Sorry for the silly title, I didn't have any other idea
This is just a pencil sketch, there will be a color version later.
I wanted this to be a 'meaningful' portrait of Rilian, something like a cover, maybe, or a general illustration for the story... I hope I managed. The thorns I added because I imagine this could be the only thing growing in the Underworld, shriveled and dead and hurtful. Later I recalled they're also symbol of suffering, so it matches well. Poppies (badly visible, at the bottom) are flowers of sleep and/or death, so they seemed appropriate for Underworld theme, and since I imagine part of Rilian's real self was 'asleep' in a way, in captivity. The mistletoe (on the left) is mythically a plant enabling to go to Underworld and emerge back again, and since Rilian managed to do that (with help) I thought it would be OK to add it (plus I had to give some variety ). The sword and the Owl are part of the story. And all is closed in an ouroboros, the symbol of fate looping over and over, I was crazy about the idea of doing such a drawing exactly for this reason - it's a snake and it seems LotGK wanted to have Rilian forever.
Sorry for the unbearable rant... I hope my amateur attempt is bearable I just liked the idea of such a general illustration.
Comments are loved!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Oh I love how smybolic this drawing is!
I can't wait to see it in color it will look so much more amazing!
Yes, I think you achieved your goal quite well!
I have no critique to add I love it!
signature by Beginte
As always Beginte this is beautiful! I Love it!
This definitely reminds me of an illustration for a book cover of SC.
You are so good at drawing expressions!
I really like How you find meanings behind each thing, the ouroboros, Poppies, mistletoe.
The thorns and poppies are drawn great!
And I like how you placed them in the picture, I also really like that you added his sword and an owl in the picture, makes me really think of SC when I see the owl.
I can’t wait to see it colored and look forward to seeing the other pictures you have in mind!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
He's really really good. I always love pictures/stories that are done in such a manner that include symbolism. My only little tiny problems is he looks kind of cartoonish in how large his mouth is. I might be wrong and all that, did you use a live model? The second little problem is his hair looks thin. You could probably add a little volume. Those are only tiny problems because, as I said before, I love it. You're very talented and I would buy a colored print of this any day!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Wow Beginte! Very nicely done! I love all the thought that you put into it, and the way you arranged all the symbols looks very nice. Rilian looks very expressive! I look forward to seeing more of your SC pictures!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
I love your concept Beginte and the thoughts of the underworld world, i also love how Rilian looks enchanted here and in your first Rilian attempt he doesnt, you've really done that difference in looks justice. You're the most talented person on here I'll have to say!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Wow, thanks, guys!
StarAsterisk, thank you! I plan to colour it by hand, we'll see how it goes... later on I'll probably also make a photoshop coloured version.
7chronicles, yay, thank you! I'm so happy you like it so much! *celebrates* Oh, the meanings aren't mine, of course... but I enjoyed taking them from some books I have on symbols in art I'm really glad you like this piece, I had fun drawing it
I plan to color it by hand, we'll see how this works out...
Shy Galadriel, thank you I enjoy symbolism in pictures, too, it was my first humble attempt at it, I'm glad you liked it! Hmm, cartoon-ish? I must say I don't see it, but I understand that you might... I'll see what I can do to fix it in coloring process. Oh, no, I didn't use a model, the only thing I used a model for were the thorns and the owl. Ah, the hair... at first it came out too puffed up, so I flattened it a little, and I guess I overdid it in the other direction
Thanks, I'll try to color it soon!
Silver the Wanderer, thank you very much! I really enjoyed composing and drawing this picture, I'm so glad you like it! I'll try to color it soon, I plan to do it traditionally instead in photoshop (though will probably make a PS version of it too), so it can end in calamity
DamselJillPole, thanks! I really enjoyed drawing it, I'm glad you like it! Oh, I was doing my best on Rilian to make him as enchanted, expressive and flailing as possible, to show his pain and struggles. Aw, that can't be true...
I'm sure there are plenty people more talented than me, they're just in hiding, heh... still, thank you very much for your generous compliment
Thanks again! I'll most likely be doing such 'symbolic circular pictures' for LWW, PC and VoDT as well, since I had a spurt of inspiration
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Av & sig by me
wow, this is so powerful...and wonderfully symbolic. the emotion on his face just pulls you in, and I love the idea of the snake eating it's own tail to represent the eternal hold the LotGK sought of rillian.
Grief for the movies made me abandon narniaweb...but I'm so glad to be back!
Many thanks to the wonderful Lady Eowyn for making my sig/av.
Thank you! I'm really glad you like it! I was doing my best to make his face expressive, and I'm happy you like the symbols I incorporated into it, especially the snake eating it's own tail, I thought it would be the perfect thing to close the picture in a circular frame
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Av & sig by me
Nice illustration Beginte. This is an amazing conceptual piece, in every detail of the imagery. I'd say you went beyond managing just a cover or representation of Rillian's story. I especially like the use of the thorns (can't exactly say for sure why though
). Having the one poppy flower flow into the snake border works really well. Did you ever consider putting a bit more overlap between the two images (perhaps some of the thorns overgrowing into the snake image)? On that note, the image of the snake consuming itself looks great. Not only does it provide a nice border (if we can reall classify it as that) for the piece, but there's also a lot of symbolic thought there. I know this is more of a completed sketch, but it might be nice to see a bit more anguish in Rillian. Yes, it is present and there's a sense of struggle, but if you were take away the ropes on his wrists, all of a sudden it look like he's just yawning and stretching. Now this is subjective and a thought of mine, but it might be nice see a bit more of the thorns growing up on the right side of the piece (as a sort of visual lead matching with the frame of reference and fill a bit more of the negative space- there's a lot of white space above Rillian). Notice how you just have the sword hilt image above the rope, some thorns (or another image) might help the space. Again, it's completely subjective. I look forward to seeing the colored version that you have planned. Nice work on the sketch
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Thanks I'm glad you like it, I had such a great time designing it! Haha, I know, the thorns have the same effect on me, for some reason I really like their presence but can't put my finger on exactly why. I'm glad you like the poppy crossing over the snake, and yes, I decided it would be the only thing coming outside, somehow it seemed a better effect for me and prolonged the line from the snake's head and through Rilian's body. I'm glad you like the snake, the symbol of ouroboros was actually the reason for this picture, I love cicrular pictures and thought ouroboros would provide both a great symbol and frame
Well, Rilian was hard to draw as it happens... plus the picture is small, the original size was barely a bit bigger than what you see here, so it was a bit hard to work on his expression. As per the thorns, if I added more of them it would 'crowd' the picture terribly and obliterate the sword, it would stop being noticeable at all. And the empty space above Rilian brings him out. Plus, in coloring the background won't be left white, you'll see
I hope to get on it soon
Thanks again!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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WOW!!!!! I just love it!! I love the symbolism, the meaning!!! AMAZING!!! I'm speechless...awesome!
sig by Sheroo of Stormness Head
avatar by me
Member of the Dragon club. PM Narnia Girl or FFJ to join.
RL sibling to De_De and wild rose
This is incredible. The expression on Rilian's face is simply perfect - he's miserable and furious at the same time. I love the snake twisted around his sword hilt, too; it's a small detail, but it adds a sense of LotGK's determination to possess him. (I know, I read into things too much.
Can't wait to see it in color!
avvie & sig by me
Team Hoodie!!!
Hoot Owl Of NarniaWeb
Narnian_Archer, thank you! I'm really glad you like it!
Tarkheena, thanks! Yay, thank you so much! I'm glad that what I wanted to show in Rilian got across! Oh, no, you're not reading into things too much, actually the snake around the sword is a purposeful detail, I drew it with a thought that it, at least for me, symbolizes LotGK controlling Rilian even (and especially) in battle, as if she guides his hand! I'm so happy you saw it like that!
I'll try to start the coloring soon, I'm determined to do it by hand, so I wait for the right mood to strike, so that I don't ruin the image
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
Av & sig by me
Wonderful drawing!! I love the deep symbolism in the drawing and the expression on Rilian's face. You did a fabulous job! Be very proud of yourself
Wrong will be right when Aslan comes in sight / At the sound of his roar, sorrows will be no more / When he bares his teeth, winter meets its death / And when he shakes his mane, we shall have spring again