DancingPrincesses: That looks beautiful - especially the sky behind Aslan. Good job! My only suggestion would be to shrink the second line of text a bit, to draw the viewer's eye toward the word Aslan more.
daughter: Those are lovely! I like the top two a lot, but I think the third is a bit overwhelmed with text. I can understand why you did it (each quote fits perfectly!), but it kind of distracts from the picture. That may just be my opinion, though.
narnialover: Aww, your second one is so sweet! Great font and blue tinting. The first one's good too -- love the concept -- but I think the overlay of Georgie's face is a bit close to the other Georgie. It hides her instead of drawing attention to her.
Here's a few from me, inspired by those tantalizing clips we saw . . .
Credit is appreciated, but not required.
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
Thank you both so much I did want the pic of Lucy when she was younger more to the side, but i don't really know how.
Tarkheena: those are really beautiful teh colors are lovely and i really love that second one's text.
here is one more from me:
comments and credit are always loved
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Oooh, nice narnia_lover! The coloring and rainbowy starburst are awsome!
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
narnia_lover127, Wow that is really great! I agree with Tarkheena, the rainbowy star burst is really awesome!
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.
NarniaLover~Very cute picture and text! Cropping is great!
Tarkheena~My favorite is the one of Edmund! It's great! The only thing I would say is maybe that the "r" in "realize" is a little dim, but otherwise, it looks good. I also like the wording on the one of Lucy.
Here are some I've had for a while, but I haven't had the time to post them until now:
(This one is a little too dark, but it was kind of hard since it is nighttime.)
Av-lover of narnia
DancingPrincesses+Adeona-RL Sisters
Phillipians 4:6-7
Swiftie and DIRECTIONER 4ever!
Tarkheena, I love the one of Lucy that says "Feel the Wind on Your Shoulders".
NarnianCricket, I absolutely love the partially black and white one with Lucy that says "Goodbye". It's perfect.
Here is a signature set I made, which I call "The Future of narnia Films". It's sigs based on all the Narnia movies that haven't been made yet.
The Magician's Nephew #1 --
The Magician's Nephew *2 --
The Horse and His Boy --
The Silver Chair #1 --
The Silver Chair #2 --
The Silver Chair #3 --
The Last Battle (Jill is wearing her Calormene head gear) --
And finally this sig was inspired by the beginning of The Silver Chair, when Jill is remembering all the bad things Eustace did to her before he changed, and now she isn't quite sure whether or not she should forgive and trust him. --
I hope you like them. Anyone can use with credit! Enjoy!
NarnianCricket, Eustace+Jill, those are awesome! Keep up the good work
NarnianCricket, I especially like the torch and archer of narnia ones Eustace+Jill, I really like the forgiveness one
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.
I luv all of these things!! U guys are so creative!!
Im not sure this is the right place to do this but can any one make a a cool georgie one? If you could quote "the call" or "this is home" that would be cool.
iHeart Georgie!
sig: Awel Prince avy: me!
member of The Missing club! PM me to join!
You guys are all really good at this. I love all the siggies!!!!! Here are some from me. If you like them you may use them.
Good job everyone! Sorry, no comments this time.
Here is eight sigs I made. Anyone can use with credit.
AslanIsOnTheMove, Love the cookie one so funny!
Eustace+Jill, your colors and textures are amazing! I love them especially 1, 2 and 4
well done!
Thanks to Shastafan for the Signature and thanks to lizzyhenley009 for the avatar.
Thanks much AnnasStar2010,
Here's another one
*note the glittery one can be used only outside this site*