Had a urge to make a poster and as there really aren't enough good VDT images to make a VDT poster I decided to make a PC one:
Comments and criticism are welcome as always!
By the way, please don't complain about the lack of Peter; he just didn't fit, it's as simple as that.
I'll always be a,
Rest in Peace Old Narniaweb
That is a cool poster....no complaints here! Nice job!!
"We have nothing if not belief"
Wow! That's really good! As a matter of fact, I like that better then most of the Disney ones!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Great PC poster narnialover101. In certain aspects, I much prefer your version than those that were officially released for PC. Coloration looks good (perhaps a bit on the golden side for the feel of PC, but still good). However, I really like the gold coloration used within the title text (seems to work really well with the green tones in the BG). I'm not sure one way or another on your choice of BG image, but I'm really glad to see that you went with something different and not specific to the BG's seen in PC. Blending of imagery looks pretty good, superb job on matching up lighting and coloration on character images to that of the environment. Your choices of character images also work well for the piece (it's nice to see a majority of them changed from what previous posters used). I really like the arrangment of characters around Aslan that you have setup at the bottom of the poster, looks really good. I'm not sure about the "towering" image of Caspian though. He seems too overpowering to me. Almost like he's the villian that looms over the others or that he is the one who is all powerful, that others look to for guidance. Film credits and an "attention graber" title line are working well as finishing touches. Nice work . If I had seen this poster advertised with the other posters that were released for PC, I would definitely have bought it.
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
You did do a fantastic job, Freddie, but you could have just as easily put Peter into the wallie, and omit Trumpkin. I love the colouration, because it seems very Narnian, and fits with the theme of the book. Well done.
Member of Ye Olde NarniaWeb
Very good job! Your blending seems flawless. The overall poster seems to be a bit too green for my taste though. And where's Peter? Although it is nice to see Trumpking in a poster.
Great text on the top - wonderfully done - and the logo is well done.
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.