I don't have much time, but everyone's sigs are looking really good!
I suppose 4 needs some explanation. My brother saw that scene in the trailer and he said it looked like they were lined up waiting to be debriefed. And then he came up with an absurd plot that crossed VDT with a sci-fi show. It actually sounded pretty good.
ha, ha, I love 4 daughter of the king! Reminds me of star-trek voyager (the debriefing part I mean =) Good work! =)
Georgie's Twin, I *love* your first one!! =D
:music: risk it all cuz I'll catch you if you fall... if my heart was a house you'd be home :music:
Wow!!! Awesome banners here!! I don't even know where or how to begin to comment! Everyone's posts are FABULOUS!!!!
Here is a little something I thought up this morning....based on the fact that I was a little annoyed in some of the changes in the upcoming VDT
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
Narnian_Archer, That's hilarious! My only complaint is that you spelt Treader wrong.
I made a few comical, semi-comical ones today (sorry I'm not good at comedy)
Here's a few:
C & CC are welcome, please credit if you use.
*edit: oops I just realized I forgot to crop the first too, so srry you csan't use them here, but if you want too pm me and I can crop them
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Sorry, guys, no time for comments right now, but I'm loving all the funny stuff!
Anywho, here's some offerings from me. There's a couple VDT, but I've randomly had Silver Chair on the brain the past few days ... ... and it spilled over into my graphics.
The actress in the LotGK sigs is Jessica Marais. She does sweet and evil so well. (Look up "Zedd's Hunger Strike" on YouTube if you're curious -- it's only about two minutes long. And the guy in the clip plays Lord Rhoop in VDT!)
Anyway, sorry for the random tangent. Here's my sigs.
If you use, credit is much appreciated! Enjoy!
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
Wow, Tarkheena! I love the woman you chose for the LOTGK! And I see a Eustace and Jill sig, too!
I love the lighting you used for the "Wet" signature. And the crisp color! Great job!
I'll fix it
Awesome banners!!
I love the one with the Magician (forget his name
....and i call myself a Narnian Fan
I love the LoGK ones, Tarkheena. Wow, you also imagined her a blonde? My two sisters and older brother always imagined her with red or black hair...but I always imagined her as a blonde. very nice work!!
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
Awesome banners everyone.
Here are two from me.
I think maybe they need a tiny bit of explaining. You see, they are based off a Narnia game/story that me and my brother created/played. That should be enough explaining
C and CC is great. Credit is nice if you use.
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Hey guys! This is pretty much my first time making signatures.
wolfloversk: I really like your first one: "The spoilers are coming! The spoilers are coming!!"
Good job!
Tarkheena: Aslan's mane, I really like your Queen of Underland signatures!
Lover of Narnia: Awesome! I really like what they say!
And here are a few from me:
And the one I'm using right now, I also made myself I hope you like them!
Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
I just want this whole Suspian and Lispian "conflict" to STOP!!! It's been TWO YEARS, GUYS!!!
Everyone's siggies are looking really awesome! I mean that. Welcome Caspian XI. Your sigs are wonderful!
2 I took from the song Go Light Your World by Chris Rice and 4 I took from my favorite love song of all time The Only One by Ayiesha Woods.
Use at will.
Really nice siggies Caspian XI
I really liked you second one AslanIsOnTheMove
Here are two I made today
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
I really like yours, De_De!!!!!
Especially the second one.
(Hmmm...the text on the first one seems familiar...now where have I heard it before?
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
lover of narnia I really liked yours, you make very beautiful graphics
Caspian XI those are amazing, Susan is my favorite
AslanIsOnTheMove yours are lovely, I like 3 and 4 the best
De_De I love yours
Here are a couple from me, I am very amature in this so they aren't very good
Some may wonder why I have both Suspian and Lispian, it's just while I don't care so much for the suspian romance, I got a couple of ideas after listening to some sad love songs and so I went ahead and did them just for fun. 1 and 3 are lyrics from Blackmore's Night songs, 2 is from Skillet
This one is written in Russian, I could have written it in English but it comes from a Russian song and translated it doesn't sound as good, and it would take up more space in writting
--translation 'where are you, my heavenly angel, my unknown angel'
always be humble and kind
wild rose: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! I just LOVE all of them!!!!
Mt favorite is the last one, but I love all of them!!!!!
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
Hey everyone! I'm glad you like my sigs
AslanIsOnTheMove: I love the second and third ones! They're just awesome!
De_De: Thanks! And I really like what it says on the first one
Wild Rose: Aslan's mane, awesome! #1, 2, and 3 are my favorite ones!
Here are a few more from me:
Hope you like them!
Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.
I just want this whole Suspian and Lispian "conflict" to STOP!!! It's been TWO YEARS, GUYS!!!