like that picture effect on #1 and what it says on #2-6
AWESOME job!!!
Here are probably the last few from me:
Hope you like them
Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
I just want this whole Suspian and Lispian "conflict" to STOP!!! It's been TWO YEARS, GUYS!!!
thanks, Beginte! I secretly like your siggies for a long time this time #3"always left behind" is the most attractive one, really sad feeling. fortunately there is #1, i love it!! the smile on both face is really a cure!
Caspian XI,#2 is my favorite, although there is no text on it, but it's simple and all, i always like simple styles, besides, Lucy is sooo nice on it hope to see more of your work!
The best is always the next.
I really like the first one it is sooo cute!!!
great job!!
~Dryad Daughter
sig by Caspian XI
Avatar by:therinca Sig by:Caspian XI
"And I will fear no evil for my GOD is with me."
My goodness! So many awesome signatures! I don't have time to comment on everyone's, but they all look significant and cool!
Here's some new ones of mine.
(Note: For the "Friends of Narnia" series I'm doing, I'm still looking for a good picture of Eustace to use, so hopefully I'll be able to make it soon! )
C and CC is appreciated. Use if you like!
deviindecember Ooo pretty colouring, and I like the checked texture you used
Beginte hehe #2 is so true! And #4 is so touching, awesome work!
Caspian XI Great choice of text on #1, #3 and #4
Shastafan The friend of Narnia series is such a cool idea! Oh and the last three are very funny!
Glenst0rm That's stunning! I love the colouring, and also the choice of text
From me, myself, and I:
nz_narnia_nut I love them all they are so cute!!!!!!!!!
Great Job!
~Dryad Daughter
sig by Caspian XI
Avatar by:therinca Sig by:Caspian XI
"And I will fear no evil for my GOD is with me."
Can someone make me a siggy with a shot of Lucy(any shot) with "I've seen the movie" on it? Please and thank you!
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!