This is my vision of Rilian, how I'd love him to look in The Silver Chair movie. This is one of those immensely rare times that what I had in mind gets on paper with 99 or 100% accuracy, so I'm very glad
To be honest, designing him was a bit of a painful (but very pleasant and at the same time merry, those who draw will understand this freaky description) process. I wanted him to look a lot like Caspian, make it a bit spooky, even, how he resembles him, but I wanted his likeness to Caspian to be an 'underside layer' of his appearance, and let him first and foremost have his very own look. I like the haircut I chose for him and am rather proud of how Rilian turned out. I wanted to underline the darker side to him, the ill fate of dark destiny he has about himself, the touch of menacing feel of the Black Knight.
For those who wonder, the thing sticking out from behind his left shoulder is a sword hilt, I thought it'd be cool to have him wear his sword on the back And yes, the mail chain was a pain.
I hope you like! *hopeful*
Please comment
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Wow, Beginte, once again I am in awe of your talent!! Your shading is one of the things that really, really amazes me about this piece!
I think you did a great job capturing what Rilian should look like, and incorporating his 'darker side' worked well.
There are a couple things that just kind of stand out to me as being a little off... The right side of his face (left, as you look at it), specifically his jawline, is not quite symmetrical with the opposite side. If it was 'filled out' a little more, I think it would help. Also, his neck is just a little too long, I think. (I am in love with the chain-mail, by the way!! So impressive!) For some reason, when I first looked at it, I thought he looked a bit like a snake. Perhaps you intended that since it would work for the character.
Other than that, I think it is lovely! His eyes look so real! Oh, one more doesn't look enough like Harry Lloyd.
(only kidding!)
Wonderful job!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Yay, thanks! I'm so glad you like it! Oh, I just like shading, it sort of comes out on it's own, heh... I'm glad you think the darker accent worked well.
Ah, actually, the asymmetry is something I half-aimed at, since I took several glances at a picture of Caspian (one of the promotional ones) to incorporate some of his features to Rilian, there was a slight asymmetry (or the lighting of the photo made it seem so, now that I think of it... hmm...), and I wanted it to be slightly asymmetrical for a stronger and sharper effect in his features, but I guess I overdid it a little. As per his neck, yeah, I have the tendency to make necks a tad too long, and when I noticed this here, I was halfay through chain mail already, so you might understand my choice to leave it as it was XD Plus, I also wanted to give him a long/lean neck to make him young, you'll find that lean necks have a rejuvenating effect in drawings.
Haha, yes, I remember your campaign of getting Harry Lloyd as Rilian!
Thanks again!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Impressive as always. I can see the resemblance to Caspian, but he does look like he's his own self. Very much the young knight who would go charging off to avenge his mother. But by way of literary allusions, your version seems more Tam Lin than Hamlet to my mind.
I like the haircut you gave him too, and you have just the right balance between detail and suggestion in the rest of the portrait. However, the baldric ought to come over the same shoulder as the hilt of his sword, otherwise the scabbard would overbalance.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Thank you! I'm so glad that Rilian has a look of his own and only under that layer is alike to Caspian... it took me some time to find just the right balance. I was hoping he would come out looking like a hot tempered Prince with a darker touch about him. Ah, well, I never saw Rilian as someone to resemble of Hamlet, it's Caspian that's the Hamlet of Narnia to me (I mean, come on - father murdered by uncle? Being deprived of throne by uncle? Wanting to avenge father? Inner battles in his conscience? Struggling for his kindom? Sounds very much like a certain brooding Dane, wouldn't you agree?
), while Rilian is definitely a very much Tamlane-ish character. I'm glad you like the haircut and the composition, personally I like the effect of leaving a portrait figure unfinished but outlined, and I wanted to try this out here
Oh, no, no! It's not his baldric, it's not for his sword, actually... it's for his shield or for something else, but I did not intend to be a sword baldric... darn, it does look like that, hmm...
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Wow! Very nice work! I love how you were able to make him look like Caspian but still different at the same time! The shading is nice, his hair looks so realistic and whispy, and I certainly think he looks dark and somewhat mysterious. But I'm simply BLOWN AWAY by your chainmail!
That must have taken a long time!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Wow.... this is completely incredible!!! I don't think you could get much closer to perfect I can't draw so I'm totally in awe of your drawing!
Comfort child we are between the paws of the true Aslan.- King Tirian
If this is the real world the the play world a great deal better- Puddleglum
Silver the Wanderer, thank you! I'm so happy you like it! Thanks, I worked hard to make him spookily alike to Caspian but under a layer of his very own looks, different than Caspian at the same time. I'm so happy you think I managed! *happy dance* Thaaaanks, I loved doing his hair! Oh, yes, the chain mail took a long time... about an hour, give or take 5 minutes.
Jill, aw, thanks! This is so sweet of you! I'm really grateful, happy you like it so much!
Thanks again, guys! I really loved drawing Rilian!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Well, I do wonder if Jill was making a comparison to Hamlet the character or Hamlet as portrayed by an actor... I know there's a big difference in my head there.
I do like the asymmetry of the baldric and pauldron the way you've drawn it, so I'll take your word for it that there's another strap under the pauldron.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
whoa!! Okay first I had to show your drawing to my boyfriend because the drawing looks almost like him! Except his face isn't as skinny which is the only difference.
Okay to the point of your picture. I really love it and I hope you do some other POV's of your Rilian as well. The face looks very real and I like that he has a mole under his left eye, to me it's a perfect reference to Ben's mole under his right eye. His hair looks very touchable and I too want to see Rilian with dark hair as well. Only I think his hair should be a couple of more inches longer.
Other than that I love it! Great job!
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Meltintalle, I never could understand it... maybe it was because Hamlet is a much more known character while Tamlane (I know him as Tamlane and when you wrote Tam Lin I for five minutes wondered who the heck you mean, until I remembered he has over 10 names ) is definitely far less popular and rather unheard of in the scale of world. So perhaps the choice was to compare him to Hamlet who also was driven by revenge, but still, Caspian definitely is Hamlet of Narnia! Thanks, one of the reasons the baldric appears there is to 'close' the picture on that side without giving him a right pauldron, to give variety to the piece
DamselJillPole, yay, thanks! I was doing my best to give it a realistic look. Oh, thanks for noticing, I thought that since when one or either parents has a birthmark the child tends to inherit it though usually in a different location, so I slapped it there It also serves to intensify and sharpen his expression, somehow. Oh, I like the hair short, I kept it that way so that he doesn't look too much like Caspian - there should be a variety of haircuts among Narnian and especially Telmarine (well, half-Telmarine
) Princes!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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I Love this Beginte!
This is one of those immensely rare times that what I had in mind gets on paper with 99 or 100% accuracy, so I'm very glad
Don’t you Love when that happens? It feels so good to get what’s in your head on paper in front of you! I’m so glad you were able to draw it how you pictured it!
First off I LOVE his hair! I really liked how you balanced his look with Caspian’s!
Great idea to give him a menacing feeling, I think it really adds to the drawing.
And WOW, that chain mail! You have a great amount of patients!
Everything looks Amazing, you did a Fantastic job!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Yes he does look like Caspian but still has his own distinct look. You achived that very well. Hmm... yes it is good you included a darker side to him, but he still doesn't seem like a bad guy. He looks as though he could be a perceftly nice person, but is currently a tad dark. And yes... I was able to see that it was a sword instantly, and having it on his back was a good idea, it makes him seem more underworldy. Wow... you did an amazing job on the chain mail... you must have a lot of diligence!
Lovely job! Very, very well done. But I must say that it srikes me a little odd that you don't see his clothes... he ends kind of jaggadly. That is the only thing I would change, and I think it would be not too hard to do but would iprove it a lot. But that's just me...
signature by Beginte
7chronicles, oh, yes, I love when it happens Yay, thank you so much for liking this! I'm glad you liked his hair, I personally was thrilled with how it came out, totally on it's own, almost without any of my assistance whatsoever
I was doing my best to blend Caspian's features into the background, but first and foremost give him his own look... I'm so happy I succeeded!
Yeah, I wanted him to have a darker feeling, but just a touch, not making him look too ominous. Thank you so, so much!
StarAsterisk, thank you I'm happy you think he still has his own look, I wanted his resemblance to Caspian to be a background layer, so to speak. Oh, yes, I was doing my best not to make him appear all dark or ominous, he after all is not a villain (well, Rilian is not a villain), he has a very good heart and is a good character and person. He just has the touch of dark destiny over him. Normally I'm not patient, I only have patience for drawing and jigsaw puzzle
Oh, it's actually intended... this is a portrair mostly centered on face, on my design of Rilian, and I thought it would be a nice way to 'close' his figure by the baldric, the mail chain and the pauldron. Maybe one day I'll draw him with some clothing visible, not just bits of armour
Thanks again, guys!
And there's a drawing of Black Knight in armour coming!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Excellent work. I like the soft shading and the chain mails looks absolutely great . The lips look very realistic, and the shading in the belt-like thing is amazing. Not what I'd imagine Rilian looking like, more like Faramir to my mind, but it fits very well with the movies' look of Telmarines. He looks actually a bit scary, possibly like he would when freed of the enchantment and about to face the LotGK
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