I love this one, starkat! I especially love how you blended the wheel with the blue sky - the two look very nice together.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Very nice starkat!!! I love the rainbow on the wheel
Founder of the Exploring Narnia Club (PM me to join)
Member of the Dragon Club
Thanks guys. That was totally unintentional! I changed the image to overlay and the rainbow appeared. I didn't add it.
This is just beautiful work...love the bright blue sky!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Wow, this is truly beautiful. A fan-masterpiece. The pieces obviously are put together, but in such a manner to make it a work of art... Bravo!
I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls
<3 As you wish <3
Thanks everyone. I'll probably be fiddling with another one in the near future.
Thanks guys. That was totally unintentional! I changed the image to overlay and the rainbow appeared. I didn't add it.
I wonder if that explains why I had this sense that the rainbow was supposed to look like something.
It is really nice. I'm glad you make them in laptop size too.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Me too. Ever since DiGoRyKiRkE once asked me for a laptop wallpaper, I've been trying to make them in laptop size. And now I have a laptop... so...
Wow!!!!!! I love the coloring on this! And it's so sweet how it's a picture of Lucy and Eustace together! They're my favorite cousins in literature, haha.
I love how all the colors blend together.
It's so amazing that the rainbow was unintentional!
The only criticism I have is that the rainbow seems a little too close to Lucy's head. It kind of looks almost like the rainbow is coming out of her head. But maybe that's just me.
Great job!