Here’s a picture of Ramandu and his Daughter I drew today. I’m not to happy with the hair only because I’ve done better in the past, but the paper I used smudged really easy. When I scanned it, it kind of turned to a bluish color, but O well. Comments and Criticism welcomed and appreciated.
Here's the link: ... ghtery.jpg
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
A very good piece of work! I love the detail and the hair looks fantastic, son tangled and yet not messed or chaotic, just bearing signs of occasional sweeping by the sea breeze I love the arrangement of the characters, I like the fact they look at each other, and from their light smiles there is a positive vibe coming, as well as you managed to excellently capture the bond between them, the way they know each other so well they are crystal clear for one another! The only thing I don't like is that their eyes seem opened too wide, almost bulging, it seems unnatural. But that's just it... and I must say that (as weird as it may sound) I love Ramandu's nose!
Anyway, great job and woot for pencilwork!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Thanks Beginte! I tend to do eyes to big in a lot of my pictures, I don't know why, my mom is actual the first one who noticed it
. Thanks! I love getting other people's opinions!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Oh, I didn't mean too big! The size is just fine They just appear too widely open for me, to all the width, but the size is just fine, and we all have our own little bothers when drawing
I have a fair share of my own ones! Anyway, once again - great job and I must again say I love the hair
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
Proud member of the C+S club
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I love the originality of it...its so very well done
Good job!!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Nice drawing 7chronicles. I agree with Beginte on the "open wideness" of the characters' eyes. Although, I think it does work on a stylistic level because of the continuity between the two (somehow, I feel like I've seen this styling before in illustration work. I'd have to do some research and find the artist I'm thinking of, can't quite give you a name off the bat). I think it runs into a bit of a problem with the darker shading around the eyes. The viewer's eye automatically goes to this darker area which brings out the feeling that they may be too "wide-eyed". Character design looks good, they definitely have the right feel to them as being Narnian characters at sea (or near the sea I suppose is the more appropriate terming). The general "softness" to the linework looks good and has a nice consistency throghout. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
I think it runs into a bit of a problem with the darker shading around the eyes. The viewer's eye automatically goes to this darker area which brings out the feeling that they may be too "wide-eyed".
Oh, I didn't think of that! Thank You Lion's Emblem, I'm going to keep that in mind next time I draw eyes! Thanks!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Very etch-y like! I like it a lot. You did an AMAZING job! The noses + eyes are my favorite features that you did the best on!
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Fantastic shading! I really like their hair and Ramandu's beard. A very stylistic drawing, very different from what one usually sees.
The daughter's neck and chin and dress are excellent. Ramandu's nose looks also great. There is nearly nothing to criticise, but if I had to say something that is not a compliment, well, Ramandu's ear is of a peculiar shape (unless stars have different ears). And the daughter's forehead might be very slightly longer. But other than that, excellent work!
Edit: Just one more thing. Is it just me, or does Ramandu have different eyes, compared to his daughter? It's nearly like he has a huge iris and a tiny pupil, or a very large iris and no pupil at all, just some dark shadowing. Has it something to do with him being a star?
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Just one more thing. Is it just me, or does Ramandu have different eyes, compared to his daughter? It's nearly like he has a huge iris and a tiny pupil, or a very large iris and no pupil at all, just some dark shadowing. Has it something to do with him being a star?
I didn't make his eyes different intentionally, but I suppose it does look like it could belong to a star now that you mention it.
I'm not the best at ears, especially if I don't look at a picture of one for reference, on one drawing I did awhile ago I totally forgot to fill in the ear!
Thanks so much for all of your opinions!
It really helps me when I can get other peoples opinions, I usually only ask my mom, sister and dad what they think so it's nice to get a better Idea of how other people see my drawings and how I can better improve them!
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
I really like the eyes, Eyes are the hardest things to get right (imo). The slight smile with the eyes, makes it look like they're both wise and have a lot of depth. Really nice drawing.
NW bro of Atamar, Hoped4jill, and Georgiefan
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