I decided to try something new, hence the wallpaper with Peter done in a new style from me, as promised by title
Without further ado, here it is: http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm42 ... ter1IV.jpg
Comments are very welcome!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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Oh! That's really good! That's a different style but I like it a lot! The blue coloring looks really cool and I love how you did the text! I think it turned out very pretty. Do you think you might do wallpapers in that same style of the other Pevensies?
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Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
I really love the new design, Beginte!! It is different, but in a good way and I really like how simple it is! You always have such neat ideas!
The setup of the two pictures is very well done, the blending is great, and the text design is wonderful!
I hope to see more wallpapers from you in this style! It's very unique!
Well done (as always!)!
--- flambeau
President of the Manalive Conspiracy
Founder of Team Hoodie
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Thanks, guys!
Narnia Girl, thank you! I'm glad you like the blue coloring, I was hesitating between that and some else, but I chose the blue option as more unommon. Oh, I didn't really think of making a series, but now that you put it in my head... hmm, I think I will, thanks for the idea!
flambeau, thanks! Aw, thank you, I sometimes manage to come up with something new, but not always, but thanks for the sweet comment! After Narnia Girl's suggestion, I think I'll make the other Pevenises, Caspian and pooossibly Miraz, though not sure about that one. Thanks again! Oh, and BTW, is this a pic from BBC Robin Hood that I spot on your av?
Thanks again, guys!
I've seen the movie 9 times!!! (PC)
I've seen the movie 7 times!!! (VoDT) And loved it!
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A nice wp Beginte. I like to see something different in stylization. I'm not sure on all the negative space though. For this piece, I do like that there is a bit more negative space than other wps (it does work on the "styling" level), but, for me, it's just a little too much. It's a subjective thing though. Your choices of imagery work well for the piece. The layout between the two pics. looks good and the blending is great. I especially like how the bottom image begins to fade in with the BG. Coloration and lighting also look good (very effective in how it provides a shadow for the first Peter image). I also like the use of lighting on the text. On my screen however, the 'P' seems to have not enough of a light source on it, causing it to lose its 'P' shape. Nothing particulary wrong with that, the viewer still gets the gist that it says 'Peter'. Nice work .
Sig by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
NWsis to eves_daughter & ForeverFan
Love the beautiful blue colouring and the positioning of the font! I love the way you've blended the two images of Peter together! Wonderful work!
Avatar & Signature by Me
I love it. It's simple yet elegant. Compositing was done well, and I like the blue coloring. The typewriter font done down the side was effective as it gave the picture a boundry on one side, while all else is surrounded by the black background. Makes a good all around effect. Nice job!
Sig by ski_hi_flier Avvy by campgirl
This is very nice Beginte!! Though it's simple, in the style respect, I like the positioning of Peter, in the center. The blue coloring gives it a cool feel and the negitave space works really well. I love how parts of the text are hidden in the darkness. Wonderful job!!!! And I'd love to see ones of the other Pevesnies!!
(I was going to suggest it but NG beat me to it)
Wonderful job, with coloring, perspective, text, blending and EVERYTHING else!!!
Loyal supporter of Caspian/Susan.
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Ooh! Very nice. I like to see wallies every once in a while that have black borders with emphasis on one pic in the middle. The blue might be just a little to much for, me, but otherwise it is fantastic. The blending is great, as well as your choice of pictures. Without having to say anything you show Peter's progression through the movie PC, meaning character and personality changes and whatnot. The text is okay, but you might have played around with it a little.
It would be great to see different versions in a simular style to this. Maybe differing pics of the Pevensies at different croppings or angles or with text.
The *official First Follower of Aslan
Keeper of Susan's Grey Coat.
I really like the minimal, dark, professional effect. Nice job! The top of the "P" is a bit hard to read, however.
View my Prince Caspian Photo Montage. Relive the experience!
i really like the coloring and the two pics. i seem to love anything you do, you're so talented
or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch,Peter~Lucy
The black and the blue combined with the imagines give a creepy sort of feeling to it. (At least to me). After looking at the wallpaper, I would be afraid to meet Peter in battle. The font fits well. I would either add a little shadow to the "r" or add more light to the "P." I like things balanced.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Beautiful but simple . I really like it, the contrast between the used colours looks good. Very simple but very impressive wallpaper!
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I like the blue coloring. This wallpaper looks fairly simple, but you can tell of how hard you worked on it! Your effort shows...great job!
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New Style, but still as beautiful as always. Turned out awesome Beginte! Love the blue colouring, if I remember correctly you used to do that quite a bit. Love the blending and the way the pictures kind of fade into the black. The text looks great too. You are very talented and this wallie show it and like Ricasso said it looks very professional.
Great idea, NG to do them for the other Pevensies.
You could try Glozelle too, because I know you like his character and I think it would work quite well with pics of him if you can find any big enough.
I look forward to seeing more like this from you!!!!
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