HM Swanwhite: lovely Reep one!! i love that pic of him and like the rounded edges!
Follower of Aslan: those are amazing!! the text is like perfect on all of them and i really like the coloring especially on # 1 and 3!!
MissAdventure: Great quotes and the background colors are sooo pretty!! #5 would be my fave, i love that line!!!
Beginte: first post: great job on the Jill/Eustace ones!! really love the quote from the first. also that one of Susan is so pretty. second post: love all of them!!!!! the text just fits amazingly with each picture, love the coloring, and well... everything is just beautiful!!!! also really appreciate it that you always comment, it makes me really happy that you even notice my stuff cause your sigs are always soooo good
campgirl: those are really pretty! love the pic of Lucy you chose and great text too!!
some from me:
comments and credit are loved
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
Awesome Sigs everyone!!
I'm afraid I don't have time to comment.
Sorry. I will quickly do this though:
Beginte, campgirl, MissAdventure, and HM Swanwhite, you guys are doing GORGEOUS work! I love those quote Maddy! Credit to you for these three sigs. You led me to the textures in one of your tuts
C and CC is great. Credit is nice if you use
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Quick, while the break in between my finals lasts!
narnia_lover127, aw, you're being much too benevolent! Thank you for all your lovely compliments, and well, I always comment on everyone's work when I have time, because I think it's only fair... Now, I adore your avs, the design of #3 is great! I just love the captured motion there! And #1 made me laugh, he really looks like he's playfully tormenting some poor victim to acknowledge his kingship!
lover of narnia, ah, great work as always! I especially love #2, did you make the texture on your own?
Now, some quick work from moi...
Comments and credit are great!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Everyone on here is so talented and unique
lover of narnia: I love the quotes that you place into your signatures and the designs.
Beginte: Most of your work on this page blows me away. I wish I can make signatures like this.
narnia_lover127: I love your Caspian and the High King one.
Everyone it's very great!!
I made three sigs and seven avatars today. To me they look messed up because I can't afford photoshop at the moment, so I actually do a few tricks with powerpoint. I know lame right?
Anyways I'd still love to share them and feel free to give me constructive criticism. I really want to get better at this since I'd like to do web design in the near future. Thanks!
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
HM Swanwhite, too cute!
Follower of Aslan, love the quotes on those!
Maddy, #3 is so pretty! I love, love, love #4! lol
Beginte, (1st post) amazing photoshop job on #1-3! beautiful coloring on #4. (2nd post) cool text on #3. the coloring on #2 is very pretty. (3rd post) awesome layouts and coloring on all three! love the text on #3.
lover of narnia, i really like #2! the image you used on #3 is beautiful! it really captures the moment.
campgirl, love the soft feel of the image in #1-3!
narnia_lover127, nice cropping on #1! i love the quote on 3.
Daughter_of_Ramandu, nice job on all three of them! it's gotta be hard working in powerpoint. i used to use paint and Microsoft Word, but i never even thought of powerpoint. Photoshop is awesome, but Gimp is a nice program that is kinda like photoshop and it's free. i think you've got a pretty good idea of spacing. i really like the layout on #3. the blue sky really adds to the color and feel of the sig. my main CC would be that when you blend stuff, it's good to either use images that have similar lighting or fix them to look similar. On #2, you can tell that Caspian and Ramandu's daughter are from two different images, but on #3 Ramadu's daughter really looks like she belongs with the sky. Hope that makes sense.
keep practicing and you'll definitely get better.
a few from me:
Thanks for the comments, everyone!
I wish I could comment on everything since my last post, but I'm going to have to keep it to just this page.
HM Swanwhite, beautiful sig! The coloring and the cropping and the way the outline of the text reflects Reep's feather--it's just lovely all around!
Follower, great work! The fonts and text on all of them are fantastic! I especially love #2, #3 and #8. #8 makes me think of a baptism.
Maddy, gorgeous siggies! The bright coloring and especially the quotes are fabulous! *saves a few*
Beginte, first post- ooh, I love #1-#3! That is a perfect image for Eustace and Jill and Experiment House. And the way Susan's eyes are done on the last sig is very striking! Second post- the shot, coloring, and text on #4 are awesome! Third post- I love #2! Gorgeous coloring and design!
campgirl, really nice work! I especially like the text on #1--#3 and the bright green and black on #4!
narnia_lover127, good cropping and text on all of those!
Becca, lovely work! The backgrounds are so pretty! My favorite is #3!
Daughter_of_Ramandu, nice work! My favorite is definitely #3, the blue sky really fits the rather ethereal image of RD! My only CC is that in #2, there seems to be a sort of brown line across RD's forehead.
I would definitely have to echo Aravis Autarkeia about GIMP! It's free, very easy to download, and has most of the capabilities of Photoshop (as far as ordinary graphics-making goes; you may not want it for web design.) I make all my graphics on GIMP and love it.
Anyway, you've got a very good start--keep it up!
Aravis Autarkeia, stunning batch! I love the clean, crystal-clear coloring! My favorites are #1, #2 and #4--the text on #1 is too funny.
Just two from me:
C and CC are wonderful! Credit appreciated but not required.
Textures by: flambeau, hyaline12, and
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
I'm going to join the discussion in this thread! I'm technically new to the NarniaWeb forum, but I've hung around longer than that without being registered. This is one of my favorite threads ever. Everyone's work is so beautiful... there is so much I could say, but it would take up a LOT of room. I just love every single one of these blends! They are each unique in their own way and give a new perspective to many of these pictures. Great job, everyone!
Here are three sigs from me. Feedback would be appreciated! If you want to use them, just ask!
av by dot
Beginte: (first post) I like 1 and 4, but 4 is definitely my favorite!! Good cropping! (2nd post) I love all of them!!! The layout of 1 is cool, and the colors are great. 2 is great, good text and I like how you put the strip kind of in the middle. I think 3 is my favorite though. Good job!
narnia_lover127: The text on 1 is funny, and the shot on 4 is great!
Lover: I love 2!! And the shot on 3 is amazing! Very pretty!
Daughter_of_Ramandu: The colors on 3 are fabulous! I love the pink dot
Aravis Autarkeia: I love the crispiness of all of them! 1 is just too funny!! And Ed's face on 4, so cute! I love the little bottle on 5 (wish I had one!). Great job!!!!
malkah: Both of them look great! I like 1 best, the text is very fitting
MountainFireflower: 3 definitely my favorite! I love the text you used for "brave"!
(Is it possible to overuse "great"? )
Thanks for the comments!!
Here's a few from me. credit to flambeau, HM Swanwhite, and Home of the Nutty (for caps)
c and cc are great! Feel free to use, credit would be nice if you do
Team Hoodie! | Keeper of the Secret Magic | ♥
Beginte, may I use this one (with credit)?
I'm working on a couple sigs I hope to post later this month, but nothing for now.
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
I know you said anyone can use... but I just thought I would ask because it feels like I should. I absolutely love your work! So may I use this siggy? Credit you will get!
And MissAdventure, I would love if you would do a tutorial on ow to do the siggy's with just the text. But no worries if you are unable to.
Thank you to Djaq for the marvelous signature!
NWeb siblings: pogginfan and Windsong!
page 9
Beginte, Thank you! No I didn't. I believe I saved it off of a live journal account. I also added two other small textures to that sig Nice sigs. I really like 1 and 2. The smaller pictures on 1 are a great addition.
Daughter of Ramandu, Thanks for your comments! I like #3 of yours. The sky background is really pretty. And the small light dot is nice too.
Aravis Autarkeia, Thank you! Nice signatures! Your crisp color is gorgeous! My favorites are: 1, 2, 4 and 5. ! is hilarious. Keep it up! *saves*
Malkah, Thank you! I'm glad you liked them. Beautiful to from you! 1 is my favorite. The coloring, cropping, and text is all really nice.
MountainfireFlower, Welcome to the signature thread! And to Narniaweb period! It's nice to have you here! Nice sigs! The blending is great on 1 and I really like the image and text on 3. Good job!
RevelinginWonder, Thank you! Your signatures are Great! 1 is just superb! I saved it! It's coloring is wonderful and I love the cropping! My other favorites are: 3 and 5. Keep it up! is some new/old sigs from me.
C and CC is great. Credit is nice if you use
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
MissAravis, Very nice! My favorite are 1 and 2. Good job!
Here is some from me!
C and CC is great. Credit is nice if you use
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
NW Family: Aunty Vi, LadyC, Rose, Chloe
Secret Order of the Swoosh.
Keeper of the Secret Magic
Lover of Narnia I love your sig on Lucy! do you mind me borrowing it?? I'll credit!!!
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
lover of narnia- those are fabulous! I love your coloring on all of them!
I haven't posted in this thread in forever! Since the old forums!
This shot reminded me of the "mysterious diver" craze of the PC trailer
Snag away! Credit is nice but not necessary, just don't steal and claim as yours.